Religion Commentary on CNN web site

In this week where religion stories with some “mass appeal” seem to appear on the cover of every news magazine and evening news broadcast, the CNN web site is carrying a very smart and honest commentary by contributor Roland Martin.  Now, there is a tie-in here since the commentary goes by the same name as a current feature on CNN called “What would Jesus really do?” that, from the description, seems to be a roundtable discussion by the likes of Rick Warren and Jerry Falwell.  (I don’t have cable so I don’t know if I’ll ever see it.)

Mr. Martin takes on the current climate of the (predominantly white) evangelical churches in the US that seem to have their focus on two issues: abortion and homosexuality.  He says: “Ask the nonreligious what being a Christian today means, and based on what we see and read, it’s a good bet they will say that followers of Jesus Christ are preoccupied with those two points.”

But he is even handed here and while he criticizes the religious right for this narrow focus, he also points out the religious left’s liberal attitude about what is sin.  But one of his strongest points is that the predominantly “white” church shares little in common with the priorities of the predominantly African-American church.  If we are all Christians, it would speak well of us to at least understand each other’s perspective and focus.

Yes, this is commentary and his opinion, but he makes a good case and it is a good read which should provoke the reader to some thought. 

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