General Synod Of The Covenant Order Of Evangelical Presbyterians

Later today we have the gathering for the General Synod of the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. This comes as one component of the larger gathering of the Fellowship of Presbyterians in Orlando, Florida.

Based on past events and the information on the web site, probably the best way to follow along with the business and activities will be on Twitter. There is the official Twitter account @fellowshippres and the same thing is being used as the hashtag for the meeting – #fellowshippres. These events usually generate a reasonable amount of Twitter chatter so it should be a good source to keep up with what is happening.

As for other social media I don’t know how much information will be available from the Facebook page, but they are promoting their newly created Instagram account.

There is a schedule for the meeting posted on the web site but no official docket for the General Synod that I have found and no reports or papers either.

In the event we need to refer to them the two important documents are the ECO Polity and Theology publications.

I will update this information during the meeting as appropriate but based on past meetings we can hope to see video of some of the talks made available after the meeting.

And so as ECO embarks on this meeting we offer them our prayers and best wishes for the transaction of their business.

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