In just about 12 hours the Church of Scotland will install the new Moderator who will serve for the coming year. Never mind that there is no Assembly this year to actually moderate – we can hope that next year’s Moderator gives him ample chance to show those skills off the next time the General Assembly convenes.

The Moderator Designate for 2020 is the Rev Dr Martin Fair, or if you prefer the full title from his church website, the Rev. Dr. W. Martin Fair B.A. B.D. D. Min. He is the pastor of St Andrew’s Parish Church in Arbroath, Angus, where he has served for 28 years. He grew up in the Glasgow area and did his BA degree at Strathclyde University studying Politics and Geography. His theological training was at the University of Glasgow and he has since then completed a Doctor of Ministry degree at Princeton Theological Seminary.
While he first did youth work for churches in Leeds and Barbados (as he maintains, “it was a tough job but someone had to go!”) he was ordained to his current position in 1992.
In 2006 he and his congregation set up a mental health and addiction service which has helped around 1000 people. He has a real concern for this ministry and it is no surprise that it will be an area he hopes to focus on in his moderatorial year. He is quoted in the Church of Scotland news article as saying “The biggest success stories we have had in getting people clean is folk who have understood that their freedom is in Christ and for me, that is the Kingdom of God.”
In terms of his free time, the church website profile tells us “When time permits, he loves nothing better that to ‘head for the hills’, whether to walk, climb or backpack. He plays some football and golf and has tried his hand at most other sports along the way!” However, the Kirk news article does provide a qualification that due to an accident in 2017 where he broke his left arm and it did not properly healed he has lost most function in that arm and requires adaptive technology and assistance for some regular tasks. He says a goal is to learn to play golf one-handed.
Martin and his wife Elaine grew up together on the same street and were married in 1987. They have three adult sons.
As his moderatorial year progresses you can follow along on the official Church Moderator (@churchmoderator) Twitter account or his personal account @wmartinfair.
He will be installed in a special service on Saturday morning 16 May which will be live-streamed for us to follow along.
We wish Mr Fair well on the year that is ahead of him. Our prayers are with him.
And he brings great optimism to the position. As he says in the news article:
“As I travel round the country even now, I see green shoots of growth and live in hope for what is going to come. What we will see emerge will be fresh and new and to quote a phrase, God is not finished with Scotland or His Church.”