It is common among American Presbyterians, when trying to explain our system of Presbyterian Government, to appeal to the structure of our Federal government to help explain how we do things. This is for good reason because the two governmental systems have strong similarities in their elected representative forms, the presence of checks and balances, and the appearance of different branches of government. The parallels are not coincidental — while it is often said that the U.S. Government was patterned on the Presbyterian system, several authorities I have consulted prefer to say that the two systems developed at the same time in the same cultural and philosophical climate.
It can not be denied that there is a strong tie between the two. James Madison was one of the most influential members of the 1787 Constitutional Convention, possibly the individual having the greatest single influence on the government structure in the Constitution. He was also a graduate of the Presbyterian College of New Jersey, now Princeton University, and following his graduation in 1771 he remained there for another year or two as he studied with the college president, the Rev. John Witherspoon, who had recently arrived from Scotland to serve as the college’s sixth president. While Madison himself seems to have affiliated with the Episcopal Church, his education clearly included heavy influence by Presbyterians. (For reference regarding timing, the Presbyterians instituted multiple synods and brought them together in the first General Assembly in 1789 in Philadelphia.)
However, while I have used the analogy between the Presbyterian and American systems of government in the past I have moved away from that because the differences between them are just as important to our polity as the similarities.
One of the big differences is that Presbyterianism is a different sort of representative government. When a teaching or ruling elder participates in the deliberations of a governing body they may be there as the representatives of the members that elected them to that position, but they are not there to represent the views of those people. The Presbyterian church is not a democracy or a republic, it is a theocracy. The very first thing the PC(USA) Book of Order says is:
All power in heaven and earth is given to Jesus Christ by Almighty God, who raised Christ from the dead and set him above all rule and authority, all power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. God has put all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and has made Christ Head of the Church, which is his body. [G-1.0100a]
And lest you think they are alone the PCA Book of Church Order begins in a very similar way. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church and those in governing bodies are there to seek God’s will and do it, not to follow the opinion of the people. I would first note that this Book of Order section is a constant reminder to me of what the purpose of church government is and this probably explains why I really don’t like that the new revised PC(USA) Form of Government has moved this away from the opening lines of the Foundations section. My second note here is to clarify that I am not saying that the opinions and views of those we represent are not important — they are very important. But they need to be considered as part of the discernment process and possibly held in tension with the leading of the Holy Spirit. As the Book of Order says “Presbyters are not simply to reflect the will of the people, but rather to seek together to find and represent the will of Christ.” [G-4.0301d]
Maybe the most serious error frequently made in trying to explain Presbyterian government is to describe it as having three branches like the Federal system. It is tempting to equate the full Assembly as a legislative branch, the judicial commission as the judicial branch, and an executive as the executive branch. The truth is that a Presbyterian governing body has only one branch and that is the body itself. We have single bodies which are mostly legislative, or deliberative, and the executive or judicial functions exist not to be branches in their own right but as parts of the governing body to assist the body in carrying out its mission. Not to put too fine a point on this, but remember that judicial commissions are just that – commissions. They are empowered or commissioned to act on behalf of the governing body with the full authority of the governing body, within the limits specificed by the governing body. A commission is an extension of the body to do a particular job, not a separate body.
And this brings me to a third difference, the system of checks and balances. In the Federal system the primary system of checks and balances is between the three coequal branches of the U.S. government. Another system of checks and balances exists between the Federal government and the state governments but how strong a system of checks that should be is a matter of discussion by constitutional scholars. In the connectional Presbyterian system the checks and balances are in “governing bodies (traditionally called judicatories or courts) in regular gradation.” [G-4.0301c] Our governing bodies are not independent but each sends representatives to the higher one and each higher one has the responsibility of review on the lower ones. Governing bodies are not independent and autonomous but have come together to be the Body of Christ together in this time and place.
And so, on this 234th anniversary of the Rev. Witherspoon and his fellow delegates to the Continental Congress affixing their signatures to the Declaration of Independence, with a Presbyterian General Assembly underway, we acknowledge the deep connections in history and philosophy the two systems of government share. But we also recognize that these two governments have two different purposes and serve two different ends and so there are also structural and philosophical differences between the two reflecting how their purposes diverge.
So where every American Presbyterians find themselves today, be it in Minneapolis or somewhere else, have a very good Fourth of July.