The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Wednesday Evening

Greetings — I will be live blogging most plenary sessions of the PC(USA)
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[My commentary will be in brackets]

Wednesday Evening, June 25, 2008
The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
— The commissioner chairs are filling up.  People are filing in.  The observer section is about one-tenth full.

7:31 — Opening prayer from an ecumenical representative

7:33 — Speak out  (a GA tradition where commissioners and delegates can share what is on their heart.)
Anti-Presbyterian protesters outside, thanks to PDA for Katrina help and other prompt assistance and just caring, compliments to YADs, PC-biz problems and solutions, support Presbyterian colleges.

7:45 — Ecumenical greetings from the Armenian Apostolic Church of Iraq

7:55 — Bills and Overtures with a revised docket since we are running ahead

7:56 — Return to Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations: Peaceful relations between Christian and Muslim Communities.
The Assembly hears from Joe Small, the head of the office of Theology and Worship that Christians, Jews and Muslims are the monotheistic religions that are spiritual descends of Abraham.
Amendment to the amendment – grammatical rewording, could have been friendly if there was such a thing.
Question from the floor and we are headed into “polity hell.”  Isn’t this a substitute motion?  Clerk: no, it is strike and replace.  Next speaker: If this is an amendment to an amendment and is strike and replace we need to see what was struck to be replaced.
8:08 Last two speakers should be out of order since they are actually speaking to the full item, not this one little editorial change.  Bruce is showing grace.
Committee moderator suggests hearing from the head of the Islamic Council of North America.  Bruce agrees.  He notes that just as Christianity don’t have a singular concept of God, neither do Muslims.  But the bridge within Christianity and also within Islam, and what should be between them as well, is the concept of one God as creator.
8:17 Question is called on the two amendments.  [One of the first time I have seen the question called on more than one, but not all items.]
Break to get things up on the screen, Cliff is having words with Bruce.
8:28 End of break.  This GA seems technologically challenged on points.  And the different amendments in different colors are challenging to read on the screen.
Voting on first amendment: Advisory vote: YADs and EADs are very close.  Commissioners reject by 81%
Voting on the higher amendment:  Advisory vote: Not nearly as close, generally in favor.  Commissioners: 53% yes
Back to debate on the main motion, now amended.
Move to amend: Strike the while controversial section that we have been discussing about one God or children of Abraham.
8:38  One particular commissioner speaker has again risen with an out-of-order motion
Move the question and all pending questions
Electronic vote:  YADS, bare majority
Commissioners: 73%  all debate is closed.
A commissioner speaks that they still do not have PC-biz
Voting on amendment to strike section 2: Advisory: Yads no, TSADs tie; Commissioners: 52% no
Back to the main motion as amended
Electronic voting:  Advisory: Yes; Commissioners: 78% yes

Item 07-02:  Response to an invitation to interfaith dialog
No discussion:  passed on voice vote

At this point we are moving quickly and all the remaining items, including the referral of 07-03 about the Evangelical Presbyterian Church behavior, are being passed with no discussion and voice vote.
We are moving so fast that a commissioner complains that the PC-biz SessionSync doesn’t keep up.

8:50  Comment added to 07-04 about the Covenant Relationship with the Korean Presbyterian Church in America
Comment added and the item passed on voice vote.

Motion to Reconsider 07-02, another commissioner complains that he did not have time to get to a microphone.
Motion fails on voice vote.

Item 07-11:  Episcopal Presbyterian Agreement
Bruce waits for people to head for microphones.  One speaker.
Passes on a voice vote.

Committee Resolution honoring Clifton Kirkpatrick for his ecumenical work.  Read in entirety and passed by voice vote.  Followed by a video tribute to his ecumenical work.

9:10 — The committee concludes their report

Committee 17 – Youth
[This should be interesting because it is one of the non-traditional committees, it was generative.]
There was no business to start but by Tuesday afternoon they had generated eleven items.  The committee needed to have a 3/4 vote to bring new business to the floor.

Item 17-1NB (the NB is for New Business)
Send the DVD “Soul Searching: A Movie About Teenagers and God” to every Presbytery and prepare a study guide.
Amendment to promote “active listening.”
Now Vice-moderator Byron Wade is getting his sea legs
This was presented to committee and voted down at that time
Vote on the amendment:  Electronic: Advisory overwhelmingly no; Commissioners 89% no
There is a book, do we need the study guide?  Yes, because the book is very thick.
Comment that section shown did not contain African American youth.  Reply, African Americans are well represented.
Copyright issues for study guide?  Permissions included in cost.

Voting on main motion:  Advisory: YADS almost all yes, Missionary not as strong; Commissioners: 97% yes.

Item 17-2NB: On Mentors
Encourage commissioners and others around the church to mentor youth.
Little discussion, nearly unanimous vote by raising hands

Item 17-3NB:  Create a task force primarily composed of youth to continue this work
The committee report does not list the financial implications
Speaker for about investing in youth
Speaker against concerned that parameters are not well defined.
Speaker questions the 15-21 age emphasis when we lose young adults above 21.  Response that the 15-21 was the committee’s charge.  Above 21 has other implications culturally
Financial implications:  None since there was already a similar program in the budget.
Moved the previous question: Passes overwhelmingly.
Electronic vote on main motion:  Advisory delegates vote overwhelmingly in favor;  Commissioners 91% yes.

Item 17-4NB:  Matters to refer to the new Youth Task Force
No Discussion, passes on voice vote.

Item 17-5NB:  Name change for YADs – From Youth Advisory Delegates to Young Adult Advisory Delegates
Youth in the church is 12-18 and YADs are 17-23.  Not Youth.
[How do we pronounce it?  Is it still one syllable like “YAD”?  The Texan next to me says its “YAAAAAAD”]
One YAD spoke strongly for it.
Passed on voice vote

Item 17-1: Commissioner Resolution to allow youth volunteers at GA.
Committee recommendation is to disapprove
Signer of resolution speaks to approve resolution
[This is going to get tricky because voting “yes” is voting “yes” on the committee recommendation, not the commissioner resolution so voting yes is really voting no.]
This is a legal liability issue.
Cliff speaks to the issue of what a yes and no vote, but still uses confusing language.
The YAAD that spoke next actually stated it clearly and accurately [WAY TO GO!] [And when do we stop using YAD and start using YAAD?]
Move the previous question, and it sounded like 2/3 of the Assembly seconded it
Electronic voting:  Advisory delegates: YAAD’s 75% yes, Commissioners 88% yes

This concludes the report of Committee 17

Commissioner motion to recess for the evening
The Stated Clerk indicates they would like to do one more item of business.
The motion to recess is defeated.

Committee 13 – Theological Issues and Institutions
Item 13-02:  Approve the President of Union Theological Seminary
No discussion, approved by voice vote
Seminary presidents are introduced.
President Rev. Brian Blount addresses the assembly

The corresponding
member section and the observer section is pretty empty

Motion to arrest the report
Approved by standing for dismissal
Closing prayer
We are adjourned until tomorrow morning.
10:15 PM

3 thoughts on “The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Wednesday Evening

  1. Steve

    I did not walk through the group, but from talking with people later it appears that they was an outside group protesting the PC(USA)’s welcoming stance on GLBT persons. And what bothered some people was that it did not matter is you were conservative or evangelical, if you were in any way associated with the PC(USA) you were condemned to eternal damnation.

  2. Dr. Judith Hirsch-Fikejs

    Saw those protestors and spoke with a couple of them as I was entering yesterday afternoon (Wednesday, 6/25). Was saddened that they were not really concerned about the spiritual or relational aspect of the Body of Christ, but just about the gender issues. I know this is a long debate, but even our Definitive Guidance document of 1978 welcomes all people to faith in Christ regardless of other qualifiers. Seems that some folks have gotten more exercised about the gender issues than about winning people to faith in our Lord. Just my “take” on this particular group.


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