PJC Case in Pittsburgh Presbytery over same-sex marriage

It is being widely reported, including a PC(USA) new service item, that the Rev. Janet Edwards, a member of
Pittsburgh Presbytery, will be charged by an investigating committee with preforming a same-sex marriage in violation of the PC(USA) Book of Order.  The presbytery Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC) has not set a hearing date. 

This case follows the acquittal of the Rev. Jane Adams Spahr by the Presbytery of the Redwoods PJC on similar charges this past spring.  That case is being appealed to the Synod PJC.  Rev. Edwards has retained a member of Rev. Spahr’s legal team.

In an interesting human-interest side bar, it is also reported that the Rev. Edwards is a direct descendant of THE Rev. Edwards, the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, born in 1703 and an influential colonial American clergy-man, well known for his sermon “Sinners in the hands of an angry God.”

Rev. Edwards is a board member of More Light Presbyterians, a network of churches working for the full participation of LGBT people in the life and witness of the presbyterian church.

2 thoughts on “PJC Case in Pittsburgh Presbytery over same-sex marriage

  1. Pingback: Decision in the Pittsburgh Presbytery Same-sex marriage PJC case: Dismissed on technicality - The GA Junkie

  2. Pingback: Complaint re-filed against Rev. Janet Edwards in Pittsburgh Presbytery - The GA Junkie

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