Who owns the Web Site — A New Property Battle in the Web 2.0 Church

Over the last couple months a number of events have transpired related to the Episcopal and Anglican Diocese(s) of San Joaquin in California.  Briefly, the Diocese voted to realign from the American Episcopal Church to the Anglican Southern Cone, the American Episcopal Church appointed a new provisional bishop to shepherd the remaining Episcopal faithful, and over the weekend The Episcopal Church held a service of healing and forgiveness Friday evening and a special convocation and service of celebration Saturday that included the confirmation and installation of Bishop Jerry Lamb as the provisional bishop of the diocese.  The Episcopal Diocese is now gearing up to get their property back from the realigned Anglicans.

While all of that was expected the surprise of the weekend, as reported by VirtueOnline, is that the web site of the Anglican group, www.sanjoaquin.anglican.org, has been replaced by a redirect to the Episcopal Diocese web site at www.diosanjoaquin.org.  Details of the switch are not clear yet, but the Anglican site is safe, now at the address www.sjoaquin.net.  Something happened at their web host, anglican.org and the details are not complete yet.

As a geek, web builder, and network administrator, I curious about some of the details and hope more come out.  However, it serves as a lesson that in the Web 2.0 world the church’s property includes not just brick and mortar but names, addresses, and on-line content.  You have been warned.

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