Blog Tricks

I am sure most bloggers and blog readers are familiar with a series of on-line tools for characterizing a blog.  I’ve done them but have not shared them before since they are a bit off-topic and it seemed, at least to me, not particularly revealing.  As  Alfred North Whitehead said “It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious.”  Anyway, today I came across one of these on-line tests that really was interesting, so here are several of these measurements and I have saved the new and different one for last.

Maybe one of the most interesting metrics of a blog, or any writing, is the pictorial representation of the word usage in the writing at  The current, before this post, representation is shown.

Any surprise that “Presbyterian” is the dominant word?  And where else would you find G-6.0106b as a listed word?  Anyway, I find it interesting but no new revelations here.

The Typealyzer site will give you the “personality” of a blog.  In the case of my blog it comes out INTP, and is described as “The Thinkers.”  Their description reads:

The logical and analytical type. They are especially attuned to
difficult creative and intellectual challenges and always look for
something more complex to dig into. They are great at finding subtle
connections between things and imagine far-reaching implications.

They enjoy working with complex things using a lot of concepts and
imaginative models of reality. Since they are not very good at seeing
and understanding the needs of other people, they might come across as
arrogant, impatient and insensitive to people that need some time to
understand what they are talking about.

Again, nothing new (to me) there.  But from a blog, how do they figure I’m an introvert?

Blog Readability
The Blog Readability Test tells you how high of a reading level a blog is written at.  Putting mine through comes back with College (Undergrad).  Fair enough.

You are… 
There are another series of tests about the individual, not the blog really, that are designed to associate you with some individual or character.  These range from theologians (and yes, I do score highest on John Calvin) to Winnie the Pooh characters (Owl, if you care).

Well thanks to Elizabeth Kaeton over at Telling Secrets I now know about The Way of the Fathers and Which Church Father Are You?  Now here is something new, different, and educational.  For me:

You’re St. Melito of Sardis!

You have a great love of history and liturgy. You’re attached to the traditions of the ancients, yet you recognize that the old world — great as it was — is passing away. You are loyal to the customs of your family, though you do not hesitate to call family members to account for their sins.

Find out which Church Father you are at The Way of the Fathers!

Some interesting parallels there, so now I want to learn more about St. Melito of Sardis who I had never heard of before this lunch hour.

And now back to our regularly scheduled Politics of Presbyterianism.

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