Church of Scotland National Youth Assembly 2008

If you have not picked up on the buzz, the excitement level is rising for the annual National Youth Assembly of the Church of Scotland which begins on Friday in Dundee.  Among the blogs that I follow, Stewart Cutler and Margaret McLarty seem particularly excited and I kind of wish I could be there too.  I look forward to what they have to say after the event, and they are both presenters in workshops.

This annual youth event has its own blog, wiki, and its Twitter keyword is NYA2008.  No traditional web site that I can find so it sounds like a very Web 2.0 event.  Lots of Twitter.  Pictures on flickr?
The four day event includes Debates (sounds like discussion sessions) on Sustainable Living, Social Media (“If you’re not online you don’t exist”), Healthy Relationships, Future Church (including a discussion topic of “The Rights and Rites of the Church”).  And the featured speakers and seminars strike me as a great mix of typical church-related topics (Mission, Bible Society, The Book of Revelation) and realities of life (parenthood, mental health).  A good looking event that seems to know their target audience.
So have fun and be sure to write.  (Based on the Twitter search that won’t be a problem.)

5 thoughts on “Church of Scotland National Youth Assembly 2008

  1. stewart cutler

    Hi Steve. Glad your following along and that you drop by my blog sometimes. We’re using the web2.0 stuff for the first time so lots of this is trial and error but it seems as though the delegates are picking it up with some relish.

    We will indeed be publishing photos on flickr. We have a NYA2008 group.

  2. stewart cutler

    Hi Steve. We made the top of Twitter’s trending list!!! How cool is that. People from around the world were asking who we were and loved that the Church of Scotland was broadcasting its thoughts to the world via twitter.

  3. Steve Salyards

    Hi Stewart,
    The event looks like it was great, and the Twitter result was impressive. What you don’t mention in the comment is that Twitter got so popular among the delegates you had to shut it down so they would focus on the business. Interesting problem to have.

    I’m planning to revisit the NYA as wrap-up blog posts are written, but it sounds like a very successful event.

    And thanks for all your photos on flickr.  It is taking me a while to get through all 500+

  4. stewart cutler

    Yeah, the Twitter did get a little out of hand! Maybe to do with the complexity of using the deliverence format? Lots of people got very lost/bored/apathetic when the gramatical tinkering got into full flight… that and they were hungry!

    The wiki at has some links to some of the bloggers so you should get a pretty good flavour of the event from them. Stewart


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