Category Archives: PC Ireland

Special Meeting Of The General Assembly Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland To Discuss The Presbyterian Mutual Society

Earlier this week the Rev. Dr. Stafford Carson, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, issued the call for a special meeting of the Assembly to consider the plan recently proposed by the Northern Ireland Government.  The meeting is to be held on Tuesday 13 April at 2:00 PM, the first date possible with the requisite 14 day advance notice of the meeting.

The press release says:

The business of the Special Assembly, says the letter, is “to consider the present situation for savers in the Presbyterian Mutual Society andto respond to a recent initiative of the Northern Ireland Executive.”

“On Monday the First Minister and deputy First Minister announced that they had formulated proposals to resolve the PMS crisis which they intended to submit to both the Prime Minister and Treasury,” said the Moderator. “The Church recognises the substantial financial commitment of both the Treasury and the Northern Ireland Executive in this process and appreciates all that has been done by Executive Ministers, local politicians and their officials to reach this point.”

“We understand that part of these proposals will involve a financial contribution from the Presbyterian Church. In order to expedite the process we have called this special meeting of the General Assembly,whose decision would be necessary to raise any funds”

The press release says that the report and proposed motions are expected to be mailed out to commissioners next week.  This is only the third special meeting of an Assembly in the last 34 years.

Last Monday, the day before the notice of call was issued, the Rev. Carson issued a statement about the possible settlement:

We welcome the announcement from the First Minister and deputy First Minister that they will be meeting with the Prime Minister Gordon Brown to press for a resolution of the PMS crisis.

It’s encouraging to know that a solution may be possible but we are disappointed that everyone’s preferred option of a commercial solution does not now seem possible. From our perspective that was the only solution that would deliver 100 pence in the pound to all savers.

However, if the Northern Ireland Executive, in consultation with the Treasury has been able to devise a scheme that restores 100 percent of all savings then that will be an excellent outcome.

We have not seen details of the proposals and at this stage we need clarity. We have sought written information on the details of this package and await a response.

The details of the government proposal are not yet know but a Belfast News Letter article says “It is believed that First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness are set to meet Prime Minister Gordon Brown imminently to discuss the deal.”  However, a Belfast Telegraph article reports on the dissatisfaction of some savers in the Society regarding the suggestion that even though the plan would pay them back most, if not all, of their deposits the funds would be returned over time and not immediately as they desire.

Stay tuned as details of the proposal and the church report are released.

Update On The Presbyterian Mutual Society And The Presbyterian Church Of Ireland

Within the last week there have been some positive developments related to recovering from the Presbyterian Mutual Society collapse.  The Society, which failed almost two years ago now, was associated with, but legally distinct from, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.  Over the last two years the discussion has been both how to wind down the Society to get the best value from the assets is does have as well as the church having political discussions about a government rescue even this far after the collapse.

Some news this week…

The Presbyterian Mutual Society administrator has released an update regarding court decisions last week.  The most closely watched decision pertains to paying back depositors and the court granted permission for that to begin.  The situation is complicated by the fact that large depositors (more than £20,000) are regarded as creditors and small depositors as shareholders and in February the court did not grant permission for all members to be treated equally but upheld the law that creditors must be paid back first.  With that being the case and the court granting permission, the administrator has announced this week that at the end of the month he will make the first payment to creditors of 12p on the £.  The administrator is required to make public notice of this and the text of the notice that will appear in newspapers of record is available as a PDF document.

The administrator also reports that the court granted a one year renewable extension to the administration of the Society instead of the five year period he asked for.  In addition the court has given direction (reported but not described) concerning those depositors who were also borrowers from the society and it gave permission and guidance on forming a creditor’s committee on which the administrator plans to include a shareholder observer.  There is an Irish Times article and the  BBC has an article on this and William Crawley has more in his Will & Testament blog.  From the Irish Times piece it has the useful information that roughly £100 million is due shareholders and £204 million is due creditors.  The administrator has determined that probable loan recovery will be £102 million and the value of investment property is £97 million.

On the other front there is current action on the political rescue front as well. Yesterday First Minister Peter Robinson told the Northern Ireland Assembly that rescue of the Society by a commercial bank is still the preferred path forward and would do the most for the savers in the Society.  Today the situation is being debated in Parliament to remind the British Government of the seriousness of the situation.  The Londonderry Sentinel quotes one of their local MP’s, Gregory Campbell, as saying about the debate “This should ensure that the needs of savers with the PMS are heard in Parliament and the Government know exactly how important action is for these people.” And the Belfast News Letter quotes another MP, William McCrea, saying “The DUP will continue to work towards a resolution that will see money paid to all savers both large and small.”

In related political action Mr. Robinson in his comments also said that a government panel put together to consider the rescue alternatives should be reporting soon.  A recent UK Treasury committee investigation (Irish Times article) blamed a number of factors for the collapse including lack of tight Northern Ireland government oversight and regulation and the directors of the Society for the management.

It should be no surprise that with the slow pace of resolution, the inaction by the British Government when other financial institutions have been rescued, and the association of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland with the Society there are plenty of frustrated opinions being expressed.  Mr. McQuillan, a politician from East Londonderry, is quoted:

“The Westminster Government has failed the PMS savers.

“They protected various credit unions and sought compensation from Iceland for Britons who lost money abroad, but they have failed the savers within the PMS here in this loyal part of the United Kingdom.”

The Belfast News Letter article is titled “PMS payment ‘too little, too late’” and has corresponding quotes from Mr. Ian McGimpsey – “Whilst this payment may bring some financial comfort to many loan holders, for others with substantial debts to pay it will have
little or no impact,” – and from Mr. Jim Allister – “It is, however, also important to remember that the smallest investors who may have the greatest need – those who had under £20,000 invested in the society -have not even received this paltry sum (of 12p in the pound),” he said,adding that the delay in resolving the PMS “is appalling”.

A Belfast Telegraph article, “Reduced payout of cold comfort to PMS investors” focuses on the Rev. Dr. Stafford Carson, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, and the stories he has heard from investors and how the church is working for a resolution.  And a piece in the Portadown Times by Dr. Carson details the involvement and investment by his own congregation in the Society.

So it looks like we hold on a little longer to see what government, probably combined with commercial, rescue might be put together.  And yes, this will certainly be a topic at the upcoming General Assembly.

UPDATE: Following the debate the Moderator, the Rev. Dr. Stafford Carson, posted his comments and general positive attitude about the hearing that the issues got in Parliament.  He also provides us the links to the transcript of the debate and the following answers to questions about the situation.

Moderator Designate Of The General Assembly Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

Three news sources, the BBC, U.TV, and Daily News, are reporting that the Rev. Norman Hamilton, pastor of Ballysillan Presbyterian Church in north Belfast, has been chosen by the presbyteries as the Moderator designate of the 2010 General Assembly.  Presuming that he carried the five presbyteries that voted for him in the February vote, he received votes from six of the nine presbyteries that voted for candidates not making it into the second round.  He received the votes of eleven of the nineteen presbyteries.

The BBC provides this reaction from Rev. Hamilton:

“I am greatly humbled and surprised that this has come to me.”

“I hope during my year to bring a very Biblical perspective to a wide range of issues that are important to both church and society.”

Second Vote For The Moderator Of The General Assembly Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland Tomorrow — Presbyterians Doing Things Decently And In Order

Originally I was not planning to post a pre-meeting comment about tomorrow’s second vote to select the Moderator designate of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.  The vote is necessary because in last month’s voting the Rev. Norman Hamilton and the Rev. Norman McAuley each received five presbytery nominating votes with the remaining nine votes divided between three of the other four candidates.

But today Alf McCreary, the religion correspondent for the Belfast Telegraph, has an opinion piece in that paper titled “Church’s election process shows the need for reform.”  In that article he brings up two good arguments why the church should modify their election procedures.  While I see his point I am not sure that I agree with him.

His first point is that the second vote should be taken the same day as the first rather than waiting the month.  He argues that this would provide a longer lead time for the nominated candidate to make the necessary preparations for the Assembly and their moderatorial year. 

From the practical consideration of giving a designate a chance to prepare I could see that the four extra weeks to make arrangements could be useful.  But from the management of the presbytery meeting and the discernment process of the body having the vote at successive meetings is more logical.  Going through the process twice in one evening would get it over with but would also prolong the evening since every presbytery reports to a central office and 18 presbyteries would have to wait for the last one to report to know if another vote is necessary.  Yes, times could be set for voting to be completed, but to set pre-determined inflexible times for making decisions goes against the Presbyterian concept of the body taking the time to discern God’s will together.  (Note: this is not an argument against a specific body setting its own time to end debate.  Any individual governing body is welcome to limit their debates as they decide for themselves.  My argument is with outside constraints limiting discussion.)

And if the amount of lead time is truly a concern then move the moderator voting back a month so there will be sufficient time after a runoff should there be one.

Mr. McCreary’s second point is equally valid – that with a term of one year by the time the Moderator has come up to speed through on the job training their moderatorial year is up.

While valid points, what both of these arguments miss is the nature of the role of the Moderator in the Presbyterian system.

First, the Moderator is chosen for his previous experience, service to the church and divinely bestowed gifts for this form of service.  Particularly if the moderator designate is a pastor they have already moderated session meetings and probably church committee meetings.  The presbyteries in selecting their nominee should consider the skills and abilities each candidate has for presiding at the meetings and representing the church throughout the year.

As an aside, while the selection to be a Moderator of a higher governing body is an honor it should not be viewed as a “lifetime achievement award” or automatic post when you have “put in your time.”  Like all positions within the church God bestows specific gifts upon each believer for them to use for the building up of the Body.  Not all these gifts are alike.  While everyone has gifts, not everyone has the gifts of administration and leadership desiresable for the position of Moderator.  The body’s work of discernment is related to identifying those who do possess the gifts that correspond to a particular position of service, be it Moderator or another office.

Second, the position of Moderator is one of service and not authority.  Granted, he is empowered with the authority necessary to conduct the meetings of the governing body decently and in order.  But beyond that he has no authority of his own but the authorization of the governing body.  In this light, the position is a temporary one and passes to the next Moderator on a regular basis, generally when the governing body next reconstitutes itself.

Having said that I would also acknowledge that the selection process for the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland is both unique among Presbyterian branches and also my favorite.  It is the only one where all those gathered to discern God’s will are not in the same place but rather distributed in their 19 individual presbytery meetings.  Other branches do it by nominating committee or the Moderator is selected from among the members of the Assembly when the governing body convenes.  To me, having one individual identified and endorsed by the wider church represented by the presbyteries is particularly meaningful.

So there you have my commentary on the Irish process.  I can understand the concern for efficiency, expediency and experience.  And I would hope that in our governing bodies we would keep those goals in mind — but only to the extent that we are still concerned with discerning God’s will together.

First Vote For Presbyterian Church In Ireland Moderator Designate Ends In A Tie

Well, I guess William Crawley gets points for calling it Friday at Will and Testament. His closing line was

In other words: it’s too close to call. If I was a betting man (whichI’m not), I’d expect the election to continue into March.

The results were just released by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, as reported by the BBC, and two nominees, the Rev.  Norman Hamilton of Ballysillan, Belfast, and the Rev. Norman McAuley of Greenwell Street, Newtownards, both received the votes of five presbyteries.  The other nine presbytery votes were not specifically reported but only described as “divided among three other candidates.”  And that means that one candidate received no votes.

When the voting is reported I’ll update it here.  However, the BBC article is suggestive by listing the Rev. Derek McKelvey, Rev. Ivan Patterson, and the Rev. Roy Mackey, but not the Rev. Ruth Patterson.

UPDATE: The Church press release is now out and breaks down the voting as:  Hamilton – 5, McAuley – 5, McKelvey – 4, I. Patterson – 4, and Mackey – 1.  They also note that this is the third tie vote in nine years.

So, as Mr. Crawley so presciently suggested, the presbyteries will vote again between these two nominees in March.

Selection Of The Moderator Designate For The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

The month of January was a particularly busy one for me, as evidenced by the fact that I only posted eight times.  But having just finished up one service to the church (which is now available on-line) and having been part of a wonderful family celebration this past weekend, I now hope to return to blogging in earnest.

And none too soon since tomorrow, the first Tuesday in February, is one of my favorite of Presbyterian events – the selection of the Moderator Designate for the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.

In fine Presbyterian, “lets come together and discern this as the body of Christ” fashion, all the presbyteries meet on the same evening and each discusses who should be the next Moderator of the General Assembly.  Each votes and sends their result into the Clerk of Assembly.  For the last couple of years there has been a predetermined list to vote on, but I actually liked it better in the past when there was no slate and each presbytery proposed names that night and voted their choice from that local slate.

From the PCI press release this year’s nominees are:

Rev Norman Hamilton(Ballysillan)
Rev Derek McKelvey (Fisherwick)
Rev Norman McAuley (Greenwell Street,Newtownards)
Rev Roy Mackay (Second Comber)
Rev Ivan Patterson(Newcastle)
Rev Ruth Patterson (Restoration Ministries)

The press release also contains brief biographies of each nominee.  Revs. Hamilton, McKelvey, and Ruth Patterson have been nominees before.  And for the record, if Ms. Patterson were elected she would be not only the first woman ordained as clergy in the PCI but the first female moderator of the PCI as well.

If you are looking for a “favourite” to watch the Belfast Telegraph handicaps the nominees:

Informed church sources in Belfast believe that Ms Patterson would not be the bookies’ favourite.

The front-runners are the Reverend Norman Hamilton (64), minister of Ballysillan in north Belfast; and the Reverend Derek McKelvey (65), of the fashionable Fisherwick Church in south Belfast.

Insiders, however, have tipped the Reverend Norman McAuley (34), of Newtownards, to emerge as the winner.

[As an editorial comment, the Belfast Telegraph lists his age as 34 but the PCI press release lists the date of birth as 1956 so he would be 54, not 34.  I guess we will get a chance to check that if he is indeed elected.]

The Belfast Telegraph has a second article about the election which does a really great job of explaining the nature and role of the Moderator of the General Assembly as well as discussing the possible politics or the body’s sense of balance behind the voting.  And over at Will and Testament William Crawley also does the “what if” and decides this one is too close to call and may go to a run-off in March.

Stay tuned and we will find out the discernment of the church at about this time tomorrow.

Presbyterian Mutual Society Gets Its Hearing

First, I apologize for the silence the last week.  A lot going on in my life at the moment and my relaxation time blogging has been severely cut back.  The next two weekends I have a big meeting and a big family event and I suspect I’ll get back to my regular rhythm in about eleven days.  I hope so because I have a lot of material piling up in draft and note form.

Having said that, I just sent off a major “deliverable” so I have a very short break to look at the latest events this week related to the Presbyterian Mutual Society in Northern Ireland.  I gave an update about three weeks ago and want to thank “Anonymous” for the pointer to a current forum for discussion of the situation.

Unfortunately this week’s news about the situation is not confirmation of the rumored deal to bail out the savers and investors.  (And as noted in the comments from last time I have been sloppy with my use of the terms “savers” and “investors,” lumping them together.  I will try to be more precise.)  But the Society was in the news this week as a select committee of the U.K. Treasury met in Belfast to inquire into the collapse of the Society.  For Northern Ireland this was front page news being covered by the Irish Times, Derry Journal, Belfast News Letter, and Belfast Telegraph, among other.  It was also a topic among the blogs including Alan in Belfast and William Crawley: Will and Testament.

And then we have the reports from the Rt. Rev. Dr. Stafford Carson, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland.  More than an outside observer, he was a focal point at the inquiry as he led the delegation from the Church.  The Irish Times article includes a brief report on a question asked of him by the committee chair, Mr. John McFall, former Northern Ireland Minister:

Mr McFall also demanded to know from the moderator of the PresbyterianChurch, Dr Stafford Carson, if it felt any responsibility to the 10,000savers left unable to access their funds by the sudden failure of thescheme. Dr Carson said the church was very aware of the plight of itscongregation who had invested in the society.

Since the collapse of the Society this has been a sticky point for the Presbyterian Church.  While the Society was a free-standing financial entity, it had very close ties to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland which promoted saving and investing in the Society, had several congregations that were heavily invested, and savers had to be members of the church to put their money there.  However, the Presbyterian Church has made it clear that it does not have financial resources to even begin compensating savers and investors and the collapse was part of the greater global financial crisis so the government should help the mutual societies the same way it helped other financial institutions.

It is important to note that Rev. Carson mentioned this meeting twice in his own blog.  He posted the day before the meeting with a brief description of what this was about and the text of his prepared remarks.  He then posted again after the meeting and among his thoughts he says:

The Treasury Select Committee asked some hard and good questions. Theeffect of that was to re-focus and re-energise the efforts we have madeto get the situation resolved, and for that we are very thankful. Muchof the discussion was taken up with the question as to how this crisiswas allowed to develop, and the failures of the registration andregulation process. The Committee report will make for interestingreading.

This seems to be as close as he gets to mentioning the question to him reported by the Irish Times.  He goes on to say…

All through this crisis, however, we have sought to stay focused on theresolution of the problem. When other financial institutions in the UKgot into trouble, they were bailed out without any inquiry into thecause of their collapse and without regard to the culpability of theinstitution. What became clear yesterday was that no one is reallytaking ownership of the drive towards a resolution, and, as John McFallsaid, the “pass the parcel” game needs to stop and a new political willneeds to be found. We hope that the visit of the committee will helpcreate that will and purpose.

So, we will see if this brings any government action, specifically a bail out like the other financial institutions had.  And without news soon this could become a very hot topic at the upcoming General Assembly.

Finally, it is important to note another piece of news about the Society and that is a further delay in the Administrator making the first payment to investors and savers.  This is where the distinction between the two groups may become important because under the bankruptcy laws the investors, who technically loaned the Society large sums of money, would be due payment before the savers who had lesser quantities on deposit with the Society.  A first payment was initially anticipated last month but clarifying the legal issues, and maybe accumulating more available cash, are holding up the payments until at least March. (Belfast News Letter, statement on PMS web site)  Next week the High Court is scheduled to rule on this as well as hear the request from the Administrator to extend the administration of the Society for five years.

Stay tuned – this has a long way yet to go.

Hope For Presbyterian Mutual Society Investors In Ireland?

Yes, the collapse of the Presbyterian Mutual Society in Ireland is still an on-going issue, and no, there is still no definite word of a more favorable outcome… But there is some news to provide hope of a possible positive resolution.

As a reminder, the Presbyterian Mutual Society was a free-standing financial institution in which individuals and congregations in Northern Ireland could deposit funds and the Society used them for loans to churches to help with building and renovation.  While not a part of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland there were very strong ties.  (e.g. It was open only to Presbyterian investors and the original web site was within the PCI web site.) Well, it turns out that the Society also invested in some commercial real estate and when the global economy turned down their balance sheet turned negative, there was a “run on the bank,” and the Society was unable to cover their deposits.  The Society is now “In Administration” and the Administrator is trying to “wind down” the Society in an orderly manner such that as they liquidate real estate they can recover as much of the property value as possible as the economy recovers. For more of the background I wrote about this in November 2008, January 2009, February 2009, another February 2009, and March 2009.  Over the last nine months the issue has not gone away but firm developments have been hard to come by.

One of the things which has drawn a lot of criticism from church leaders, Society investors, and Northern Ireland politicians is that in the financial crisis the British government bailed out virtually every financial institution… except mutual societies.  Over the last nine months there has been work by many people to try to restore the investments in the Society either with government help or with a “white knight.” 

The former has not been too successful yet. The Moderator of the General Assembly of the PCI, the Rt. Rev. Stafford Carson mentions in his blog last June about setting up a working group with the British government on this matter – As of 10 December this Working Group has still not reported, the report being expected last September.  And politicians, some in their end of year messages, are saying that they want to see some progress in 2010.  (The PMS/PCI blog run by investors has been quiet for over a year now.)  UPDATE: Thanks to the comment below for the pointer to the on-going discussion board thread about the situation with the Society.  And thanks for the link back here – but from reading through the board they are way ahead of me.  That seems to be the place for the most up-to-date information.

But the Christmas season did bring hope for a financial resolution and while nothing has been announced, there is recent word that one may be at hand.  Back in November, officials in the PCI offices did confirm that there were three financial institutions that had shown an interest in taking over the Society.  Just before Christmas it was announced by MP Jeffrey Donaldson that talks with one bank were at an “advanced stage.”  He also says that coming to terms for the take-over would depend in part on “the level of government support.”

It is no surprise that this drawn-out resolution has tried the patience of many investors – As one headline says “PMS ‘taking longer than Falklands War.'”  This impatience is not helped by the fact that the Administrator did not get an interim payment out to investors before Christmas as he had hoped (Irish Times), and in fact the payment may be further delayed if High Court approval is necessary.  This results from the manner in which the Society structured deposits with depositors having less than £20,000 being shareholders and those over that amount formally loaning that money to the Society.  While the Society’s rules and the investor adopted wind-down plan would treat everyone equally, under the insolvency laws those who loaned the money would get preferential treatment.  The Administrator has suggested that some loan holders now might try to invoke this preferential repayment.

Finally, possible financial mismanagement that got the Society to this point is still being looked at as well.  The Financial Services Authority looked at their operations last Spring and concluded the Society was “conducting regulated activities without the necessary authorisation or exemption” but they decided they did not have enough information for a successful prosecution.  The Belfast News Letter now reports that “The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Industry (DETI) is stillconsidering action regarding the conduct of directors of thePresbyterian Mutual Society after five months, it has confirmed.”

So while there is clear hope on the horizon for the Society investors it appears that this journey still has several twists and turns to make before they arrive at a clear resolution.  Stay tuned.

General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland 2009 — Summary and Comments

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland concluded last Wednesday evening.  I was disappointed that the webcasting was discontinued before the concluding worship service because I found the opening worship moving and inspirational.  (Deepest thanks to Alan at Alan in Belfast for alerting me to the BBC Ulster broadcast of the opening worship.)

At the opening worship the outgoing Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Donald Patton, preached on Philippians 2:1-11 and talked about his time as Moderator and the theme of “Journeying” — how Jesus journeyed by “emptying himself,” being “born in human likeness,” and being “obedient to death – even death on a cross” as the scripture passage talks about.  In his sermon he identified some renewed sectarian violence in Northern Ireland as a threat the church must address and not let get out of hand.  He also commented on the implications of the Presbyterian Mutual Society situation for members of the church that have money now “locked up” in the Society.  And in the sermon, and throughout the Assembly, blame for the run on the Society was placed with the British Government when they increased the guarantee on banks and other financial institutions but not on the Mutual Society leading people to move money to safer locations.

One of the joys of having the audio or video webcast of GA worship is the opportunity to hear hymns not usually used in my regular circles.  For the opening worship the singing was full, the music and musicians inspiring, the musical arrangement and orchestration uplifting, and the selection complimented the worship very well.  In particular, I found the singing of “There is a Higher Throne” by Keith and Kristyn Getty as a response to the time remembering the 12 ministers that have gone on to their heavenly reward in the past year a very moving moment.  (I was also interested to hear from the radio host that Keith Getty has served as the musical director for Assembly worship in the past.  And you have to love the radio host saying that “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” is one of his favorite hymns but he desisted from singing along.)

Following worship the new Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Stafford Carson was formally appointed by the Assembly, introduced and installed.  The PCI Twitter messages said that during the opening worship Rev.
Carson was outside talking to those protesting the Mutual Society
situation and lack of church response.  For his installation he was escorted into the Assembly hall by all the former moderators in attendance.

Acknowledging the controversy of this Assembly, Mr. Carson in his opening comments referred to the situation with the Presbyterian Mutual Society and how it relates to his theme for the Assembly and the coming year: “Passion for Christ; Compassion for People.”  He noted how the crisis had touched people in every congregation.  How their cry for help had been heard.  How it called for a uniquely Christian response.  He talked about the threat to the unity of the church:

It is this awful situation that the Presbyterian Mutual Society unfolds some of us are fearful that as a church our unity is under serious threat.  That what Satan has failed to achieve through arguments about theology or about ecclesiology he now seeks to achieve through this financial crisis.  He wants to divide us.  He wants to neutralize our effectiveness as a witness to Christ in this community.  And that is why we need to resolve that however this situation develops we will support and love and care for each other.  Make no mistake about it, we are all in this together. (applause)

The references to the work of Satan, while scriptural, strike me as a bit strong for a Presbyterian preacher and probably in some part reflect Mr. Carson’s pentecostal upbringing.  William Crawley at Will and Testament talks a bit about this statement and some of the theological implications, such as whether the protesters are “unwitting pawns in the Devil’s plan to disturb the unity of the Presbyterian Church?”  

William Crawley also notes that there was a second much smaller protest outside addressing the new Moderator’s expressed opinion against the ordination of women as clergy.

Throughout the Assembly it was hard to miss the implications of the Mutual Society collapse.  During the Mission In Ireland report it was noted how the Mutual Society collapse hastened the decline and demise of the Sankill Road Mission.  The United Appeal Board noted how giving to local churches for the United Appeal had been placed in the Society until forwarded on to the Board and were now lost or tied up.  (They also noted that this practice of placing it in an investment account while a common practice was against the policy for the handling of the United Appeal funds.)  And throughout the Assembly there were other stories of what “could have been” if funds invested with the Society were available.

Tuesday afternoon’s debate on the Presbyterian Mutual Society was orderly if passionate.  Many of the leaders of the church shared that they and their churches were also heavily invested in the Society and had their money tied up.  The debate was opened by reminding the commissioners that the debate was not legally privileged and that statements made in the discussion could be used in future litigation so be careful what anyone says.  While there were lots of reports of the many individuals and churches that have been affected by the crisis easy answers were not forthcoming.  The PCI and the Society, while affiliated are legally separate entities.  But there were still protests that the church had promoted investing in the Society for the good of the church and that the investments were presented as lower risk than they actually were.  In the end the Assembly expressed concern for all those impacted by the situation and agreed to continue their aggressive efforts to have the British Government guarantee the Society as they have done for almost every other financial institution.  In addition, a committee will look into the theological and moral implications of the situation.  William Crawley has his report on the Society debate as well.

[There have been some developments in the last few days in this situation including a preliminary mild admission of regulatory problems in this situation.  And there is discussion if this is a matter for the British or Northern Ireland government.  But British Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s comments about his “Presbyterian conscience” at the time of the Assembly, in regards to an unrelated issue of MP expense reimbursements, has not generally gone over well in this situation.]

There was a much more encouraging theme running through the Assembly as well and that was SPUD.  SPUD is the name of a program that began with a youth conference earlier this year to which two youth members of every congregation were invited.  That conference included the discussion, debate, and forwarding of business to the Assembly.  But the 14 items of business were not presented during a unified report on Spud, but during each of the board reports there would be a section where youth representatives would present their business that fell under the area for that board.  It was a great way to handle this business, not just from the point of view of grouping the business, but from the aspect of having youth delegates before the Assembly on a regular basis throughout the meeting.

Among the presented items were

  • That the General
    Assembly encourage Congregations in the process of formulating Mission
    Plans, to ensure young people are involved in a meaningful way in the
    development of each local plan.
  • That the General
    Assembly encourage the appointment of youth representatives in
    Congregations and Presbyteries to promote engagement and participation
    of local congregations in global mission.
  • That the General
    Assembly encourage Congregations and Presbyteries to reassess buildings
    and resources by June 2010 to see how they can most effectively be
    utilized in and by our communities.
  • That the General
    Assembly encourage Congregations to ensure the empowerment of young
    people in meaningful and appropriate participation in every aspect of
    Congregational life and witness.

In addition, there was a report with a video presentation on SPUD and the Youth Assembly.  The term SPUD was used as an acronym for “Speaking Participating Understanding Deciding.”  In particular, the SPUD delegates also voiced their concern for the elimination of two peacemaking posts in the church.  The Assembly agreed with them and left the posts for another year.

In the Peacemaking report there was a story I found particularly powerful of a church that got a call from the local guard post asking when their Holiday Bible Club would be held.  After some discussion the pastor learned that the guard post could let some of their officers take vacation during the time the Club met because past experience had shown it was a time of reduced crime.

In other business the Assembly:  Agreed to study the admission of children to the Lord’s Supper.  Discussed the training of different forms of ministry including Recognized Preachers and Evangelists.  Heard reports on Peacemaking, especially in the wake of the recent sectarian killings.  Received a property report where the tweet says “Adrian McClernon
likens property performance over past 2 years to the alleged
performance of the Irish swimming team ‘Nobody drowned’.”  Associated with this was passed a proposal to renovate the headquarters building Church House.  And there was ample discussion of general financial conditions and implications for pastors’ salaries and pensions and keeping individual churches open.

The Moderator has now posted two articles to his blog about the Assembly.  The first is a general summary and includes the observation that the Assembly showed a great sense of unity as demonstrated by the fact that no standing vote card vote was taken in this assembly.  The second article is about the Wednesday night rally/worship where the Revival of 1859 was remembered and celebrated.  At the rally Mr. Carson’s friend, the Rev. Phil Ryken, pastor of Tenth Presbyterian in Philadelphia, preached.  In addition, the official Twitter messages were plentiful providing a detailed narrative of what was happening at the Assembly, in all totaling 486 messages.

It is interesting to follow this Assembly because unlike North American Presbyterian branches this church, while suffering some effects of secularization, is still woven into the fabric of the society.  One evening there was a very interesting panel discussion about health care and the ministries of the church and the respect those ministries are shown by the political leaders on the panel was a cause for celebration.  While the Assembly was marked by the Mutual Society crisis, which is unique to this church, the general global financial downturn and the decreasing importance of the church can be seen here as they are in many Presbyterian branches throughout the world.  But the enthusiasm and commitment shown by the youth representing SPUD was another point of celebration.  At one point a commissioner asked a youth delegate if they wanted to be more specific about how to incorporate youth into the life of the church.  The youth answered that “the resolution was intentionally vague.  Dream Big!”

I encourage you to dream big for all of us.

General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland — There Is Webcasting

Thanks to Spud for the comment on the last post letting us know that the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland will be webcast at

I will check it out tomorrow.  Thanks again.

(Update – Tuesday Morning:  I am having trouble getting the Java viewer to work in Firefox but it is doing fine in IE7.)

Also, the Twitter service has been good but I have not seen a search term for discussions yet.