The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Friday Evening

Greetings — I will be live blogging most plenary sessions of the PC(USA)
General Assembly.  I apologize to those with e-mail feeds or a feed
reader since you will probably only get the first section of the post
since I’ll be adding updates throughout the session.  Also, if you are
reading this on a browser live you will also need to refresh the screen
since I don’t have push technology on my blog.  It’s tough being Web
1.99999 in a Web 2.0 world.  Thanks for your patience.

This is not the only source on the web for this event.
The PC(USA) official webcast can be found at
There is also a live blogging site at
I have gotten feedback that this second link may cause trouble on some systems and it is being looked into.  Sorry about that

[My commentary will be in brackets]

Observations from the day:
There appears to be significant confusion and skepticism over the $2 million allocated for legal expenses.  I have talked to several people through out the day who read my comments and correction who thought the same thing, that GA had left it to come out of per capita.  When I’m confused I’m glad to know that I am not alone.  But the second thing people immediately say is “If it is coming out of extra opportunity giving they will never get the money for that.”  We will see.

Regarding the action to send G-6.0106b back to the congregations:  There is an under current of opinion from several individuals on all sides of the issue who are active in the church that I have talked to throughout the afternoon that this really is not a good time to open up this debate.  While they respect the faithfulness of the GA in discerning God’s will, from the point of view of where presbyteries are with the “conversation” following the PUP report, this is too early to reopen this question.  I hope that in my presbytery the groundwork that has been laid will support us as we have this conversation and that we will do it respectfully.

Finally, my own opinion on where we sit with business.  The report of Committee 4 was arrested in the middle of debate on the definition of marriage.  It was recessed ten minutes early.  While many were ready for a break, I think that in that remaining ten, maybe fifteen minutes, the business item could have been wrapped up.

Friday Evening, June 27, 2008
The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

7:32 PM — Meeting reconvened with prayer by a TSAD

7:36 — Return to the debate on item 04-08

For reference, here is the earlier work on 04-08:

Item 04-08 with comment: The definition of marriage
(Committee Moderator begins reading and then says that she has the wrong script)
Substitute motion from the floor: Assembly approve the original overture 04-08

No amendments to the main motion: the main motion is perfected

No amendments to the substitute motion:  The substitute motion is perfected

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
(lines forming at the microphones)
The committee worked hard and this is not the time for another controversy
Need to recognize loving relationships
Jesus taught against it
Homosexuality is a natural construct

Motion to recess for dinner (in the middle of debate: Advisory yes, except MAD no; Commissioners yes 89%

Debate continues
Enough damage done to the church today, we don’t need more
Love your neighbor as yourself
The committee worked hard, accept the work of the committee
Carl Mazza speaks for the substitute motion on principle
“If you want to completely shatter this denomination vote for that amendment” – Marj Carpenter [not one of the people I spoke to earlier but the same sentiment]
In light of what we have done earlier today we should make the polity consistent
Don’t push churches beyond tipping point, “love mercy”
Church should not let this issue get ahead of it, don’t be late to recognize it again
[YAAD mentions Constitutional right to pursuit of happiness.  Besides being sketchy theology, that is not a Constitutional right but is in the Declaration of Independence.]
Do we want this denomination to have the appearance of being hateful and attacking a minority? [Our gallery looked at each other saying that comment was harsh and unfair.  I did not quote in full or verbatim.]

Motion to call the question:  Approved on voice vote

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
Advisory all vote no, most by a small margin;  Commissioners no 80%

More debate
Move the question:  Electronic: Advisory yes by a wide margin; Commissioners yes 94%
Main motion: slightly yes; Commissioners yes 77%
A YAAD took Bruce to task for not calling on an equal number of YAADs for and against.  According to the YAAD he called on a highly different number of YAADs.

Item 04-13: Equal rights for Families of Same-gender partners
Amendment that I think tries to incorporate parts of similar item 04-12.
Amendment passes by electronic vote
Amendment to include “theological balance” on the task force
Amendment passes on voice vote, but close and not challenged
Voice vote appears to pass but division of the house
Point of order:  That there is a confusion of language and the amendments appear to have a problem
The back room is fixing it up.
Gradye – “Sometimes the best way to go forward is to go backwards.”  Redo the amendment
Vote again on “Theological Balance” – Passes on voice vote.
Main motion, again: Electronic: Advisory yes, most by a wide margin; Commissioners yes 76%

Item 04-12 answer with 04-13 approved on voice vote

Item 04-16:
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 04-17:
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 04-28: Commissioner Resolution:  On urging a gracious, pastoral response to churches requesting dismissal from the PC(USA)
Robert Austell, the commissioner who signed it, spoke in favor of being gracious
Already addressed in 07-13? ACC says that was procedural, this is pastoral
Note that legal issues are complicated and this item is difficult when the church initiates the civil legal action.
Some are saying the churches initiated 33 or the 39 cases, another says 37 times the churches initiated it.
Amendment to strike “Believing that… litigation is deadly to the cause of Christ”
Amendment fails on voice vote; Division of the house: Advisory split, slightly yes; Commissioners no 56%
Debate continues
leave the PC(USA) but leave the keys with those who want to stay
Call the question: passed on voice vote
Electronic:  Advisory yes by a strong margin; Commissioners yes 76%

Information item votes of the presbyteries.

This concludes the report of the Church Polity Committee

Point of order:  From Roberts Rules of Order page 1062: A motion can be divided even after the motion to call the question has been moved.
Cliff – I may not have been clear but at that particular point we were in the middle of the vote and it was not in order

Motion to reconsider 05-09:
Strong debate about fairness, the hour, and people having left.
Call the question: Advisory strong yes; Commissioners yes 97%
Vote to reconsider: Advisory strong no; Commissioners no 52%

Point of Order:  We are calling each other names and questioning integrity

Committee 9 — Social Justice Issues
Consent agenda approved with one item pulled

Item 09-06 as amended:
Committee added homeschooling as an education option
Approved on voice vote

Item 09-07:
Amendment to add a request to forgo a meal a week to donate to a food program
Amendment to the amendment to add “if one is able” to forgoing a meal
Call the question: Passed on voice vote
Amendment to the amendment passed on voice vote
Amendment passed on voice vote

Main motion: Passed on voice vote

Item 09-04:
Presentation on the PDA response to Katrina
Amendment to recognize PDA working with local congregations
Amendment passed on voice vote
No more discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 09-15:
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 09-05 as amended:  On Addressing the Tragedy of America’s Gun Violence
Amendment to substitute “magazines” for “clips” – Use correct terminology; strike section 5 since it is already is the law of the land
Discussion on amendment that section 5 address local not federal law
Voice vote too close to call; Electronic: Advisory generally yes; Commissioners yes 72%
Main motion: Advisory strong yes; Commissioners yes 84%

Item 09-14 as amended: Lift every voice — Voting rights
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 09-09: Social Creed for the 21st Century
Minority report – study it and bring it back to the 219th

No amendments: the main motion is perfected

No amendments: the minority report is perfected
[And the commissioners, like me, are getting too tired to work well]

Question about financial implications for the minority report?  No implications since much initial work is already done.

Shall the minority report become the main motion?
Debate about stalling and the fact that most in the church are not familiar with this yet.
Motion to call the question passes on voice vote
Vote on the substitute motion becoming the main motion.
Electronic: Advisory mostly no; Commissioners no 60%
One speaker for that Bruce has to silence forcefully running over time with other commissioners supporting Bruce
No speakers against so the question is called and approved by voice vote
Main motion: Advisory generally yes; Commissioners yes 83%

Item 09-11:
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 09-21: Immigration laws
A couple of speakers in favor
Passed on voice vote

10:00 [If you can’t tell my blogging is getting slower and less informative with the second late evening in a row]
Item 09-20
Question about effectiveness and evaluation
No more discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 09-10 as amended:
Chemical engineer says that report is technically solid
Item passes on voice vote

Item 09-08: Pay equity
Amendment to extend this to Presbyterian Colleges, Universities, and Schools
Comment from the clerk that we can encourage but have no way to enforce since they are independent entities
Call the question passed by voice vote
Amendment passes on voice vote
No discussion
Main motion as amended passes on voice vote

Item 09-13:  Singing new songs to God
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 09-16:
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 09-12: Study the status of women at all levels in the PC(USA)
Question – look at financial implications
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Minutes review was in order

We have a two minute video and it will take you at least that long to debate it.
Approved to watch the video

This concludes the report of the committee

We are in the home stretch of the evening.  One committee left.
Three minute break

[Report that at one point the Scribble blog for GA218 was 4% of the whole Scribble activity.  Who else would be on Scribble late on a Friday night.]

Committee 10 – Health Issues

Item 10-02:
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 10-01 be answered by 10-02 approved on a voice vote

Item 10-03: Advocating both sides of the abortion issue
Minority report has been withdrawn
Amendment – To clarify wording that this applies to problem pregnancies and not reproductive options more broadly
Motion to divide the amendment:  Advisory vote split; Commissioners no 313 to 315
Amendment fails on voice vote
Division of the house: Advisory no; Commissioners no 67%
Debate includes reference to current abortion policy
Can this be combined with human sexuality material? No, different topics
Why does this take $100,000 to print four pamphlets?  It needs to be fair and balanced
Amendment to include these resources with the previously approved Human Sexuality Resources
Saves money but very different material and target audience
11:00 [You are getting sleepy…Very sleepy]
Call the question and all previous questions: Approved by voice vote
Vote on amendment: Fails on voice vote
Main motion: Voice vote too close to call; Electronic: Advisory yes, except for EADs; Commissioners yes 72%

Item 10-04 be answered by 10-03 approved on voice vote

Item 10-05: A policy statement on serious mental illness
Amendment to strike commissioned lay pastors from CPE training, not all presbyteries have CPE easily accessible
Amendment fails on voice vote; Division of the house: Advisory no; Commissioners no 69%
Do you expect me to do my job as a pastor if I have to do all these things.  Can it pared down to 50 recommendations
These are not requirements, these are “urge” and “encourage” items
How does administering ordination exams relate to serious mental illness?  Individuals with serious mental illness may be candidates – have reasonable accommodation
Amendment – Encourage CLP’s to complete CPE
Motion to call the question and all previous questions:  Passed on voice vote
Vote on the amendment: Fails on voice vote
Main motion:  Passed on voice vote

11:19 [About 80 stalwarts in the observer section with me]

Item 10-06: Supporting single payer health care reform
Minority report – Right to health care, eliminate single payer

No amendments for main motion:  Declared perfected
No amendments for substitute motion:  Declared perfected

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
Single payer not a good system, talk to Canadians
The committee worked hard, the minority report has very little committee support
My wife is a physician, Medicare is broken
Move to call the question and all previous questions: Passed by voice vote

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
Electronic: Advisory strongly no;  Commissioners no 60%
(There is one Ecumenical delegate sticking this out.  They get a round of applause.)

Main motion: Advisory yes; Commissioners yes 59%

Thanks to everyone for sticking this out
This concludes the report of the committee

Bruce “Apologies to any of you who had midnight in the pool”
[I was well past midnight in my prediction. Wrong again]

Two committee meetings now: General Assembly Procedures and Mission Coordination and Budgets to finish up the budgets.

11:34  The General Assembly recesses with prayer by the Rev. Robert Austell

See you in the morning

4 thoughts on “The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Friday Evening

  1. robert austell

    steve – nice!! you’ve more than catered to my pleading for honorable mentions (though I had to work pretty hard to make the blog)

    more seriously, thanks for the live blogging – I know many appreciate it… even more than a few commissioners (and we were there!)

  2. John Erthein

    You have done amazing work at GA. Thank you for your energy and dedication to reporting what has been going on. I would not have had the stamina or patience to do what you have done. I think you have performed a real service to the church.

  3. Andrew Scott

    I’m curious:

    I’ve read and re-read the third section of the resolution on funding legal action, and it would seem to me that there isn’t much wiggle room for direct GA funding. It says that an ECO account will be established, and that the “account will be the source of this support.” So what makes the people you’re talking to think that it might yet be a channel for direct per-capita funding?

    Can the GAC, absent specific GA action, allocate money to the account (making it a pass-through)?

    I don’t know enough about these things, but I’m going to have to explain it to my session, who will be… unhappy.

  4. Steve

    While there was great confusion at the time, I think it is now clear that no per capita money will go the the legal fund. Hence, there is great skepticism that the fund will ever be fully funded.


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