The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Thursday Afternoon

Greetings — I will be live blogging most plenary sessions of the PC(USA)
General Assembly.  I apologize to those with e-mail feeds or a feed
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since I’ll be adding updates throughout the session.  Also, if you are
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This is not the only source on the web for this event.
The PC(USA) official webcast can be found at
There is also a live blogging site at

[My commentary will be in brackets]

Comments from worship:
The first order of the afternoon was worship.  It was held in the Assembly hall, music was by a praise and worship team from a local “community church.”  The Rev. Cindy Rigby preached and it was one of the best expositions of the scriptural text we have had so far this Assembly.  One quote from the sermon:  “We are called to change the world, not by focusing on change, but by abiding in the mind of Christ.”  Amen!

Thursday Afternoon, June 26, 2008
The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
2:29 PM 
— The commissioner chairs are filling up.  People are filing in.  The observer section is about one-third full.

2:30 PM — The Assembly is gaveled to order and opened with prayer.
2:31 PM — Speakout
Including: A comment that business may be going too fast, another that the graphs of advisory votes are on a percentage scale so remember that there are far more YAADs than other categories.  Also, for the Calvin 500, a plea to not depict him as a stern old man.  Information tells us that the was “quite a looker when he was young.”

2:50 — Bills and Overtures:  Set a new reporting order for the afternoon and evening, moving committee 6 ahead of committee 8

2:52 — Ecumenical greetings from the Presbyterian Church of Congo

3:00 — Committee 6 – Form of Government Revision
Move to refer the report to the Office of the General Assembly for study and revision by a new task force

Substitute motion from the floor to kill the revision and the process
Technically, 1) disapprove report, 2) Dismiss task force with thanks, 3) Work with GAMC to develop a new process

Perfecting the main motion
Amendment to set a time table for presbytery response, (some confusion both with process and what the different dates mean) Amendment fails on a voice vote by a wide margin.
Second amendment adding extra things to consider fails
Third amendment to change it from OGA to GAC fails by a wide margin
Fourth amendment to add a comment that the nFOG should not be organized around the “notes” of the church but should be organized around the “Great Ends” and the “Great Commission” so it is outwardly focused.
[A couple of us looked at each other and agreed that this is out of order because it does not seem to be perfecting the motion]
A ruling is asked for, Bruce says “I will refer to the clerk.  I’m not stupid.”  The clerk observes that this would go with all the other comments.   Bruce rules it is in order.
Motion to call the question and all pending questions on the main motion.  Closed by 84% vote
Voting on amendment:  Advisory overwhelming no.  Commissioners 79% no.
The main motion is perfected

Perfecting the substitute motion
Amendment to include OGA in the process.  Fails by 71%
The substitute motion is perfected

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
We don’t need a missional polity to do mission.  The structure and work is in place, let it continue. 
Call the question
Advisory groups reject the substitute motion by a wide margin, except ecumenical
Commissioner reject substitute by 74%

Debate on the main motion:
Financial Implications.  What if we defeat this?  Will translation be available?
Vote on the main motion:  Advisory approve by a wide margin; Commissioners approve by 87%

All additional items but 06-14: Be answered by the action on 06-01.
Both batches pass on voice vote

Item 06-14:  Amend BOO to allow provisional amendments
Committee recommends disapproval
On a voice vote the assembly agrees with the committee

The members of the Task Force are recognized.  The committee is thanked

4:15 Music lead by Jorge

Item 03-12: To Recognize Clifton Kirkpatrick’s service and bestow on him the title Stated Clerk Emeritus
Video of Cliff at work on the platform, a lot doing silly things getting the YAD gifts.
Commissioning Cliff to Stated Clerk Emeritus
Cliff is joined on stage by his granddaughters.
He is presented with a stole to recognize his new status
Close in prayer

Ten minute break

(Status:  We have three committees docketed to report in the hour before dinner.  [You do the math])

4:48 – Committee 8 – Mission Coordination and Budget
Consent agenda approved on a hand vote

Four themes
First theme: Our commitment to mission
Item 08-20: Expanding partnership in Mission
No discussion
Approved unanimously on hand vote

Item 08-05: Change in name of GAC to General Assembly Mission Council
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 08-07: Revised GAMC Manual of Operations
No Discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 08-08: Revised organization for missions
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 08-18: Amendment to the organization for missions
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 08-09: Amend appendix A to the organization for missions
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Second theme:  Organization and stewardship for missions
Item 08-04: Add a representative from Presbyterian Men to GAMC
Speaker who commends Presbyterian Men but argues against this item because GAMC is trying to shrink and would set precedent for other groups to have seats on council. (Committee voted 44/14/2) [This issues comes up at regular intervals in all the various governing bodies.]
Marj Carpenter speaks in favor
Call the question – Passes on a hand vote
Hand vote:  Too close to call [I didn’t think so]
Electronic vote: Advisory generally in favor; Commissioners approve 65%

Item 08-01: Reinstating the annual mission season offering
Commissioner brings up Presbyterian Panel report that there are too many offerings now
Mission challenge last fall was know among some of the mission workers as “bust the gut for mission”
If this is raising money, why does it cost money — Promotional materials.  Takes 3-4 years for a new offering to generate a positive cash flow.
Comments to vote against this, because there is no good time in the church calendar, BUT work hard to raise the money in other ways
Comment that we used to have 10-12 special offerings per year, but the congregation eventually “figures this out”
Call the previous question:  Passes on voice vote
Electronic vote: Advisory YAADs and TSADs voted no; Commissioners 68% no

Item 08-02: Institutional standards for participating in the Christmas Joy Offering
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 08-03: Special offerings
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 08-12: Funding Christ’s mission through the PC(USA)
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

(The strength of the voices is getting weaker, but
Item 08-13 as amended: To set aside a season of interpretation
No discussion
Passes on voice vote


Having defeated the committee’s recommendation on 08-01 no action has been taken on 08-01.  To complete the action a vote to disapprove 08-01 is necessary.
Disapproval of 08-01
Voice vote was too close to call [I didn’t think so and groan went up when the electronic was announced]
Item is disapproved by 84% of commissioners

Theme Three: Deployment of our Resources
Item 08-14: Mission work plan for 2008-2012
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 08-10: Reinstating the Office of Environmental Justice
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

There is some confusion on 08-11.  Committee Vice-moderator doesn’t know it needs to be moved to be answered by 08-10
The GA Vice-Moderator is confused and is bailed out by Grady
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

(Moving through the items at a reasonable rate; not too fast, not too slow) [And my typing is getting worse after a long day]
Item 08-17: On responsible purchasing
One speaker for it
Passes on voice vote

Item 08-15: Regarding Church Extension Funds
Speaker against who is concerned with a loophole that allows New Church Development funds to be used elsewhere, like redevelopement.
Amendment to restrict it to NCD’s
A staff person is invited to speak to this
One argues against amendment
Motion to call the question: Passes on voice vote
Voice vote too close to call
Electronic:  Advisory YAADs and TSADs slightly in favor of the amendment; Commissioners approve amendment 51%
[In our gallery we thought the voices were no.  Hat tip
to Byron for the call for electronic.]
Question: So where would transforming congregations funds come from now?
Move the previous question: Passed on voice vote
Voice vote too close to call
Electronic vote: YAADs slightly yes, TSADs tied; Commissioners pass by 51%
Motion to reconsider:  A commissioner who wishes to change his vote on the amendment after hearing from the staff person about funding alternatives.  As the commissioner says “I’m way over my head.”
(There is a level of confusion out there right now)
Vote to reconsider: (commissioners shout to go straight to electronic)
Point of order: How did commissioner vote on item.  Stated clerk says that since he voted in the affirmative on the amendment he is in order to move reconsideration
Electronic:  Advisory: split; Commissioners vote by 53% to reconsider

Motion from Bills and Overtures to arrest report and do Joining Hearts and Hands presentation before dinner.

(Status: we are now 2.5 committee reports behind docket.)

Hearts and Hands presentation
Recess for Dinner
End of this entry

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