Monthly Archives: November 2008

All Saints Day 2008

For all the saints who from their labors rest,
Who thee by faith before the world confessed,
Thy name O Jesus, be forever blest.
Alleluia!  Alleluia!

If you have begun reading my blog in the last year I need to introduce you to one of my spiritual disciplines.  I use a few of the “feast days” in the traditional liturgical calendar as a way of reminding myself of the faithful lives that saints, those officially canonized and others not so formally declared, lived and displayed to the world.  But for me, the most significant is today, the Feast of All Saints, when I remember the saints I have known and that have been an inspiration to me in my spiritual journey, especially those who have joined the Church Triumphant in the past year.

This year I especially remember:

  • Dorothy — who though restricted in movement still attended worship and fellowship events at church with a smile that showed how much she loved the Lord and being part of the covenant community
  • Sonny — a dear friend and a wonderful, cheerful, faithful, and dedicated worker as long as he was able
  • Jean — who for years I saw working for the church doing little acts of hospitality and concern
  • Rose — someone who understood the wider church and cared about it more than most
  • Jack — how do I describe a saint like Jack?  While he would never accord himself the title, he was a “street” theologian who understood Reformed theology as well as anyone around here and would share his insights enthusiastically.  And as much as Jack understood what lay on the other side, he fought mightily to stay with the Church Militant
  • Robert — He demonstrated the essence of what it meant to be a Christian in the public arena
  • Bill — He always had a smile on his face and had good reason to, including a marriage that was in its seventh decade

These and others now praise God around the throne with the Church Triumphant.  Well done good and faithful servants.  And thanks for inspiring me.  May I run the race as well.

O blest communion, fellowship divine
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine;
Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine.
Alleluia!  Alleluia!