The 42nd General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church began yesterday at Ward Evangelical Presbyterian Church, in Northville, Michigan. Tuesday and most of Wednesday, there are workshops and classes that are part of the annual Leadership Institute. Business sessions convene at 4 PM Wednesday afternoon, 22 June, and will continue through Friday afternoon, as needed.
The Assembly meeting will be live-streamed on the web. This will include not just the business sessions but the plenary talks of the Leadership Institute.
There is a lot of information online, most linked through the Documents page and the GA 2022 page. Please note the embargo statement at the top of the Documents page about posting the documents elsewhere before the Assembly concludes. Here are some of the links for information about Assembly business and operation:
- There are the Schedule and the Docket (being issued in daily segments) so you know when the business sessions are and what is being covered.
- There is also the Commissioners Handbook as a full download or by parts from the Documents page.
- Also, keep an eye on the EP Connection News Blog for news items from the Assembly.
- And don’t forget the current Book of Order which now also contains the Rules for Assembly.
As for social media, there is a bit of that out there. There is a Facebook page for the EPC that is currently being updated regularly with Leadership Institute and Assembly items. The official EPC Twitter feed is @EPChurch and the active official hashtag (#epc2022ga) has sprung to life. There are other official but inactive Twitter accounts for EPC Student Ministries (@EPCStudentMin), the International Theological Education Network (@ItenEPC), and EPC World Outreach (@EPCWO) so not much to follow there.
As for individuals, we have activity from Zach Hopkins (@Zhop59) and Joey Sherrard (@jhsherrard) has checked in as well. There is also activity from a former Moderator Case Thorp (@casethorp). Others at the meeting include Pete Scribner (@PeteScribner), David Goetz (@davidmgoetz), Joel Keen (@keener_jm), and Dan Rose (@danielmrose). And we are seeing the usual color and correction from Decent & In Order (@Decent_Orderly) and another entry in the commentary category, chreeha (@chreeha).
The theme of the Assembly is “Recharge,” based on Acts 1:8 – “But you will receive power…” The theme will be reflected in the worship services throughout the meetings.
There is a good summary of all the action items coming to the Assembly this year. One of the interesting items is from the Theology Committee which at the last Assembly was asked to consider whether virtual communion is permissible under the standards of the church. During the pandemic, a temporary decision was made that communion could be shared virtually but that permission has now expired. The Theology Committee has studied the issue and in a two-page report concludes that it is not permissible saying in the conclusion:
The consistent witness of Scripture, our constitution, and confessional standards is that the proper context for administering the Lord’s Supper is the physical gathering of God’s people, where the elements are given and received according to Christ’s command.
Among the items that the National Leadership Team brings to the Assembly is one regarding racial conciliation. As their report says “It has been placed on the heart of many and brought to our attention by others that the EPC should speak to the issue of race more definitively.” The action item is: “The NLT recommends that the 42nd General Assembly approve the establishment of a Moderator-appointed Ad Interim Committee to write a Pastoral Letter of Racial Lament and Hope.” Their report goes on to describe the vision: “This is not in response to any particular incident, but instead a carefully considered work in the course of perhaps two years to speak the truth of the Bible regarding race.”
Another action item from the National Leadership Team is to change the funding model for the national church by approving a “transition from “PMA” Per Member Asking to “POI” Percentage of Income as the Future Funding Initiative.”
The Fraternal Relations Committee brings an interesting action item to evaluate their relationship with the World Communion of Reformed Churches and possibly change their affiliation to the World Reformed Fellowship. I will let the text of the discussion in the Fraternal Relations Committee report speak for itself:
The Committee would like permission to evaluate whether or not continuing membership of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) is appropriate for the EPC. At one time, our membership in WCRC made it easier for congregations departing from other denominations to be transferred into the EPC. In addition, some “gracious dismissal” agreements contained reversion clauses requiring that departing churches must stay in denominations affiliated with WCRC for a certain number of years. Most of these reversion clauses have now expired. Given the EPC’s membership in the theologically more conservative World Reformed Fellowship, we believe it is time for the situation to be evaluated.
And it is worth noting that in the opening business session this afternoon Ruling Elder Rosemary Lukens of Gig Harbor, Washington, was elected and installed as the Moderator of the 42nd General Assembly. Our congratulation and prayers for RE Lukens as she undertakes this service. And looking at that EPC news article it does not mention the fact that might escape some casual observers that this will be the EPC’s first female moderator.
It will be an interesting week and we wish the EPC commissioners well and we will be lifting them up in our prayers as they meet.