Category Archives: Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)

Moderator Designate of the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) — Rev James Gracie

Earlier this week the Stornoway Gazette carried the news that the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) announced that the Rev. James Gracie is the Moderator Designate for the 2012 General Assembly. Rev. Gracie is the pastor of the Free Church (Continuing) congregation in Edinburgh.

Rev Gracie is a second career minister, having worked first in the Agricultural industry after attending the West of Scotland Agricultural College. While working on the Island of Skye he began preaching for congregations in that area and applied to become a candidate for ministry. After attending Free Church College he was ordained and inducted into his first charge on the Island of Arran in 1994. Between there and Edinburgh he also served a congregation in North Uist.

In the Fall Rev. Gracie made headlines when during the open comment period on the proposal to permit same-sex marriages in Scotland he came out strongly against the proposal on a BBC Radio program. Groups in favor of same-sex marriage condemned the tone and content of his comments, and particularly his comparison to pedophilia. He issued his own rebuttal and clarification and others wrote in to support him as well.

Our prayers are with Rev. Gracie for his leadership of the General Assembly and his term as Moderator.