Here is the text of the pastoral letter the Moderator of the PCANZ
sent out following the GA decision to confirm the rule for sexuality
and leadership.
General Assembly 2006
51 Roy St
Palmerston North 441029 September 2006
Dear Friends
Greetings in Christ to you all, from the General Assembly.
I am writing a letter to the whole church to let you know the results of the vote taken at the
Assembly this morning on the issue of Sexuality and Leadership. The Notice of Motion read:that the Assembly now adopt the following rule: The General Assembly now rules, in accordance
with the Supreme and Subordinate standards of the Church and with the previous Assembly decisions,
that this church may not accept for training, license, ordain or induct anyone involved in a sexual
relationship outside of faithful marriage between a man and a woman. In relation to homosexuality,
in the interests of natural justice, this ruling shall not prejudice anyone who, as at the date of
this meeting has been accepted for training, licensed, ordained or inducted. (Note “the date of
this meeting” is September 2004).After vigorous and respectful debate, the motion was carried by 230 votes to 124 (65 percent in favour).
This means the status quo of the past two years continues.This issue has been a significant one for us as a Church for many, many years and we can be
satisfied that this decision was reached after thorough and prayerful discussion. We recognise
that for some in the church it will be a source of much pain and distress. I invite you all to hold
those most affected by the decision in loving prayer. We belong together even as we know we do not
always agree.Meanwhile, we in Auckland are continuing on with the Assembly, knowing that what holds us together
is greater than that which divides us. We are anticipating some excellent keynote addresses on the
theme “Christ-centred, community-facing”. We hope commissioners will return to their parishes inspired
to engage with their communities in mission.In the meantime, may the peace of Christ be with you all,
Yours in love
Pamela Tankersley