General Assembly Of The Free Church Of Scotland (Continuing) 2024

As I have been saying, this week there are traditionally three General Assemblies, and I will honor the trifecta and bring you a brief note about the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) and its General Assembly.

The General Assembly of the Free Church (Continuing) will convene tomorrow, Monday, 20 May at Patrick Free Church (Continuing) in Glasgow.

The new venue allows them to live stream the proceedings on the church’s various channels. These are all listed at the bottom of the General Assembly article including a feed on SermonAudio.

The Reports for the meeting are available to download. Likewise, there is a page to download the Acts and Proceedings. I don’t expect regular updates during the Assembly but following the meeting we can expect a summary article on the News feed.

The Free Church (Continuing) does have a Twitter account @fccscot, but typically there is nothing being posted live, and a notice of a summary article will probably appear shortly afterward. I am not seeing hashtags in use yet but following past practice they would use #fccscot and #GA2024, but remember that the second one is also being used by the Church of Scotland, so the first one may be a better one to watch. There may also be live information on the Facebook page, including the livestream.

The convening of the Assembly tomorrow will include the formal election and installation of the Rev. Andrew R. Allan as the Moderator for this year. Rev. Allan has an interesting background and an earlier long-term career as a freelance photographer. His conversion to a saving faith and journey to the pastorate came later in life. He is also the pastor of the host church for the Assembly.

In the business Wednesday morning, 22 May, the Assembly will consider the Committee on Public Questions, Religion and Morals report. It begins with a discussion of the moral decline of the country and the loss of its spiritual life. It then addresses several specific issues: Child Discipline, Gender Recognition, Transgenderism, Conversion Therapy, Abortion, Assisted Suicide, Lord’s Day Matters, Climate Change, and Funerals. For most of these, the recommendation is to educate the members of the church and/or advocate for their position with the government.

And so we look forward to following the work of this General Assembly, and we pray for their deliberations and witness.

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