Category Archives: General Assembly

Church of Scotland General Assembly 2022

It is General Assembly week in Edinburgh and the meetings are returning to a more in-person format than in the past couple of years. And Saturday the first of the GA’s kicked off with the usual ritual and pageantry.

Saturday morning 21 May the 2022 General Assembly of the Church of Scotland convened in Edinburgh in a hybrid format with some commissioners joining virtually from around the world.

And in both the early press coverage as well as in the afternoon business it became clear that there is plenty of important business to be discussed in the week ahead. But more on that in a minute.


If you are interested in keeping track of the business and activities this year, here are the starting points:

  • There will be live streaming of the proceedings and you can connect to the stream appropriate for your device from the livestream page.
  • Most of the Documents pertaining to the Assembly are linked from the General Assembly Publications page. This includes the Assembly Reports and Order of Proceedings volumes, known as the Blue Book, in several different electronic formats including the traditional PDF as well as EPUB format for your readers. There is also a Dyslexia-friendly version. The Reports and Order of Proceedings are available separately on the Publications page in all those formats as well. The Daily Papers will contain late-breaking changes and worship material and the first for Saturday through Thursday is posted. We can expect a second concluding one later in the week.
  • Individual reports and some additional documents can be found on the Reports and Additional Documents Page.
  • If you need to refer to the documents about how they do this decently and in order most of those are linked from the Church Law page. This web page also used to have the useful “An Introduction to Practice and Procedure of the Church of Scotland” but it was being revised and seems to have disappeared. While dated, I have a copy of the 2009 Third Edition available from my Resources Site. There is also a Guide to the Assembly page that covers some of the basic actions and terminology.
  • There is a News Round up for the GA news items on the 2022 General Assembly Page.
  • There is an official photo gallery of the Assembly.

What we all want to know of course is how to follow along on social media and there will be no lack of that. You can begin with the Church of Scotland’s official Facebook page. There is also the Kirk’s Instagram feed and YouTube channel. And the YouTube channel is now the place to watch the proceedings after they have happened and they have the meeting broken up into individual reports.

On Twitter, the starting point is the Kirk’s main feed at @churchscotland and the official hashtag #ga2022. There is an official account for the Moderator of the General Assembly, @churchmoderator, but during the Assembly, we will have to see how many opportunities there will be to tweet. The church’s official publication, Life and Work, is also a good source for information on the website, on Facebook and on their Twitter feed @cofslifeandwork. In addition, there is the individual account of the editor, Lynne McNeil, at @LifeWorkEditor, who does the most comprehensive live-tweeting of the Assembly. (As always – Thank You Lynne)

In suggesting personal accounts to follow, let me start with past Moderators of the General Assembly: To lead off there is a recent Moderator, the Very Reverend Martin Fair (@wmartinfair). Others include the Very Reverend Lorna Hood who is always an interesting read at @revlornascot and has been very active the past few years with projects related to Srebrenica justice and remembrance and also serves with YouthLink Scotland. Another is the Very Reverend Derek Browning at @DerekBrowning2. I will conclude with three other former Moderators who have Twitter accounts but have not been as active recently: the Very Reverend Susan Brown (@VicarofDornach), the Very Reverend Albert Bogle at @italker and the Very Reverend Angus Morrison (@angusmorrison6).

As for others following along and Tweeting about the Assembly let me start with Paul Middleton (@ProfPMiddleton) who is present and actively tweeting. Others appearing in the Twitter feed include Doug Gay (@douggay), Sue Cord (@sue_cord),and Daren Philip (@darphilip). One interesting contributor is Daniel Scott (@ScottDdscott), the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and an Ecumenical Delegate. And a commissioner is tweeting at Live Tweeting the General Assembly of the COS (@church_scotland).

Concerning the business before the Assembly there is a nice summary of each report on the Life and Work website.

With a day and a half of business completed following the formal convening Saturday morning, a number of high profile items have been decided. In the Saturday afternoon session in the Report of the Assembly Trustees some decisions related to the reform of the church and the realignment and funding of presbyteries were debated. Some of that has been put off to the Faith Nurture report tomorrow, Tuesday. In addition, in a motion from the floor the Assembly asked the Trustees to take action regarding ministers in manses who face the issue of fuel poverty for houses owned by the church and not by them. The headline report this morning was the final affirmation of the ability for Kirk ministers and churches to preform same-sex marriages. This action has been developing for several years and since the last GA the necessary changes were approved by 29 of the 41 presbyteries. The Legal Questions committee brought it back to the GA for the final action and the Assembly concurred 274 to 136.

This afternoon the Assembly, as part of the Ecumenical Relations Committee report, the Assembly overwhelmingly approved a Declaration of Friendship between The Church of Scotland and the Catholic Church in Scotland. It has been proposed and tentatively accepted by the Catholic Archbishop to call it the Saint Margaret Declaration. This report was followed by the main report of the Theological Forum who brought to the Assembly a proposal to supplement the Westminster Standards with additional subsidiary standards in a Book of Confessions. While the Scots Confession was mentioned as a possible part of the new confessional collection, the Assembly approved the next step to study what should be included in the book. The Assembly also approved the creation of resources to help the office holders and others in the Kirk understand the confessional nature of the Reformed Faith. The Theological Forum will return with another report related to Creation Care as part of the Faith Impact Report tomorrow.

As has already been mentioned, tomorrow, Tuesday, will be a day with major business for the Kirk. It has been labeled in the schedule as the “Faith Action Plan Day.” This will include more business related to the reorganization of the church, particularly at the presbytery level, as well as the social witness of the church. The Faith Nurture Forum report includes a new Code of Practice for ministers as well as adjustments to recruiting and preparation of individuals for the various forms of ministry. The Supplemental Report and actions from Saturday will deal with adjustments and corrections to the allocations of ministers to presbyteries. The Faith Impact Forum will be addressing business related to Creation Care, including getting the church to Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2030. There is also business related to refugees, including those from Ukraine, and encouraging the the UK Government to work to get COVID vaccines to areas of the world that have not gotten adequate supplies.

Further down the week Wednesday is titled “Witness and Service Day” with reports by the Chaplains, Social Care Council, the Guild, and the Safeguarding Committee among others. The GA concludes on Thursday and as it looks back and looks forward so in addition to the business traditionally transacted as the Assembly concludes, there will be a time of looking at “Life in the New Presbyteries.”

GA 2022 Logo - See, I make all things new

So here we go. It has been an interesting Assembly already and while the next few days may not grab the headlines we have had so far, the business still to come is no less important to the future of the Kirk. We watch and pray for the commissioners and all involved in the meeting.

2021 General Assembly Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland


The General Assembly Season continues with a regular GA that has been delayed from the usual week in the Spring.

Tomorrow morning in Belfast the Presbyterian Church in Ireland will convene their 2021 General Assembly in Belfast with a worship service and the installation of the Moderator, the Right Rev David Bruce. If the name sounds familiar, he was installed as Moderator in 2020 but without an Assembly to preside over. It was the consensus of the church that he should serve a second term thus giving him the opportunity to preside over an Assembly.

The Assembly runs through Wednesday 6 June in an Assembly Hall and an overflow conference room with socially distanced seating. There will be no in-house gallery with observers.

Here is some info to help follow along:

There are plenty of social media contact points for the Assembly, beginning with the official Twitter account @PCIAssembly which always provides a detailed and comprehensive report of the Assembly. Please note the comprehensive part, because the level of detail can make the feed very busy. This is generally a good thing but you have been warned that the number of tweets will be very high. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you.) The official moderator’s feed at @PCIModerator has become a great source as well, but don’t count on a lot during the Assembly itself. We will see if Mr. Bruce tweets during GA. The official hashtag for the Assembly is #pciga21. And it is worth keeping an eye on the PCI Facebook page as well. I would add at this point the church’s divinity school, Union Theological College (@UnionTCollege).

My list of others to watch for interesting and useful updates always starts with outside reporter and insightful commentator Alan in Belfast (@alaninbelfast). For following some of the active leadership of the church, I would point to former Moderator Rob Craig (@RobCraig54) and Cheryl Meban (@cherylmeban) who is a university chaplain and has been active on church committees. It is also worth watching the folks at PCIcast (@PCIcast) who do a podcast about the activities of the church. And so far David McCullagh (@wdsmccullagh) has popped up but others have been a bit quiet up to this point. I will be updating over the next day as things get rolling.

The business of the Assembly this year is extensive and for a better review, I would point you to the GA preview news article and the comments there by the Clerk of the General Assembly, the Rev Trevor Gribben. In particular, Tuesday will be a particularly busy day and that specific preview is available as well.

A couple items coming up Tuesday are an extension, or maybe better termed “fallout”, from the 2018 Assembly. One of these is the adoption of language of membership that referred to “a credible confession of faith” for admission to the Sacraments and pastoral guidance in relation to homosexuality. This was a term that caused some confusion and was used without substantial guidance as to what it meant. A task group is bringing a report on this (found in General Council Report – Section 2) which includes two resources on these areas that have already been reviewed by the presbyteries and revised by the task force.

This Section of the General Council Report also includes a resource on Human Identity from another task group which will certainly be closely watched as well.

Another important report from a task group reporting under the General Council Report (this in Section 3) looked at how the General Assembly operates and how controversial items are handled, especially when they are so actively discussed leading up to the GA. Their report on “Decision Making and Dissent within the Presbyterian Church of Ireland” outlines some additional discussion that can occur on the Presbytery level leading up to the Assembly as well as Assembly procedures during the meeting.

To get the 10,000-meter overview you might want to check out the Executive Summary in Section 1. It is important to note that the General Council Report (in four sections) makes up almost one-half of the whole Blue Book.

There is more in the General Council Report so it should be a full day. One other item in the spotlight ahead of the Assembly is the Council on Global Mission’s report including recommendations for a “divest and engage” policy regarding fossil fuels as well as a statement about “Reviewing PCI’s Investment Policy” that talks about the importance of creation care in the how the church invests its money.

There will be lots going on in the next three days and this will be an Assembly to watch closely. Our prayers are with the commissioners and leadership of the Assembly and the church for this meeting and the year ahead.

87th General Assembly Of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church


The 87th General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church will convene this evening, Wednesday, 7 July, at 7 PM Central Time on the campus of the Dordt University, Sioux Center, Iowa. The meeting will conclude by noon on Tuesday, 14 July. This represents the complete postponement of the 2020 Assembly.

This GA does not have live streaming but we usually have the next best thing: There is a tradition of very well done running daily reports for the OPC GA and in expecting the tradition to continue see if this works when the assembly gets underway.

The agenda and reports are not posted online but you can access the Book of Church Order and the Standing Rules and Instruments of GA if you need background material. There is also a collection of reports from previous GA’s that have become guidance for the church.

The OPC has elected to keep a perpetual hashtag for their meeting (no sticking a year or GA number in there) so it should once again be #OPCGA. In terms of who to follow, I can start with the OPC Twitter account (@OrthodoxPC) and the OPC Home Missions account (@opchomemissions). You can also follow them on their official Facebook page. For individuals tweeting there are already a number warming up for the meeting. It seems the mantle of the lead live tweeter has been handed to Jim Stevenson (@RevJimOPC) and David Mahaffy (@davidmahaffy) is in the building as well. It is probably worth keeping an eye on the Reformed Forum (@ReformedForum) crew including Camden Bucey (@CamdenBucey) and Jim Cassidy (@jjcassidy). While Forest Braden (@fbraden8) is active he advises us his contributions will not be from on-site. And other OPC related accounts to keep an eye on include D. G. Hart’s feed (@oldlife), maybe The Daily Genevan (@TheDailyGenevan), and an autoretweeter tied to one of their denominational associations, NAPARC. A couple other possibilities include Christopher Drew (@ChristopherDrew), Zach Siggins (@zachsiggins) and David Chism (@chismville). As always I will update as the meeting progresses.

Since reports and detailed agendas are not available to anyone but the commissioners, it is difficult to highlight any particular business items that will be coming to the Assembly in advance of it being considered on the floor. Keep an eye on the running report and maybe Twitter for info on what is being discussed. One tweet by Jim Stevenson does indicate that the GA “has 9 complaints on appeal and 4 appeals of judicial cases.”

So as this General Assembly gets underway, our prayers for the teaching and ruling elders of the OPC as they spend a week reflecting on what the Spirit is doing in their branch and their discernment of the future. May you indeed discern God’s will in your decision making.

[Editorial note: I did not forget about the PCA GA but due to family commitments the week got away from me. I am working on a review and commentary and hope to have it posted in a few days.]

41st General Assembly Of The Evangelical Presbyterian Church

The 41st General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church beginning today will be gathering at Second Presbyterian Church, in Memphis. Today, and most of Wednesday, there are workshops and classes as part of the annual Leadership Institute. Business sessions convene Wednesday afternoon, 23 June, and will continue through Friday afternoon, as needed.

Due to local capacity restrictions and COVID-19 protocols, the facility has a capacity for 400 commissioners, so the GA will be a hybrid event with both on-site and virtual participants. The Assembly will make the necessary adjustments to the Rules for Assembly to facilitate the arrangement.

The Assembly meeting will be live-streamed on the web and through the General Assembly app. This will include not just the business sessions but the plenary talks of the Leadership Institute.

There is a lot of information online, most linked through the Documents page and the GA 2021 page. Here are some of the links for information about Assembly business and operation:

As for social media, there is a bit of that out there. There is a Facebook page for the EPC that is currently being updated regularly with Leadership Institute and Assembly items. The official EPC Twitter feed is @EPChurch and the active official hashtag (#epc2021ga) has sprung to life. There are other official but inactive Twitter accounts for EPC Student Ministries (@EPCStudentMin), EPC World Outreach (@EPCWO) and the Stated Clerk Jeff Jeremiah (@Jeff_Jeremiah ) so not much to follow there.

As for individuals, based on the lead-up to the GA we can expect coverage from Zach Hopkins (@Zhop59) and Joey Sherrard (@jhsherrard) has checked in as well. There is also activity from a former Moderator Case Thorp (@casethorp) and my friend Brandon Queen (@BQPhotos). There is an account from the host church that might provide helpful information (@2pcmemphis). And maybe we will see a bit more color and correction from Decent & In Order (@Decent_Orderly) although he has been quiet since the last EPC GA. I will update you here as the meeting progresses.

The theme of the Assembly is “God Will Restore,” based on Joel 2:25-27. The theme will be reflected in the worship services throughout the meetings.

There is a good summary of all the action items coming to the Assembly this year. A couple of items of business stand out. One that caught my eye was an overture from the Presbytery of the Mid-Atlantic that it be divided into three new presbyteries. Another is a report by the Theology Committee that addresses the definition and meaning of the terms “connectional” and “connectionalism.” The report concludes with this statement:

“Perhaps the best definition of connectionalism in the EPC can be found in Book of Government 5-6A. In this section, any church seeking entry into the EPC must affirm that ‘[T]he congregation and its governing body have concurred in the request, and have agreed to walk together as a church, based upon the faith and government of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, to be faithful to one another, to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, to the support of the whole Church, to be obedient to the order and doctrines of our faith, submitting themselves to the government and discipline of the Church, and promising to promote its purity and peace‘ [emphasis added].”

It will be an interesting week and we wish the EPC commissioners well and we will be lifting them up in our prayers as they meet.

146th General Assembly Of The Presbyterian Church In Canada

It is now the month of June and the General Assembly Season is about to get busy. First up, the 2021 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada is underway. It convened yesterday with worship and the installation of their new Moderator. And it is being held online this year after being canceled last year.

The meeting will continue through Wednesday 9 June 2021.

A few things to know to help follow along:

The theme for the meeting is “Do Not Fear, I Am With You”.

The Assembly can be followed on social media through the PCConnect Facebook page and through their official Twitter feed @PCConnect. The hastag for the meeting is #pccga2021. And maybe there will be pictures on the PC Connect Flickr feed although an online Assembly is not as photogenic as an in-person one.

The Twitter traffic is fairly light so far, but a bit of traffic including from Daniel Scott the new Moderator (@ScottDdscott). In addition, his congregation St John’s Bradford West Gwillimbury (@StJohnsBWG) and his son Jonathan Scott (@J_Scott_) have been tweeting. Pleased to see that another GA veteran John Borthwick (@jborthwik) is tweeting. And some commenting from Kristine O’Brian (@bloomingrev) and John Borthwick’s congregation St. Andrew’s Guelph (@standrewsguelph).

Over the last few years, the continuing discussion has been on human sexuality and what path the church is going to take. The process towards inclusion has been moving forward and there has been a team crisscrossing the country that has been listening to stories from those in the church. They will be reporting and it is anticipated that apologies will be adopted.

In related actions, the Bills and Overtures committee reports there are 30 overtures related to Gracious DIsmissal from churches concerned with the direction of the denomination. The recommendation from Bills and Overtures is that they be referred to the Assembly Council, in consultation with the Clerks of Assembly.

The other topic which is currently in the news is the history of the residential schools some of which were run by the Presbyterian Church. The Assembly will include times of apology and lament for that history.

So prayers and best wishes for the members of the 146th General Assembly and as they address issues so difficult, but so important to the future witness of the church. May you indeed be guided by the Holy Spirit in these substantive matters of witness and ministry.

Church of Scotland General Assembly 2021

It is General Assembly week in Edinburgh.. well, sort of in Edinburgh.

A few hours from now, on Saturday morning 22 May the 2021 General Assembly of the Church of Scotland will convene in Edinburgh and around the world virtually. The meeting will be “blended” with some activity in the Assembly Hall, primarily with the major players, and most of the commissioners attending online.

That being said, the meeting is no less significant as there are a couple of major items of business before the Assembly this year.


If you are interested in keeping track of the business and activities this year, here are the starting points:

What we all want to know of course is how to follow along on social media and there will be no lack of that. You can begin with the Church of Scotland’s official Facebook page. There is also the Kirk’s Instagram feed and YouTube channel.

On Twitter, the starting point is the Kirk’s main feed at @churchscotland and the official hashtag #ga2021. (And be alert – there is an event called Gamers Assembly that is using the same hashtag so don’t be surprised at the first-person shooter video(s)) There is an official account for the Moderator of the General Assembly, @churchmoderator, but during the Assembly, we will have to see how many opportunities there will be to tweet. The church’s official publication, Life and Work, is also a good source for information on the website, on Facebook and on their Twitter feed @cofslifeandwork. In addition, there is the individual account of the editor, Lynne McNeil, at @LifeWorkEditor, who does the most comprehensive live-tweeting of the Assembly.

In suggesting personal accounts to follow, let me start with past Moderators of the General Assembly: To lead off there is the current Moderator who will shortly be the Very Reverend Martin Fair (@wmartinfair). Others include the Very Reverend Susan Brown (@VicarofDornach) as well as the Very Reverend Lorna Hood who is always an interesting read at @revlornascot and has been very active the past few years with projects related to Srebrenica justice and remembrance and also serves with YouthLink Scotland. Another is the Very Reverend Derek Browning at @DerekBrowning2. I will conclude with two other former Moderators who have Twitter accounts but have not been as active recently: the Very Reverend Albert Bogle at @italker and the Very Reverend Angus Morrison (@angusmorrison6).

As for others following along and Tweeting about the Assembly let me start with two of my regular recommendations, Peter Nimmo (@peternimmo1) and Doug Gay (@douggay). To that, I would add Paul Middleton (@ProfPMiddleton) and Daren Philip (@darphilip). Finally, for the moment, I will add Sue Cord (@sue_cord), Alistair May (@alistairmay), and Susan Pym (@susan_pym).

I should also note that this year the Queen’s representative to the Assembly, the Lord High Commissioner, is a member of the Royal Family and the first grandchild to hold the position – Prince William the Earl of Strathearn (his Scottish title). There is coverage of the appointment from the Church of Scotland and the Royal Family. He will be attending in person and addressing the Assembly from the Assembly Hall. He will also be undertaking the traditional tour of Scotland. No stranger to the area, he is a graduate of St. Andrews University. You can follow his work on the official Twitter account at @KensingtonRoyal and the account has already been covering his activities in Scotland.

Concerning the business before the Assembly there is a nice summary of each report on the Life and Work website. In addition, each of the conveners has recorded their speech for streaming during the Assembly.

And once again, Scott Paget is doing some heavy lifting for us. He has his series of posts on his blog Reading the Blue Book, now the 2021 edition.  He breaks down reports from the Blue Book individually with his comments. You can follow him on Twitter at @smpaget.

The challenge of how to reform the church to remain viable for the future has been an ongoing issue for the Kirk, especially over the last three years. One of the pieces of this has been the Special Commission on the Effectiveness of the Presbyterian Form of Church Government. As part of the restructuring of the Church of Scotland, they will be presenting their final report. It has discussion points regarding the local churches, presbyteries, and the national organization and the deliverance asks that the questions be sent out to all of them for discussion and feedback. There are no proposed changes to the form of government at this time, but a couple of interesting sections of the report:

[T]he Special Commission made a conscious decision not to undertake a detailed comparison of other ecclesial governance models. Contact with and experience of other forms of church government has shown that what is true of Presbyterianism is true of other ecclesiologies. All systems have strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the actions, attitudes and competencies of the people who work within them, all can foster innovation and creativity, and all can equally be prey to inertia and caution. Our task is not to reshape the Church of Scotland into the
likeness of another denomination.

Section 1.33

And the conclusion of the introduction:

The Special Commission wonders if a continuing preoccupation with fixing structures will detract from the work of mission and of being the Church in our communities, nation and world. Whether we tinker with our structures or take much more radical action, the ultimate proof of our effectiveness is not in the machinery of our governance (though to ignore that machinery entirely would be a mistake; we need structures that work). The ultimate proof of our effectiveness is the depth of our personal and corporate devotion to God, the provision of regular opportunity for meaningful worship and the promotion and supporting of mission, provided by local congregations, regional bodies, and the national Church. Our focus has to take into account the ‘what’ of our governance; but this must not take away from the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of what it means for us to be people of ‘The Way’ in the twenty-first century.

Section 1.38

The Special Commission report is scheduled for the first half of Monday afternoon.

Another report related to the restructuring is that of the General Trustees who are looking at the future of the church’s land and buildings. In one line it says ‘there can no longer be an assumption that any building can survive without a critical assessment of its contribution to the future mission of the Church’. Similarly, the report of the Assembly Business Committee talks about their work to streamline the General Assembly and they are proposing a change to reduce the number of commissioners to the Assembly, an action which must be approved by the presbyteries under the Barrier Act. The Assembly Business Committee reports on Saturday morning and the General Trustees on Thursday afternoon.

In one of the more closely watched business items the Legal Questions Committee is bringing an action, requiring presbytery concurrence, to permit a Minister of Word and Sacrament or a Deacon to apply to be authorized to officiate a same-sex marriage. (Polity note: for American readers the office of Deacon, while carrying the same description of one of caring and tending the flock, is a professional position like the position of pastor.) On another note, they outline their work on rewriting the polity of the church courts (i.e. governing bodies or judicatories) and give notice they will bring new material next year. The Legal Questions Committee is scheduled to report on Monday afternoon.

Finally, one of the items I have been keeping an eye on is the report of the Theological Forum. Three years ago there was an overture to examine the place of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the possibility of other subsidiary standards. The Forum put together a workshop on the topic and the papers were published in Theology in Scotland. This interim report presents discussion questions about options presented in the report for the church to give feedback to the Forum. They are scheduled to give their report on Tuesday afternoon.

So here we go. It will be an interesting week and among the questions the Assembly Business Committee is bringing is whether the use of videoconference technology should be used regularly for General Assemblies. We will see how this year goes.

So stay tuned…

General Assembly Season 2021

Celtic cross logo

May 1st is my official starting point for General Assembly Season and while I try to have this posted by then some commitments in other areas of my life made that difficult. At this point, as we continue through the GA Season my teaching responsibilities will be trailing off and I hope to be tracking everything more closely.

Looking at this GA season, for the meetings that we have good information on there is a mix of in-person, hybrid, and online meetings. It will be interesting to see how these all go.

So this is the line-up for General Assembly Season as I know it now. Please let me know if I have missed an announcement or a presbyterian branch.

PCT Logo

66th General Assembly
Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
20-22 April 2021

Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago logo

61st Synod Annual General Meeting
Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago
22-24 April 2021

Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australian logo

The Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia
Hunter PCEA, Cardiff, NSW
5-7 May 2021

Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad logo

45th General Assembly
Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad
Hybrid, based at Atlanta Vision Church
11 May 2021

Presbyterian Church of Tasmania logo

General Assembly
Presbyterian Church of Tasmania
11 May 2021

Covenant Presbyterian Church logo

General Assembly & Family Camp
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Divide, Colorado
12-15 May 2021

Presbyterian Church of Malaysia logo

47th General Assembly
Christian Presbyterian Church of Malaysia
13-14 May 2021

Free Church of Scotland logo

General Assembly
Free Church of Scotland
17-19 May 2021

Korean-American Presbyterian Church of the Americas logo

45th General Assembly
Korean-American Presbyterian Church of the Americas
18-19 May 2021
Videoconference from World Hope Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles

Church of Scotland seal

General Assembly
Church of Scotland
22-27 May 2021
Blended, from the Assembly Hall, Edinburgh

Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) logo

General Assembly
Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)
24-26 May 2021

General Assembly
United Free Church of Scotland
26-28 May 2021
Milngavie United Free Church

146th General Assembly
Presbyterian Church in Canada
6-9 June 2021

Synod 2021
Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland
7-9 June 2021

217th Stated Meeting of the General Synod
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church
8-10 June 2021
First Presbyterian Church
Columbia, South Carolina

2021 Synod
Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
14-17 June 2021
Indiana Wesleyan University
Marion, Indiana

General Assembly
Presbyterian Church of Queensland
Including the Presbytery of South Australia
21-24 June 2021
Living Church, Carina

41st General Assembly
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
22-25 June 2021
Second Presbyterian Church

145th General Assembly
Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America
27 June – 2 July 2021
Louisville, Kentucky
Concurrent with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church

190th General Assembly
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
27 June – 2 July 2021
Louisville, Kentucky
Concurrent with Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America

48th General Assembly
Presbyterian Church in America
28 June -2 June 2021
St. Louis

N.S.W. State Assembly
Presbyterian Church of Australia
in the State of New South Wales

5 July 2021 (begins)
Hybrid, from Presbyterian Ladies’ College
Croydon, N.S.W.

87th General Assembly
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
7-14 July 2021
Dordt University
Sioux Center, Iowa

General Assembly
United Reformed Church (UK)
9-12 July 2021
Included as the successor to the English Presbyterian Church

Reformed Presbyterian International Conference
20-16 July 2021
Marion, Indiana
Rescheduled from 2020, Canceled. Next in 2024

84th General Synod
Bible Presbyterian Church
5-9 August 2021
Grace Presbyterian Church, Cape Canaveral, FL

General Assembly
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
29 September -3 October 2021
St. Andrews College
(biennial – but rescheduled from 2020)

General Assembly
Presbyterian Church of Victoria
4 – 7 October 2021

112th General Assembly
Presbyterian Church in Western Australia
29 October 2021 (begins)
St. Columba’s Church, Peppermint Grove

Presbyterian Church in Ireland logo

General Assembly
Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Other Branches
Traditionally I have listed only those branches with annual meetings described as synod or general assembly meetings. There are a number of branches with a single judicatory that form themselves as presbyteries. Some of these meet annually, some meet multiple times throughout the year. For information purposes, I am including a list here of some of those branches which I will update regularly as I track Presbyterian dynamics.

So that’s the list I am tracking at the moment. I will update as appropriate. If I have missed one, or have information wrong or incomplete, please provide the appropriate information and I will update the list.

I will again reference the series of articles I wrote as an introduction to Presbyterian General Assemblies nine years ago. My GA 101 series consists of the following

GA101: Preface
GA101: Introduction – Why in the world would anybody want to do it this way?
GA101: Connectionalism – The Presbyterian Big Picture
GA101: The Cast of Characters – A score card to identify the players
GA101: The Moderator – All Things In Moderation
GA101: Where does the GA business come from? – Incoming!
GA101: Doing the business of GA — Decently and in Order

So GA Junkies, this season continues to be a bit different with all combinations of in-person, hybrid or blended, and online meetings.

And it is nice to be back to a full GA season, even if this one is still a bit different. And as I know some denominations found, in finding alternate meeting styles last year the GA season my have been permanently changed. More on that later.

So stay decent and in order my friends.

224th General Assembly Of The PC(USA) – A Summary Of Summaries and Responses

GA 224 logo

Now that the 224th General Assembly of the PC(USA) has concluded I will be collecting the various summary pieces I see and linking them on this page.

I will begin with my summary.



There are a couple of summaries that I am expecting that I don’t see yet, but I will insert them here when they appear.

Some local summaries include ones from…

In addition, there have been several reactions to the General Assembly, particularly in regards to how it handled racial justice issues. Here are the blog posts and open letters I know about that address this

224th General Assembly of the PC(USA) – GA Business Resumes

Logo - The GA Business resumes

In a short while today, Friday June 26, the plenary sessions of the 224th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) resume. Looking ahead at the GA business on the docket it will be interesting to see how the next two days develop.

Meeting Structure

The approved docket has the meeting starting at 11 am EDT on both Friday and Saturday. On Friday it begins with Worship followed by a recess of one hour. On Saturday it begins with an order of the day for the election of the Stated Clerk to serve another four-year term.

The order of business, proposed by the Business Referral Committee, is posted and awaiting Assembly approval.

The objective is to do two hours of work followed by an hour recess to help avoid videoconference fatigue.

On Friday the meeting is docketed to recess for the day at 6 pm EDT and on Saturday the adjournment is docketed for 6:30 pm EDT. There are a total of nine and a half hours of business meeting time listed. Will that grow?

Growing list of business

Coming into the meeting the Assembly Committee on Business Referral and the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) brought a list of business items sorted into categories of Information Only, Critical Business, and Referred to the 225th General Assembly.

From that, the Business Referral Committee constructed a consent agenda from which a few items were pulled last Friday night so that 17 items remain.

Also last Friday night some more items were added to the list of GA business. The first was a list of late-submitted items to add to the Critical Business list. Most of these were information items or routine but necessary matters.

From that list, there is a new item from COGA “On the Church in this Moment in History” [00-29]. There is also a separate item from Business Referrals that was added: “On Responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic” [00-30].

And from the opening night, while there were several items proposed to be moved from the referrals, only two items related to Native American ministry and related property were approved to be pulled from the referral list. These are now numbered [00-95] and [00-96].

After that work on Friday night, on Saturday morning the motion has been made to reconsider the action on Item 01-04 that contains the list. At the time the Assembly closed debate on the item on Friday night the Moderator let it be known that there were up to eight commissioners waiting to move that other items be pulled from the referral list. I am not sure what all of these items might be, and I suspect that there are multiple people proposing the same ones, but a clear favorite is one of the actions to add the requirement for family leave to the Book of Order. ( Items 02-092 and 02-122) Another item I have heard a suggestion of is fossil fuel divestment, maybe Item 02-126. And I would expect at least one more social justice-related item to be moved. It will be interesting to see how some of these topics are handled when there are multiple overtures or recommendations related to them in the referral list. UPDATE: The motion to reconsider was not approved by a commissioner vote of 97 to 377.

So we will first see if the motion to reconsider is successful – it is one of the first items when business resumes, right after adopting the order of business. Then we will see which items are requested and whether the Assembly agrees. And as most of these are not routine matters but will probably have a certain amount of debate, we are most likely looking at extending the meeting if a couple of them get added.

Assembly Operations

One of the interesting things to watch in Plenary 1 (last Friday night) and Plenary 1A (the election of the Co-Moderators) was how the Assembly operated in the virtual format. As noted previously, the Co-Moderators of the 223rd General Assembly, Ruling Elder Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and Teaching Elder Cindy Kohlmann, did a great job of running the meeting from their multiple screens. What we learned is that extra time is needed because of the latency and time delays in the videoconferencing system as well as the time necessary for translation for some commissioners.

The other component is that commissioners and advisory delegates have none of the visual and audio ques that they have in person. Cindy Kohlmann had to announce that there were still eight individuals waiting to make a motion rather than commissioners looking around to see the lines at the microphones and what color cards each waiting speaker was holding. The other interesting thing is that with an in-person meeting it was common for an advisory delegate to find a commissioner to make a motion for them to get something on the floor and then they could speak to it. In the virtual setting we discovered that this assistance is harder to get and it seems that some networking has been established in the last week.

So considering everything mentioned above, I have to wonder if an extra session will be tacked on tonight or tomorrow night to get everything accomplished. The good news is that there is no physical conference center that the Assembly has to be out of at noon on Saturday. But with the anticipated extra business and the necessary deliberative pace of the Assembly we saw last Friday night, how much will the Assembly fall behind schedule? We will see that as today goes on.

UPDATE (Friday afternoon): So yes, the business agenda is sliding. Plenary 3 has gone almost two and a half hours and the only business completed was 00-29 “On the church at this moment in history.” The Assembly agreed to recess for just over an hour and pick up the other three items on the Plenary 3 agenda. At least it will be caught up in the morning.

The other thing that would extend it, of course, is a long debate or set of parliamentary motions on controversial items. Right now nothing strikes me as controversial enough to add significant amounts of time, but maybe if something like fossil fuel divestment makes it into the necessary business a longer debate might be in the offing. As understand the rules of engagement the Assembly, on a controversial business item there will probably not be a minority report and the time necessary for that process to happen. And will the SFTS/COTE debate arise again? I suspect it will, but based on the tone of the Assembly Friday night it will probably not get very far. That topic will be left for the remedial case now before the GAPJC.

So get ready and buckle your seat belts out there all you GA junkies. As the first virtual General Assembly, today will be interesting even if everything proceeds smoothly today. And will one of these days go long? I have to think it will. But we will see if it is for technical reasons, parliamentary reasons, or because a lot of GA business needs to be accomplished in a relatively short amount of time.

Stay tuned…

PC(USA) 224th General Assembly – Election Of The Moderators

The session for the Moderator Election was delayed a day due to the length of time dealing with business Friday night, but the election evening went smoothly and finished a bit ahead of what some of us expected.

It helped that we had the Co-Moderators on the first ballot with Elona Street-Stewart and Gregory Bentley receiving 304 of the 459 commissioner votes. And yes, the YAAD’s called it with 41 of the 71 Young Adult Advisory Delegates recommending that team.

For more on Elona and Gregory, you can look back at my Moderator Team Introduction of them.

Elona Street-Stewart and Gregory Bentley at the Press Conference after the Moderator election
Elona Street-Stewart and Gregory Bentley, Co-Moderators of the 224th General Assembly (screen shot from the post-election news conference via Zoom)

The election process began with short statements by each of the teams, and the teams generally echoing their pre-Assembly materials. Marie Mainard O’Connell and Arthur Fullerton talked about the denomination continuing to moving forward and their skill-sets to help make that happen. Elona Street-Stewart and Gregory Bentley emphasized their backgrounds and heritage and place in the Presbyterian heritage and how they want to move forward in the context of the Matthew 25 initiative. And the third to present, Sandra Hedrick and Moon Lee, emphasized addressing inequality and inclusion in the context of sharing the Gospel and being empowered by the Holy Spirit.

There was time for five questions from the commissioners to the candidates.

  • How do you envision yourself being an agent for change? What three things would you do immediately?
  • How can we as a church come together and unite as a people and make everyone feel included and feel the love of God?
  • How can we expand the work within congregations and communities?
  •  In light of the current unrest, what is the role of the Presbyterian Church regarding racism? And how do the local churches address the issue of racism in light of being mostly white?
  • So far we have been discussing domestic issues. The center of Christianity has been shifted to the Global South. How can we learn from them?

The first four questions were submitted in advance by video and of these four only the fourth question was asked by a person of color. The fifth question was asked live by a Mission Advisory Delegate. The responses to the question included that the world is becoming a globalized place, that we have a lot to learn from them, and important to visit to get to know them. Answers to this question did avoid some of the rough patches that the PC(USA) has had in the last decade in its relationships with other churches regarding ordination standards, for example with the Mexican Presbyterian church.

Following this, it was time to vote and as noted above 41 (57.7%) of the 71 Young Adult Advisory Delegates voted for the team of Elona and Gregory. With the commissioners, the support was even stronger with 304 (66.2%) of the 459 commissioners voting for them.

Veteran GA observers might note that the first ballot election is the less frequent occurrence and 66.2% is a fairly high level of support. Since reunion 11 of the 29 moderator elections have been decided on the first ballot. Of those, only one was a two person or team choice (the 222nd in 2016). The only Moderator since reunion to receive a higher percentage of votes was Robert Wayne Bohl in 1994 with 73.9%. It is important to point out that for three years, 1985 to 1987, the posted minutes do not include vote totals. Therefore, the support for first-ballot moderators William H. Wilson (1985) and Benjamin Weir (1986) are not readily available.

And in terms of firsts, it is important to celebrate that Elona Street-Stewart is the first Native American to serve as a Moderator of the PC(USA) General Assembly.

Sankofa bird symbol for Elona and Gregory (from the Moderatorial Candidate booklet)
Sankofa bird symbol for Elona and Gregory (from the PC(USA))

At the post-election press conference, one of the early questions was about the team’s symbol of the Sankofa bird. The bird itself is a mythical animal and symbol from the Akan tribe of Ghana with the feet facing forward but retrieving, or carrying, an egg while looking back. The Elona and Gregory chose to place the bird in water, representing the Mississippi River, a river that flows across the nation with importance to both the indigenous peoples and the African American culture. The symbolism of the bird is the bringing of the best of the past to what lies in the future. As their statement in the Moderatorial Book says “Like the Sankofa bird of our logo, we look back beyond this time of uncertainty and fear to learn from those who have gone before, even as we look forward to a faithful and fruitful future.” At the press conference, it was discussed that the symbol ties the best of cultures together merging Native American and African American cultures.

Since a major emphasis of their materials and comments has been the Matthew 25 initiative that was also a major topic of the press conference. They emphasized the number of resources that have already been developed and that one of the three parts of the initiative is congregational vitality. Gregory Bentley emphasized that the church in general, and individual congregations, need to align priorities with the initiative. This is another add-on – it’s purpose is not to supplant but to supplement. In terms of getting the initiative into churches, Elona Street-Stewart emphasized that we “need a beachhead.” The initiative gives clarity and focus to our mission and what the defining features of Christian ministry are.

In talking about the business of the Assembly, especially the business that will be referred to the next Assembly, Elona discussed how the church needs to understand that there is the formation of work going on all the time. There is a fear that if we don’t deal with it at the GA it won’t get done.

Asked about whether GA has too much business to deal with and whether the volume is a problem for people in the churches to understand or participate with GA actions, Elona discussed the nature of GA. She said that many in our churches view GA like they view the civil government, particularly a legislative body. If you have a problem you send a request to GA to fix it. Rather, GA should be viewed as a fellow participant in ministry and should reflect on-going work. If there is a ministry a church is involved in and participation or resources from the national level would be useful – that is the role of GA.

And it was no surprise that when asked about how the church can support them the response was “Pray for stamina, perseverance and patience.” But they added that they are aware of and will need to address and overcome stereotypes. They are not what some people imagine a moderator would be. Elona Steet-Stewart said that they will be “Going to go to places where we are unimagined yet.” They are aware that they won’t fit the profile and will need the whole church to be able to talk about the stereotypes.

And so, as the General Assembly prepares to return to business sessions tomorrow, we do pray for them and many hours ahead. They have now travelled from their respective homes to Louisville so they can moderate in close proximity to their polity and technical support. May they indeed have the stamina, perseverance, and patience for the task ahead.

For more on the Election of the Co-Moderators and Elona Street-Stewart and Gregory Bentley, there is the PC(USA) News article, as well as an election article and a press conference article from the Presbyterian Outlook.