Category Archives: Live Blogging

Live Blog – 222nd General Assembly, PC(USA), Saturday Afternoon Session

Thanks for joining me. This session I am working out the bugs in the live blog system to see if I want to use it this evening. Thanks for bearing with me.

OK, looks like technical issues. For the moment going back to the old way. Automatic updates are not working so please refresh your browser to see my updates.

The Assembly was warmed up by the house band with three hymns and songs.

A few minutes late the Moderator of the 221st Assembly, Heath Rada, gaveled the Assembly to order.

To open the Assembly there was a time of worship, reflection and remembrance to mark the anniversary of the Charleston church shooting. Interfaith representatives from the local area participated.

There were initial comments from the Stated Clerk and a declaration of the quorum was approved by the Assembly without objection.

2:32 – Back on track. The greetings from the Committee on Local Arrangements. And the video introducing the city. Followed by a procession of signs for the churches in the presbytery.


2:49 PM – Report of the Moderator.

“Hope does not disappoint!” Has the Assembly repeat it.

Four areas of emphasis and place of hope

  1. Church is hungry for renewal through formation and proclamation
  2. Congregational vitality. Smaller churches struggling because of size. Larger find no point of connection to the system and find themselves working alone.
  3. Beloved community and its standards of witness for all people. Racial justice, inclusion of native american brothers and sisters, discrimination against LGBTQ family members. Money is not the problem – we are one of the wealthiest denominations. Also creation justice. Forging beloved community is difficult. People ask “Is there still a place for me in the PC(USA)?” Move from supporters of justice to a people of peace and unity.
  4. Education. Traditionally one of the denominations that emphasize education. Must continue to help provide education for all.

“Hope does not disappoint.”

Need to be part of a thinking faith. Need to set out on the journey once decisions are made. Not wait for every detail. But maybe we need to set aside our desire to do things decently and in order but step out boldly. [Applause]

The process that has begun is to get us unstuck.

Do we need a brand strategy? Do we need to deweaponize our polity? Can we affirm new paradigms for ministry? Need bottom up not the perceived top down.

Presbyterians know who they are and like who we are. COGA study says… [Do I have the first hit here?]

COGA study says that we like our polity

Our calling is to be messengers of salvation. May the God that has kept us safe thus far lead us joyfully forward.

3:13 PM – Orientation to Plenary Meetings. Gradye is recognized

For plenary discussions – we have a method of forming groups decently and in order. Tables are alternately blue and white tops and blue turns around and talks with white. Commissioners are taking a moment to get in groups and meet each other.

The people on the platform are introduced.
The speaker ID system at the microphones is described
The use of the paddles are described. For inquiring minds we are told that “Yes, they are badminton paddles.” And we get a light show as each of the color paddles are explained.

The process for translation of a speaker’s comments into English is explained in Spanish and Korean

Moving back to the motion process. BIG NEWS [note sarcasm} Motions can now be submitted electronically! {now we just need a bot to automate and spam the process}
If you need help formulating a motion you can ask a student assistant in the “stylish designer blue vests.”

The convention center has enhanced the WiFi throughout the building for the meeting.

“Electronic voting may be new to you. After the last GA it may be new to us as well.”
Explanation of voting phasor remote control voting handsets.
Practice questions – How many times have you previously attended a General Assembly (as a voting delegate)?
Next question: What is your age? And there is a problem with the voting instructions as the 46-55 age range is missing. We will vote anyways and if you are in that category Pick and age you would like to be

Next question: Which which race/ethnicity do you identify? Again an issue with the screen as white/European descent is missing.
Final question: Related to disability and need for accommodation

Finally a word on conduct – basically conduct yourself as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And Gradye reminds us that the book (the 2016 GA Program Book) holds many answers to questions.

But wait there’s more. Now an introduction to the process for voting on the report from the GA Nominating Committee.

The report is on PC-Biz and reflects two years of careful work. There can be nominations from the floor but the nominated must agree to serve and the individual on the slate who is being challenged identified.

3:57 PM – And now we talk about money. A brief overview of Financial Implications

  • What is a financial implication? Any business item that has a cost.
  • What creates a financial implication? Can come from any of the four sources of business (Overtures, Reports, Commissioner Resolutions, Referrals)
  • Which budget is impacted? Per Capita or Mission
  • What is the financial implication process? For any business with cost a form is filled out based on past experience of costs.
  • What are the questions to ask? No reserves being used so if something is added something must be scaled back or eliminated or per capita is increased

And we have our first Book of Order citation F-1.0202

4:13 PM – Committee Structure is proposed by Gradye and approved

4:14 PM – Business referrals
Now, a chance to orient to PC-Biz. We are walked through getting to business item 01-01.
And a voice vote is taken and the docket is approved.

Moving on to 01-02 – the referrals.

Next 01-05. This supersedes 01-03. This distributes business to the committees. Passed on voice vote.

Finally 01-06. To suspend the stated rules to allow for late business from GA entities. Passed on voice vote.

4:24 PMFirst video from the Communications Office on the Spirit of GA
Includes an intro to the two Stated Clerk candidates
And a thanks to Gradye!

Announcements and this session adjourns.

See you at 7 PM Portland time to elect the Moderator of the 222nd General Assembly.


PC(USA) 221st General Assembly — Committees Done, Moving On To Plenary

UPDATE: I did not get the time to finish this out. I will leave it posted in incomplete form.

[Ed. Note: Due to my meeting schedule this morning I will need to do this in pieces and so to get this out as quickly as possible I will be doing it in live blog style. That means that if you get the first part via email you will need to go online to see the complete post later today. If you are following online then check back in a while to see the update.]

It is now Wednesday morning and all the commissioners to the 221st General Assembly are busy reading the reports that they will be discussing and voting on the next 72 hours.

Committee work seemed to go fairly smoothly with one committee, Committee 14 – Congregational Vitality, finishing up in one day. It looked like one or two committees continued after dinner on Tuesday, but I could be wrong and PC-Biz was just catching up.

As we go into Plenary this afternoon here are some things to look forward to…

First, there is a new system with a unified consent agenda that will be approved as the first major item of business. Any action that received at least a 75% super-majority in committee would probably be placed on the consent agenda unless the committee felt it should be presented in a committee report. This means that Committee 14 does not need to report since all six of their business items were approved unanimously. The catch is that item 14-04 has financial implications and I understand that will bring it to the floor.

It will be interesting to see how the consent agenda goes, in particular how many items are pulled off for consideration since any item can be removed by the request of even one commissioner.

There are some interesting items on the consent agenda, including the standing committee nominations. But in a quick look a lot of them are like the items on per capita limits and Young Adult Commissioners that the committee overwhelmingly disapproved with comment. We will see what is the will of the Assembly.

So, looking at the proposed docket, which may or may not be the one brought by Bills and Overtures for approval as one of the very first items of business this afternoon, here is what seems to be coming in the way of committee business.

Wednesday Afternoon
Report of the Assembly Committee on BOP, PILP, PPC, and Foundation (12)
This committee currently has seven items on the consent agenda. These include disapproval of [12-01] required participation in the benefits plan and disapproval of [12-02] that would require near-immediate divestment of departing pastors from the benefits plan.

Remaining business items seem fairly routine and received strong support in the committee. These include [12-07] to reelect the Foundation President and Chief Executive Officer, as well as [12-11] to confirm the election of the President of the Board of Pensions.

Report of the Assembly Committee on General Assembly Procedures (03)
This committee has 25 items on the consent agenda including a bunch of sub-recommendations from the Report of the Committee to Review Biennial Assemblies. The committee is recommending approval of all the Review Committee recommendations, some with amendment. As mentioned above, per capita limits and Young Adult Commissioners are recommended for disapproval. Otherwise almost all business, both consent and floor action, are recommended for approval. There are two more exceptions. One is a Commissioner Resolution  to provide childcare at GA and other national events which has financial implications and is being referred and the other is a Commissioner Resolution to give Executive Presbyters corresponding member status which is recommended for disapproval.

[That takes care of this afternoon – Back with more in a little while]

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Saturday Morning

Live blogging the Saturday morning concluding session.
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly – even more so with the fatigue at the end of the week.)

The business for the morning is to finish all unfinished business, worship and adjourn the Assembly

[As a courtesy to my family members I am staying with I departed around midnight last night so I am still piecing together the business that happened after I left. I have not found a definite time that the Assembly adjourned but it was around 1:30 AM.]

The Assembly is dragging itself back and as the house band gets started they being with an instrumental version of “Precious Lord, Take My Hand.” Got to think they had the “I am tired, I am weak, I am worn” line in mind, if not the rest of the verse “Through the storm, through the night/ Lead me on to the light/ Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home.”

[Yes, I just got confirmation that the Assembly recessed at 1:30 AM due to a combination of factors, but mostly because the buses would stop running at 2 AM. Thanks Andy]

So, all the usual – The band warms us up, the Moderator calls us to order at 9:00 AM and a ruling elder commissioner leads us through the prayer cycle.

The Moderator thanks the band and the Assembly gives them a standing ovation.

1001 Worshiping Communities – Common Table, Bend, Oregon

Bills and Overtures
   Committee 4 will report
   Final set of minutes will be reviewed by the members of the Bills and Overtures committee
   Thanks, and standing ovation, for the Moderator and Stated Clerk

Committee on Review of Biennial Assemblies – Committee 4
Arrested last night Item 04-01 Recommendations 3, 5, 8
Motion to refer on the floor – To ask the Special Committee to continue its work with emphasis on certain specific areas
   Can this be done by COGA?
   This motion negates the work we on the committee did
   These are good recommendations – let’s let them develop them more
   This motion is too prescriptive
Commissioner asks for reality check of where we are – “My body was here last night but my brain checked out.” In response even the Committee Moderator needs to be corrected about this
Two motions tried to be made but not in order at this time since they do not apply to the motion on the floor
Commissioner comment – We must aggressively work to empower those under 35 in this church
Commissioner argues that while further work might be good the Special Committee’s work is lacking from the beginning and the Assembly Committee had better ideas
Call the question – approved on voice vote
Vote on the motion to refer
   Advisory delegates [is there a problem with the voting system – nothing is happening. Awkward long pause. Now Gradye whispers something to Neal. Consultation with someone else. Gradye leaves.] The video system is having technical difficulties so the results will be delivered on paper. Singing while we wait.
OK, we go to hand vote – debate closed. The motion to refer is defeated

Back to the main motion
Committee recommends that Item 04-03A be approved with amendment
Commissioner speaks to trusting the committee, especially when they vote 24-2
Item approved without objection

Committee recommends that Item 04-03B be approved
Committee recommends that Item 04-03C be approved with amendment (that an overture from a presbytery asking for a constitutional change have the concurrence of one other presbytery, not 10% as proposed by the Special Committee)
Amendment from the floor – After making it and getting clarification the commissioner withdraws it
These items approved without objection

Item 04-08 Regarding Extending the Timeframe for the Work of the Review Committee
Recommend approval with amendment
Commissioner argues against – we have created enough task forces, this will cost $38K
Committee member responds that there has to be a better way to do business and they have ideas they would like to try
Talking polity of how to replace this with something else – recommendation of Moderator is to vote this down and them move something else
Commissioner argues for crowdsourcing as less expensive
[The keypads are working again]
    Commissioners – 347 yes, 128 no

Item 04-05 Regarding Young Adult Commissioners
Committee recommends that it be disapproved and referred back to the Special Committee
Commissioner, who I think said he was a stated clerk, asks if you can disapprove and refer
Substitute motion – Direct the Stated Clerk to communicate with the presbyteries to prioritize sending young adult commissioners to Assembly
Commissioner speaks to it and asks how we can be better structured to get young adults involved
Moderator suggests that it be an amendment to the comment
Commissioner objects and wants it to be an action item
Stated Clerk suggests adding it to the action item and it will be acted upon – Commissioner agrees
Commissioner argues that “We need to think outside the box and one of the boxes is General Assembly.” Need to think alternately to a week long meeting
YAAD objects – it gives us too little credit. Need to take action to bring young people in as commissioners not advisory delegates (Well received by assembly)
Is there anyone on the Committee under 35? Answer – almost half of the committee is under the age of 40 (And the Review Committee Moderator is the only one eligible for AARP)
More polity confusion as to what is on the floor
Commissioner speaks in defense of young people who will come to meetings – but want the time to socialize outside of the meeting
Amendment passed on voice vote

Substitute Motion – Actually, this will probably be done by amendment as it adds a paragraph that is the original language
Agreed that the best way to do this would be to vote down the current motion and then propose the new language
YAAD argues against – nice idea but there are better ways to do it as Assembly Committee discussed
Commissioner – We don’t need young adult synod representation. We need young adult leadershp
YAAD – There is no lack of young adult leadership at this assembly
Without objection the question is called
Vote on the Item
  Advisory delegates TSADs 31% yes, YAADs 50% yes, EADs 75% yes, MADs 67% yes
  Commissioners – 387 to 77
The committee’s recommendation is approved

This concludes the committee’s report

Questions: The property trust clause motion earlier was ruled out of order. Could the Stated Clerk please explain further?  Stated Clerk – There was language missing from the motion regarding business at a congregational meeting which if it had been added would have made the motion in order.

Report on the Encountering the the Gospel of Peace Anew Initiative
From the Peacemaking and International Issues

Commissioner moves reconsideration of 10-15 on the Status of Women in the PC(USA)
Information I did not hear last night – The report was mandated by the 218th GA
[Polity point – one Assembly’s action does not bind future committees]
Commissioner speaks in favor – also did not understand ramifications, we need to take this issue seriously
Commissioner argues that the money is better spent supporting women in ministry instead of studying it
Commissioner reminds Assembly that the cost is over four years so annual impact is small
Commissioner argues that this late in the Assembly, with some commissioners having left, this is not a good time to move reconsideration
[A couple of short fuses in the room – “we are tired, we are weak, we are worn.”]
Question for clarification and response: This is not just about the status of women but the view of women by men.
Vote on motion to reconsider
   Advisory delegates – TSADs 75% yes, YAADs 22% yes, EADs 60% yes, MADs 50% yes
   Commissioners – 127 yes to 305 no, 3 abstain
The motion to reconsider is defeated

Commissioner apologizes for being so vocal about the point of order and compliments the Moderator

Mission Coordination
  This Assembly has added $929,054 to the 2013 budget and $823,186 to the 2014 budget
     The GAMC will have to figure out how to pay for it
Commissioner points out that certain numbers don’t add up. Checking the written it is a typo and the screen is corrected
The recommendation is approved without objection
The outgoing GACM chair, Mike Kruse, makes remarks and thanks Linda Valentine for all the work she has done and the transformations that have happened
He passes the stole to the new GAMC chair, the first young adults GAMC chair – Matt Schramm
The new chair thanks Mike for his leadership and encourages young adults to get involved
This concludes our report

Linda Valentine and Gradye Parsons give a promo for Big Tent

The Committee on Local Arrangements is recognized and gets a standing ovation
Makes presentations to Moderator and Vice-Moderator
Thanks to the c
ast of thousands who helped out at this GA including the executive committee of COLA

General Assembly Procedures
  The Committee Moderator reports the membership numbers that were used for calculations in response to an earlier question
  Cost of actions for 2012 – $240 (has to be absorbed)
  For 2013 the Assembly’s actions will add 0.15 to per capita budget
  For 2014 the Assembly’s actions will add 0.08 to per capita budget
  There has been an agreement to absorb some costs from reserves so impact on assessed per capita will be lower –  $0.07 in 2013 and $0.04 in 2014. That brings the total per capita assessment to $6.87 for 2013 and $7.02 for 2014.
Approved on voice vote
Committee leads a short song of their own composition based on “We are one in the Spirit” thanking COLA

COGA makes some final announcements and thanks

Thanks and presentation from OGA to COLA
COLA Chair is presented with a commemorative plate

The Committee on Local Arrangements for the 221st General Assembly reports
Gives thanks that their video person produced a long and short version of their video and will now show the short version (applause)

The Stated Clerk gives thanks to all the people that have run the platform and worked backstage and behind the scenes.
And thanks to the commissioners for their hard work.

Moderator makes his thanks for the help of “his people”

Announcements – Leave the keypads on the table.

We now go into closing worship.

[My live-blogging ends here. Thanks to all who have followed along.
Thanks to my sister and brother-in-law for letting me crash at their place.
I have posted my regular summary sheet on the GA on
Now to worship and after that to go be a tourist for the rest of the day. And get some sleep.

Grace and peace to all of you.]

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Friday Evening

Live blogging the Friday evening session. (And I hope I don’t have to change that title to include Saturday Morning)
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly – even more so with the fatigue at the end of the week.)

I think I have some control on the technical difficulties with my connection. It is better but not perfect. I will do the best I can. Others have agreed that the wifi in the room is so saturated and they are also having problems staying connected.

The order agreed to in the afternoon session is:

Civil Union and Marriage (in progress)
Foundation video
Church Growth and PILP
Church Orders
Mission Coordination
Peacemaking and Intermational Issues
Health Issues
Authoritative Interpretation
Review of Biennial Assemblies (please pray for them)

[And an apology for all those who are rejoining this in progress based on my inaccurate restart time of 7:30 PM]

Get ready folks – it is not clear if we go until we are done or if we have to adjourn at 11 PM due to shuttle bus schedule. Brings to mind my post about the Church of Scotland being able to take an afternoon off.

The house band gives us some nice music to get seated by

Brought to order by Moderator Presa and led through the prayer cycle led by two YAADs.

1001 Worshiping communities video

Bills and Overtures
We need to finish the Civil Union and Marriage Committee and then we have eight more committees to go.

Memorial Minute for Howard Rice, Moderator of the 191st General Assembly of the UPCUSA

Committee on Civil Union and Marriage – Committee 13 – In progress

Item 13-NB

Motion from the floor – Amendment that the action on 13-04 answer this item and all other items
Amendment to the amendment to remove 13-05 from the item
Discussion on the amendment to the amendment
   Please let us have the discussion on 13-05
   We have just been through a four hour discussion (actually 3.5) and we don’t need to do it again
Questions about where we are parliamentary process wise
   We need to talk about the AI – reformed and always reforming
Call the question – approved on voice vote
Vote on the amendment to the amendment
   Advisory delegates – TSADs 71% yes, YAADs 58% yes, EADs and MADs even split
   Commissioners – Defeated 307-334-4

[Sorry, just had a lovely conversation with an ecumenical representative and missed a bunch of the action]

Amendment to the amendment – Move to consider 13-02 on its own
   Commissioners – 257 yes, 378 no

Vote on original amendment – Item 13-04 being answered by 13-NB and 13-NB answers all other items
   Commissioners – 480 yes, 157 no, 3 abstain

Debate on the amended motion
   Commissioner speaks to the tension of doing ceremonies where it is legal and being public about it. Draw attention to it.

Call the question – no objection
Will all other items be answered by 13-NB as amended
   Advisors – Yes except TSADs
   Commissioners – 489 yes, 152 no

With thanks this concludes our report

The motion to create a Relief of Conscience fund relative to divestment was out of order earlier today. Now back but first need agreement to suspend the rules

Motion to suspend the rules (requires 2/3 or 460 commissioners)
   Advisory delegates – No
   Commissioners – 180 yes, 451 no, 2 abstain

[This Assembly knows it will be a long night and is now into streamlining mode. Sorry.]

Foundation video held over from earlier – in the interest of time has been skipped

The Vice-Moderator assumes the chair

Motion – can we compile a mega-consent agenda (my term) for all remaining items that passed unanimously.
Since this is going to take time the Moderator directs each remaining
committee to compile a consent agenda of items that passed by a large

Committee on Church Growth and PILP – Committee 16

Financial impact of committee’s report
Introduces the director of PILP – Thanks and good news. Up for reelection
Consent agenda approved
Video on College Ministry – UKirk ministries

Item 16-02 1001 Worshiping communities
Commissioner points out they won’t pay per capita until they become churches and they should have Presbyterian identity
Approved on voice vote

Item 16-07 The Church in the 21st Century
Moves all 10 recommendations
Request to remove recommendation 2
Request to remove recommendation 5

Without objection proceed to a vote on all other recommendations
Passed on voice vote

Item 16-07 Recommendation 2 – Bivocational Ministry
Report asked for a task force, Committee recommends just referring it to OGA
Amendment for a 7 member task force
Question about financial implications – $21,805 per capita
TSAD speaks against because it does not address ethnic groups
TSAD asks why there is no seminary representation since it affects seminary students
Commissioner speaks in favor but says that in actuality none of this goes far enough
Commissioner speaks against – committee dealt with it and trust the committee
Call the question – approved on voice vote
Voice vote – amendment fails
Voice vote on Item 16-7 Rec 2 – approved

Item 16-07 Recommendation 5 – Dealing with online information, committee modified for financial implications
Amendment to restore much of the original language
Committee says that of all 10 recommendations this had the largest impact – $1.2M. Cost savings
Question: Who decides what is essential? Answer: GAMC itself
Question: What does GACOR think of this? GACOR makes all its resources available in English, Spanish and Korean
Question: Why is this so expensive? Translation services
Commissioner in favor of the amendment because it is welcoming
Commissioner against the amendment asking to trust the committee work
Question called – passed on voice vote
Amendment defeated on voice vote
Item 16-07 Rec 5 approved on voice vote

Item 16-03 African American Church Growth Strategy
Commissioner rises to commend the action and the work of the task force
Debate closed on voice vote
Approved on voice vote

Item 16-06 On growing a diverse church
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Information items – Affirmed the recepients of Women of Faith Awards; Affirmed the recipients of the Sam and Helen Walton Awards

This concludes the report
5 minute break – Music for the house band joined by the Vice-Moderator of Bills and Overtures on drums/bongo
[9:17 PM Seven committees to go]

Committee on Church Orders and Ministry – Committee 7
Financial Implications
Consent agenda – 12 items
   Remove 07-08
   Approved on voice vote

Group – Freedom of Conscience – Items 07-10 and 07-11
Recommend disapproval with comment
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Group – Honoring Christ
Item 07-17 Recommend Approve as amended with comment
There is more than one way to interpret scripture
Minority Report – Substitute 07-02 to amend G-2.0104b with language that includes “marriage between a man and a woman”

Perfecting the main motion – declared perfected

Perfecting the substitute motion
Amendment – asking presbyteries to delay ordination debates and votes
  No discussion
  Fails on voice vote
Amendment – change “holy marriage” to “the covenant of marriage”
  No discussion
  Approved on voice vote
Substitute motion declared perfected

“Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?”
The effect of the substitute will be to place back before the presbyteries the language that was removed by 10-A. This is not the season to go through this debate
This will help heal the breach and bring unity
The only thing this minority report has the capacity to do is plunge us into turmoil
This amendment draws from the Heidelberg Confession [sic]
Question has been called – 96% yes
Shall the substitute become the main motion?
   Advisory delegates – TSADs 14% yes, YAADs 23% yes, EADs 50% yes – 50% abstain, MADs even split yes/no
   Commissioners – 169 yes,  437 no

Debate on the Main Motion
Generational difference
Scriptural support
The questions has been called and debate is closed with 95% yes
Main motion
   Advisory delegates – TSADs 79% yes, YAADs – 74% yes, EADs – 67% yes, MADs – 60% yes
   Commissioners – 405 yes, 230 no

This is not a good sign – the caterer has brought out coffee and tea…


Move that 07-18 and 07-24 be answered with 07-17
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Move that 07-02 be disapproved
No discussion
Approve on voice vote

Group – Ordination Standards
Move that Items 07-03 and 07-06 be answered with the action on 07-02

Move to approve Item 07-05 addition of “repentance of sin” and “means of grace”
Commissioner asks disapproval since it is redundant and confusing
What is wrong with “repentance of sin” If you are against repentance of sin vote against this overture (got groan from Assembly)
Question: What is meant by “means of grace.” Committee chair – we are not sure [May I suggest the Theopedia entry]
Question: This was divided in committee but was approved. What was committee sense? Answer – why would we not want to state these things
With a bad theological pun that is probably only funny when you are this tired the question has been called
Debate closed on voice vote
Advisory delegates – TSADs 35% yes, YAADs 70% yes, EADs one voting abstained, MADs 33% yes
Commissioners – 329 yes, 275 no, 9 abstain

[We now start the EAD watch – it happens every year: how long will the remaining EAD stick it out]

Group – Titles used for those in ordered ministry
Committee recommends disapproval
Return to Minister of Word and Sacrament and Elder
Does this really help? This is an internal title and others can be uses as appropriate
ACC – Teaching elder is that name of that order of ministry. There are other titles for what a person does.
Voice vote unclear
Electronic vote
   Advisory – TSADs 84% yes, YAAD 82% yes, EAD 3 no, 1 abstain, MADs 80% yes
   Commissioners – 412 yes, 200 no, 3 abstain

Item 07-08 Operations manuals
Removed from Consent agenda
Committee recommends disapproval
This will make it more difficult for some presbyteries [I’ll have to read it to figure out exactly what]
Voice vote is unclear
Electronic vote
    Advisory delegates – TSADs 88% yes, YAADs 86% yes, EADs 2 yes, 2 no, 2 abstain; MADs 83% yes
    Commissioners – 461 yes, 151 no, 5 abstain

This concludes the report

[10:38 PM Six committees to go]

Committee on Immigration Issues – Committee 12
Every item amended: Remove us versus them language and current legal language

Now place every item of Committee 12 on the consent agenda (wild applause)
   Remove 12-03 and 12-09
Consent agenda approved as modified
Commissioner wants to pull 12-04 – too late

Item 12-03 Section 2
Move to amend to have language that would encourage GA to assist immigrant churches to get ministers from overseas
The question has been called [There is now a commissioner who has the job of formally calling the question and has his own subtitle on the screen – “Call
the question, Edd!”]
Motion to amend does not pass
Committee recommends approval
Debate suspended without objection
Approved on voice vote

[Gradye returns and lets commissioners know that the buses have been extended and will run “for a while.” Yes it is now 11:00 PM. And Gradye is squeezing on a stress ball.]

Item 12-09
Amend to include the PC(USA) to develop initiatives that will enable theological institutions in affiliate countries to include Presbyterian Polity education in training
Maker of motion speaks to importance of knowing local language of immigrant fellowships but need the polity training
Questions: Have schools asked for this? Yes and no
Call the question, Edd! Debate is closed
[The Vice-Moderator is getting tired and stumbling over his words]
Amendment disapproved on voice vote
Main motion approved on voice vote

That concludes the committee’s report

[11:07 Five committees to go]

The Moderator resumes the chair and to the strains of Also sprach Zarathustra and with a spotlight removes his dress shirt to reveal a t-shirt, presumably from the that says “I’m Freaken Awesome” on the front and “Mr. Moderator” on the back. [So is the use of Also sprach Zarathustra the promotion of a non-Christian religion? ]

Committee on Mission Coordination – Committee 10
Nine items plus five parts of another item placed on the consent agenda
Items 10-03 and 10-21 removed form the consent agenda
The remainder of the consent agenda agreed to

Item 10-03 Young Adult Volunteers
Recommend approval of an alternate resolution
Person who pulled it just wanted to lift up this program and not have it fly through on the consent agenda
Approved on voice vote

Item 10-21 Christmas International House
Again – Just wanted to highlight this program
Approved on voice vote

Item 10-15 Study on status of women in the church
Recommend approval
Stained glass ceiling is still present
Question: How will money be spent? Answer: Survey interviews and compiling data
Question: The expense is $127K over six years. Is it worth it? Answer from Committee: Committee felt worth is. Expert: First study of its kind
Commissioner speaks against it as a lot of money to spend on studying the obvious. Could be used for mission
YAAD – Cost is high but change is crucial
Defeated on voice vote
Motion to disapprove 10-15, approved on voice vote

Item 10-16 Women of Color Consultation
Recommend approval with comment, there are financial implications

Item 10-17 Hispanic/Latino/a Leadership Convention
Recommend approval as amended
Answer by item 16-07
Approved on voice vote

Item 10-14 Special Offerings Task Force
Minority Report
The minority report reflects the original recommendations of the Task Force
The goal of the substitute motion is not to do away with beloved special offerings – the truth is our system is doing away with them if only 14% of our congregations are taking them
Commissioner requests the chair of the special offerings task force speak
Moderator says we are not there yet
Commissioner says they want to amend both main and substitute motion. Stated Clerk point out that you can only amend the one you are going to vote for.

And at this point I need to catch a ride back to my lodgings. Check twitter for continued updates, I know @landonwhitsitt and @andyjames are still in the house
Good night

[Logging off at Midnight local time]

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Friday Afternoon

Live blogging the Friday afternoon session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly – even more so with the fatigue at the end of the week.)

I think I have some control on the technical difficulties with my connection. It is better but not perfect. I will do the best I can. Others have agreed that the wifi in the room is so saturated and they are also having problems staying connected.

I am not sure why I keep linking to the proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly. At this point it is pretty much toast, but it does give a hint of the order in which we will be taking things.  But at the end of the Morning session we had completed the work docketed through yesterday afternoon. There are ten committees left to report in two more sessions today.

Having only gotten through Middle East this morning the plan for the afternoon is to begin with Civil Union and Marriage (Committee 13) and then go back and start taking the rest in order. We will see how far we get but that puts Mission Coordination (Committee 10) on deck followed in the line-up by Review of Biennial Assemblies (Committee 4) and Immigration Issues (12).

The house band gives us some music to get seated by

Brought to order by Moderator Presa and led through the prayer cycle led by two YAADs.

1001 Worshiping communities video

Bills and Overtures presented by Tom “Gnome” Harmon who compliments the parliamentarians on their neckwear

OK, here is the proposed lineup
Civil Union and Marriage
Foundation video
Church Growth and PILP
Church Orders
Mission Coordination
Peacemaking and Intermational Issues
Health Issues
Authoritative Interpretation
Review of Biennial Assemblies
[Like I said, the original list is toast]
Approved without objection

The Vice-Moderator of Bills and Overtures also notes that the meeting will run late this evening but that he and the Moderator of Bills and Overtures have had a child born in the last year and so have been preparing for this.

Committee on Civil Union and Marriage Issues – Committee 13
Committee opens business with prayer
Our report contains no consent agenda items
Committee Moderator comments
     Committee “sought to hold a broken church together”
     The most heated debate in Committee was not about marriage but about parliamentary procedure
     Committee was divided but not divisive
     Brings two recommendations – Call for study and a recommendation to amend the Directory for Worship
     Recommendations are intended to be held together

Item 13-04 Amend the Directory for Worship
Want this item to prompt the church to a deep conversation
Two minority reports
Minority Report #1 To answer all committee actions with the statement
   Wants to achieve “balance” and keep it from being “fracture”
   Sending an amendment does not count as listening
   Let’s not sharpen our divisions
[Lines are forming at the microphones]

Moderator will begin taking questions
Point of Order: No motion is in order which conflicts with the body’s constitution. The main motion conflicts with the Book of Confessions. Moderator asks for Clerk’s advice. Clerk asks ACC to comment on the Constitutional issue. Paul Hooker – The question assumes the Constitution is of a uniform nature. It is really two parts. The BofC spans a large theological spectrum. BofO guides us in operating the church. ACC opinion – A statement in the BofC might not pose a conflict with a statement in the BofO.  Stated Clerk advises that the motion is in order and the Moderator so rules.

Appeals the ruling of the chair. It will take a majority vote to sustain the chair.
Debate begins
   On the one hand the arguments are drawing on the Confessions as a foundation of our polity, on the other the need to have the debate on this subject that is now important in the life of the church
Question is called
Main motion – approved 70% – the Moderator’s ruling is sustained

Motion to limit debate to 10 speaker each for and against (requires 2/3 vote)
Advisory delegates – Slightly no excepts MADs all yes
Commissioners –
The Stated Clerk preforms an “intervention” – motion only says commissioners and does not specify exactly what part of debate
Moderator rules it out of order

Question: Commissioner asks if having a minority report is appropriate to answer all committee business items. Stated Clerk says it is.

Motion: That all business related to 13-04 be concluded by 4 PM. (Requires 2/3)
Advisory – TSADs strong no, YAADs slightly no, EADs even, MADs strong yes
[Note: I am using the descriptive rather than numbers because for some of these there are significant abstentions and I can’t type fast enough to give all 12 numbers.]
Commissioners: 53% yes and 46% no. Not 2/3 so does not pass

Perfecting the Main Motion
Committee recommendation so declared perfected

Perfecting the Substitute Motion
Amendment – Add 13-14 and 13-Bus to the minority report since intent is to answer all Committee business with this minority report. Approved on voice vote
Motion – Limit debate on item 13-04 and all pending motions in its regard that for each part be limited to 10 speakers for or against. (Requires 2/3)
   Advisory – TSADs and YAADs 40% yes, EADs and MADs slightly yes
   Commissioners – 61% yes so does not pass
Motion to declare perfected not recognized
Amendment to remove 13-02 from the list – Advisory yes except EADs strong no
Question: Is the maker of the motion supportive of the minority report? Stated Clerk that is not a shall but a should. Maker of motion “To get my amendment approved I will vote for the minority report.”
Commissioners: 42% yes, 57% no defeated
Question: Request that all votes related to Committee 13 be by electronic voting. Moderator points out that will take more time. Using cards to get sense of the Assembly Moderator agrees to use electronic voting frequently but not exclusively
Substitute declared perfected

“Shall the Substitute Motion become the Main Motion?”
Debate begins
Our presbyteries don’t want to go through this again
Clergy in a tough position and we need to talk about the Authoritative Interpretation
Part of our pastoral duty is to lift up scripture and say no when Jesus has directed us otherwise
Member of committee talks about hearing a lot of “emotional blackmail” from both sides. Not helpful
YAAD In favor of substitute to give presbyteries a chance to decide
TSAD Need to broaden our definition of marriage

5 minute break
YAADs led an energizer – for the record there are some good dancers among the Stated Clerk and the Associate State Clerks

Resume business
Question: Can we get perspective from mission partners and director of world mission. Hunter Farrel – 35 of our global partners have indicated that changing the definition would damage relations, six would have to issue statements, and 18 would probably break relations.

Support minority report-We have broken churches that need time to heal
Like in Acts is God doing a new thing?
Jesus said nothing about homosexuality but there is an argument from silence. But affirmed original creation
Faithful committed relationships are consistent with scripture
Approval of main motion would cause problems in the Korean community
Scripture says “there is neither…but we are one in Jesus”
God loves us unconditionally but Jesus said “a man leaves…”
Approving the substitute motion means we can’t debate the merits of the AI
Jesus did not look to society or to the church but to scripture
There is not time to wait four years to heal broken relationships and wait to do what’s right
Question: What about the case where a clergy is asked to bless a heterosexual union without a marriage. (e.g. the case of older adults who might lose benefits if they were to marry) Committee says they did not discuss such situations
Sense that we are moving to a new vision – need vision and justice but not to change the definition of marriage
To study this delays justice – unfair to make suffering people wait
Apology for wrongs but because I love you I need to uphold the standard of one man and one woman
If this takes us into the storm so be it – we trust that God is still God even in the midst of the storm
Question: Is there anything that would make sure a congregation does the study. Answer: There is no enforcement by GA or presbytery to make sure a congregation does it.
The Presbyterian church has embraced a new orthodoxy. Presbyteries losing churches and members
What does it say about us that instead of leading the PC(USA) is playing catch-up to states like New York?
YAAD says that YAADs are divided as well
Commissioner reminds the Assembly that there has already been a Special Committee on Marriage and Civil Unions that cost the church $60K. Now there is a proposal for another committee costing $40K
Question: What is LGBTQ? Discussion about the various terms the Q stands for

Request for prayer beginning with silence.
Moderator now has commissioners go into their prayer groups to share “what have you heard, what are you feeling?”
Moderator closes in prayer

Vote to call the question – Advisory delegates yes, Commissioners 95% yes
Shall the Substitute Motion become the main motion?
     Advisory delegates: TSADs – 94% No, YAADs strong no, EADs and MADs mild yes
     Commissioners: 323 to 346, motion is defeated

Back to the main motion.
Minority Report #2 on Item 13-04
Suggests that if our definition of marriage is to be redefined than we should change not just the definition in the Book of Order but “a full constitutional redefinition”

The Main Motion is perfected

Perfecting the Substitute Motion
Amendment: Strike the last sentence regarding necessity of amending confessions since that is inconsistent with ACC advice (and he apologizes for a lack of bow tie but he is sporting a stylish GA Junkie button. )
   Advisory delegates agree, MADs strongly
   Commissioners: 73% yes, 24% no

5 minute break

Resume debate
Questions: Does this minority report have implications for divorce? What about the W-4.9000 mention of a civil contract which is out of step with several jurisdictions? Answers: No and the church gets to define marriage.

Amendment to have Office of Worship design and implement a discussion in each presbytery and session and get feedback one year from now.
Point of order: Something like this was in the minority report. Stated Clerk- yes it was. Moderator – I rule it out of order. Committee Moderator – We have something like this in our business can we do that? Moderator – yes you can.
[Great moment when the Committee Moderator asked “Mr. Moderator” and Moderator Presa went looking out on the floor and the Committee Moderator had to say “next to you.”]

Debate on “Shall the minority report become the main motion?”
EAD from Guatemala – How will our church be affected? If you really care about your partners around the world, listen to us. But to listen you need to be quiet.
Question: There are other scripture references that are not in the minority report. (more of a statement than question)

[Hope you don’t mind if I am a bit more lax about getting every idea here because we are hearing a lot of the same ones as the past debate although there is more quoting of scripture by those supporting the substitute motion than in the previous debate.]

Question called – Approved 95%
Will the substitute become the main motion
   Advisory delegates: TSADs 19% yes, YAADs 20% yes, EADs 60% yes, MADs 29% yes
   Commissioners: 266 yes, 397 no, 3 abstain

Return to the main motion
Amendments are not in order, we go straight to debate
Today the PC(USA) has the opportunity to be prophetic, My opinion has changed. We need to take the prophetic word not to the world but to the rest of the church
God made us different created in the image of God.
The Bible has many different examples/definitions of marriage, reflects cultural location
Point of order: Ask that people waiting at microphones stand in line and not cluster in groups. No response from Moderator
It would be a rash thing to approve this
Question: Where are we going? Is this motion still in tandem with the second recommendation? Yes
Need for LGBTQ justice now
Lets show God’s love, we are in the presence of his Kingdom
Point of Information: In all the paperwork we have it refers to Christian marriage. Can we marry other faiths? Committee Moderator: This is addressed in that section of the Directory for Worship
Change is hard, sometimes painful. I tried driving in Scotland but instinct was hard to overcome. Give our parishioners some credit – they will get used to it.
As we debate these issues we need to remember all the people who have left the church
Question: When do dissents have to be filed? When is the end of the meeting? Stated Clerk: I am having real questions when the end of the meeting will be. Realistically, you have to the end of the meeting tomorrow which would be at 11:15 before worship.

Moderator asks commissioners and delegates to break into their discussion/prayer groups
Called back to order with “Spirit of the Living God”

Question is called – on voice vote
Moderator prays, nothing can separate us from the Love of God, “neither yes votes nor no votes”
     Advisory delegates: TSADs 82% yes, YAADs 75% yes, EADs split even, MADs 29% yes
     Commissioners: 308 yes, 338 no, 2 abstain, defeated

The report is arrested but a motion to disapprove this item will need to be made
Clerk makes a couple of announcements including that we only have the room for another  17 1/2 hours (and we have 8 1/2 reports)

With prayer we adjourn for dinner
See you at 7:30 PM SORRY – THAT IS 7:00 PM!

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Friday Morning

Live blogging the Friday morning session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.)

I think I have some control on the technical difficulties with my connection. It is better but not perfect. I will do the best I can. Others have agreed that the wifi in the room is so saturated and they are also having problems with staying connected.

The proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly is posted at Bills and Overtures.

This morning’s schedule is complicated – Middle East Peacemaking Issues (Committee 15) was arrested last night and from yesterday afternoon afternoon we still have Mission Coordination (Committee 10). Docketed for the morning is Standing Committee elections, Review of Biennial Assemblies (Committee 4) and Immegration Issues (12)

We begin with (coffee and) singing

Brought to order by Moderator Presa and work through the prayer cycle led by the Ecumenical Delegate from the Waldasians in South America.

Bills and Overtures – We have ten committees yet to report. Suggest 1:50 for Civil Union and Marriage. Set the time for each speaker at 1 minute.

Debate ensues (even though it is not debatable) and a motion is made to set the time per speaker at one and a half minutes.
Question called approved by voice
The amendment fall 29% to 71%
Vote on the original motion to limit speeches to 1 minute – Passes 94% to 6%

Motion to make Civil Union and Marriage as an order of the day at 1:50 PM

Bills and Overtures is back – Presents commissioner to present a modified version of the motion arrested yesterday about consolidating all the groups formed by the Mid Council Review actions. Keeping the Racial Ethnic task force separate.

Question from the floor – can we hold off and make this a super-task force covering other topics?

This is a complicated formula for the 14 members of the Commission – 4 220th GA Commissioners, 4 Members of the Mid Council Commission, 4 members of COGA, 1 member from the National Racial Ethnic Ministries Task Force, 1 member representing synod executive leadership (I personally wish is said “synod leadership”), [and a partridge in a… ]
Passed 64% to 34%

[This reminds me of the Assembly Commission of the Church of Scotland made up of a subset of Assembly Commissioners to act on behalf of the Assembly between Assemblies.]

Financial Implications
GA Procedures – 2013 – added $0.08 to per capita; 2014 – added $0.05 to per capita
Excellent Junkie question from the floor – with declining membership what membership base is used to convert added cost to added per capita. Answer: based on standard projections, can be found in 03-12 in one of the COGA attachments
Mission Coordination – Added $18,420 to 2013 and $13,740 to 2014 budget

General Assembly Nominating Committee Report
There is one challenged position 00-02a3

All unchallenged positions are overwhelmingly approved

Challenge for ACC position
Daryl Fisher-Ogden challenged by Katherine J. Runyeon
Speeches supporting each nominee
Advisory delegates – TSADs and YAADs slightly prefer GANC nominee. EADs strongly GANC nominee and MADs strongly challenger
Commissioners – 64% Daryl Fisher-Ogden, 36% Katherine J. Runyeon

Nominations for the Nominating Committee – Item 00-03
No challenges
Approved 97% to 1% with 2% abstentions

Vice-Moderator Tom Trinidad assumes the chair

Motion to Reconsider 15-11 (Divestment)
It was a close vote and others, like me, may have pushed the wrong button
Question: If you vote one way but mean to vote the other is that really voting on the prevailing side? Stated Clerk- According to Roberts’ Yes.
Discussion for and against – “lets move on” versus “this is important we need to talk about it some more” (no one else saying they pushed the wrong button or I came to understand something different overnight)
Call the question – 90% to 10%, debate is closed
Main motion to reconsider “shall the minority report become the main motion?”
Advisory delegates – TSADs – 55% yes, YAADs – 43% yes, EADs – 29% yes, MADs – 63% yes
Commissioners – 38% yes, 62% no, 1 vote abstaining
The Assembly

[Based on comments from floor patience is getting thinner today and it appears from the vote that the commissioners feel they want to move on. I made some comments on a similar situation at the 219th Assembly.]

Question: (asked of everyone so really a speech) Who will stand against the continued illegal occupation of Palestinian lands?

Moderator calls on Moderator of the Middle East Peacemaking Committee
Committee Moderator proposes that items 15-03, 15-05, 15-07, 15-08 and 15-10 be answered by the Assembly’s action on 15-11
Motion to consider items separately
Advisory Delegates say no except MADs slightly yes
Commissioners – 15% yes, 85% no [ Commissioners want to keep moving ]

Motion to vote on 15-03 separately – The Clerk explains that the body has declared them a unit and would need to vote down this current motion.

Debate –
Trust the work of the committee which overwhelmingly recommends these items. Vote down this motion and consider, discuss and vote on these individually
Motion to call the question – debate closed with 91% in favor
Vote on the main motion
     Advisory delegates: Strongly yes except MADs at even yes-no
     Commissioners: 76% yes, 24% no

Item 15-02 Boycotting Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories and Hadiklaim
Approve with Amendment
(Boycott Israeli products produced on occupied lands)
Substitute motion: To insert the divestment language from 15-11
Moderator rules it out of order – Stated Clerk reminds us that having addressed it and failed to reconsider we can not consider it again this Assembly


[Got to pass on the Tweet from @AllisSeed: #ga220 A new view of purgatory–the Assembly that never ends.]

Call the question – Approved 92%
Commissioner asks for info from the ACREC [I think this is out of order since the question was just called. That did not strike me as a procedural question.]
Vote on main motion
     Advisory delegates – all strongly yes
     Commissioners – 71% yes, 28% no, 3 abstentions

Stretch break

Item 15-01 On Recognizing that Israel’s law and practices constitute apartheid against Palestinian People
Recommend disapproval
Comment from committee – While the situation is significant and a problem, there are specific definitions of apartheid and this situation does not fulfill the definition
Question: what is the definition they are using for apartheid? Resource person says UN definition is in resources for the report
Comment: Commissioner points out the advocacy after the question was called in the last action. Moderator acknowledges that and says that he will be more aware of that
Debate – People trying to get 2 minute speeches into 1 minute limit
Commissioner asks approval because the definition of apartheid involves two racial groups
Commissioner asks disapproval because the strength of the word and the presence of the wall
Commissioner who is native South African says he has been to the wall and it is not apartheid

Question called (and tech crew has that on the screen as requested earlier by a commissioner and adds “you’re welcome” when thanked by the Moderator.) Approved 97%
Vote on the Main Motion
     Advisory delegates – strongly yes excepts EADs 80% no
     Commissioners – 72% yes, 27% no, 2 abstentions

Item 15-06 Call for economic solidarity with Palestinians
Recommendation to answer with action on items 15-02, 15-10 and 15-11.
No discussion
Advisory delegates very strongly approve except MADs 67% no
Commissioners – 89% yes, 11% no, 3 abstentions

Item 15-09 On human rights and religious freedom of Arab Christians
Recommendation from Committee to disapprove – language is not helpful
No discussion
Advisory delegates – TSADs evenly split, YAADs yes, EADs Yes, MADs evenly split
Commissioners – 72% yes, 27% no, 5 abstentions

Item 15-12 Commissioner Resolution on Prayer and Action for Syria
Committee recommends approval with amendment
No discussion
Advisory delegates – Very Strongly yes
Commissioners – 96% yes, 3% no, 5 abstentions

A final brief comment: This committee’s work has attracted the attention of the world. While the close vote has disappointed some and encouraged others, it is a disagreement about stratigy and tactics. We know that we all want to work  for peace in the Holy Land.

“And that concludes our report”
Assembly gives the committee a standing ovation
Moderator prays

Motion from the floor – Commissioner moves that the Board of Pensions be directed to create a relief of conscience plan for those plan members “troubled by the choice to continue holding… assets in Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlett Packard.”

No discussion
Advisory delegates strongly yes
57% yes, 41% no, 16 abstentions

Comment from the Board of Pensions – Due to how securities are managed the “proposal is impossible.”
The Moderator is left speechless… “Well…”, “With God all things are possible”
Commissioner points out that the Assembly can request but not direct the Board of Pensions
The Stated Clerk points out we have reached an order of the day for Worship and the Assembly should take up this again in the afternoon.
Any announcements? Clerk “It is time to worship”

We move to worship and I will resume live blogging at 1:30 with the afternoon session.
[Note a correction – the order of the day for Civil Union and Marriage is 1:50 PM]
And boxes of coffee are starting to appear

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Thursday Evening

Live blogging the Thursday evening session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.)

Also, I am experiencing technical difficulties with my connection. It is better but not perfect. I will do the best I can considering the circumstances.

The proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly is posted at Bills and Overtures.

This evening’s schedule is simple – Middle East Peacemaking Issues (Committee 15) delayed from the afternoon and Mission Coordination (Committee 10).

The evening begins the the regular items of music and prayer.

1001 Worshiping Communities video

Bills and Overtures – Like Gradye Parsons has a figure of John Calvin on his desk, Bills and Overtures has unveiled a praying gnome for their desk.
Bills and Overtures proposes that Middle East goes first this evening and when they conclude the Assembly then do all of Mission Coordination except Special Offerings which will be done in the morning.

Committee on Middle East and Peacemaking Issues – Committee 15
The Committee Moderator begins with words of introduction and the roadmap for the report.
The PC(USA) Area Coordinator for the Middle East give some background and reads a quote from the Kairos Document.
Now, a brief report from the Middle East Monitoring Group

On to business…

Item 15-04 Regarding a peaceful, diplomatic solution between the US and Iran
Recommends approval with amendment
Commissioner speaks against it reminding everyone of 9-11
Commissioner, neither for or against, reminds everyone to pray
Commissioner reminds us that Iran had nothing to do with 9-11, Also, experts remind us we have not had dialogue with Iran for a long time
Commissioner speaks against and contradicts the previous speaker saying the Iran is a serious threat
Call the question
Advisory delegates strongly yes
Commissioners – 81% yes, 19% no, 0% abstain

Item 15-11 On Corporate Engagement
Brian Ellison, chair of MRTI, gives an introduction to corporate engagement in general and this issue specifically. He makes the point the dialogue has occurred and has been over a period of time. However, it has not been fruitful so when engagement does not work divestment is the only remaining option.

[Speakers are lining up. There are 36 in line by one count from someone in a better position than I.]

Taking questions before hearing Minority Report
Advocacy by this morning’s ecumenical partner was questioned. There was a point of order that calling the question is being used in an aggressive manner.
Commissioner asks how much money and income are we taking about here? For BOP just enough shares are held by BOP directly to allow MRTI to file shareholder resolutions. In managed investment accounts it is much higher (did someone tweet these numbers – they went by too fast)
(Thanks Layman tweet) BOP has $10M in Caterpillar, $6M in HP and $432K Motorola Solutions.

Minority Report is presented – main point is rather than divest let’s selectively invest

Any amendments to the main motion? None so declared perfected

Amendment to the minority report – Instruct GAMC to create a process to raise funds to invest in the West Bank
Amendment approved 60% yes, 36% no, 4% abstain

No more amendments – The substitute motion is declared perfected
“Shall the Substitute Motion become the Main Motion?”
Caterpillar helped clean up after recent tornado
This is not either/or but both/and
Can we actually divest this money and how long would it take to do that?
   Answer for BOP: Divestment list goes out to managers in early December. Managers don’t have to sell right away (It’s complicated – do it so shareholders are no harmed)
   Answer for Foundation: Similar – not right away but decently and in order
Caterpillar Employee – “You are being shown a very narrow view of Caterpillar”
Palestinians are not asking for a check, they are asking for justice
This action will not achieve what MRTI seeks but will have unintended consequences and alienate partners. No one cares about our symbolic action
This is an opportunity to achieve justice in this situation
Main motion offered as a simple solution – it is actually very complex and will only be “a whisper lost in the storm”
We have enough investment from the US in Israel and the West Bank – Now is the time to divest
Afraid that divestment will harm partnership his church has. Divestment makes the PC(USA) look like an admonishing parent.
The Jewish community – if we divest it will be approved by many in the Jewish community

5 minute stretch break and house band is playing reflective music and not ABBA

Question: What about other mainline churches? Different denominations are in different places in the process and are structured differently. Brian Ellison – Methodist Church has no equivalent of MRTI and differing reports brought by different committee and the Methodists decided not to divest
Question: What about being at share holder meetings? Brian Ellison – Yes and sometimes it is our ecumenical partners
Question: If we take a motion to multiply, when will we know that we’ve reached the moral sin of greed? Answer from presenter of Minority report “I don’t know. I don’t have a good answer.” (and leaves the podium)
Question: Could ACSWP person tell the Assembly what they told us in Committee? ACSWP Rep says that it is very difficult to find places to invest in West Bank and the profitability is uncertain. Humanitarian investment

“I carefully and prayerfully call the question”
Advisory delegates right at the 2/3rds to close debate
Commissioners – 87% to 13% – debate has been closed

Voting on making the substitute motion the main motion
Advisory delegates fairly strongly “No” except EADs strong yes
Commissioners – 333 to 331, 2 abstain. The substitute becomes the main motion

Bills and Overtures moves to limit speeches to 1 minute (Requires 2/3)
Advisory delegates strongly yes
Commissioners – 85% yes 15% no – for the rest of the evening speeches are 1 minute

Commissioner moves to limit time on this item to one more hour (Requires 2/3)
86% yes, 12% no, 2% abstain

Debate continues
“As Presbyterians we have a lot of experience with divestment – We call it withholding per capita.” Urges supporting investment
Visited the Palestinians – They want divestment

[FYI – Right now PCUSA and #ga220 trending on Twitter]

Commissioner asks if the cards can be used to see if people still want to debate – Sea of Orange
Moderator recognizes commissioner to call the question
Commissioners – 88% to 11%, debate is closed

Questions: (actually other points) Commissioner noted that one microphone was not called on as much as the others. Another commissioner says their microphone was only called on once. One commissioner asks about the process for calling the question with the cards. There is the question raised if this is defeated can the main motion be brought back? (Answer – by a motion to reconsider)

TSADs stongly no, YAADs slightly no, EADs slightly yes, MADs all no
Commissioners – 55% yes, 43% no,  1% abstain

There is weak applause and one person in the back shouts “NO!”
Moderator compliments Assembly on civil discourse – stronger applause

Item 15-10 Pursuing a creative course of action regarind the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
Recommends approval with amendment
May be illogical in light of the action just taken. “That is your problem to deal with Mr. Moderator.” reply with a sarcastic “Thanks”

Stated Clerk recommends arresting this report to look at the language of the other items based on the previous action.

10:30 PM

Adjourn with prayer to reconvene in the morning at 8:30 AM

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Thursday Morning

Live blogging the Thursday morning session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.)

The proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly is posted at Bills and Overtures.

This morning’s committees are Review of GA Permanent Committees (Committee 19), Mid Council Issues (Committee 5) and Church Polity (Committee 6).

The house band is providing music for singing before the gavel

[Band cut out right at 8:30 but there has been a bit of conversation on stage to be sure everything is ready.]

Gaveled to order by the Vice-Moderator and opened with the prayer cycle by a YAAD.

1001 Worshiping Communities video – Vietnamese fellowship in New Covenant Presbytery

Bills and Overtures – Asks for a 15 minute speak-out after lunch
Question at 7 – Can we do speak-out differently? Can we do it as committees as a safer place?
Sea of orange cards [Editorial comment: I think that commissioner is right and I think a lot of commissioners are looking for a safe place to vent and process]
Approved on voice vote

Ecumenical greetings from the National Council of Synagogues
The representative uses the opportunity to speak against the divestment proposal but to argue for engagement: “People who do not speak to each other do unspeakable things to each other.”

Ecumenical greetings from the Hindu representative from the Sri Venkateswara Temple

General Assembly Procedures – Yesterday’s actions added $0.02 to 2013 per capita and $0.01 to 2014 per capita

Mission Coordination – Yesterday’s actions have added nothing to the mission budget

Memorial Moment for Silas Kessler, Moderator of the 175th General Assembly (1963) of the UPCUSA

Committee on the Review of General Assembly Permanent Committees – Committee 19
Assembly Committee on the Constitution commended for their good work
Assembly Committee on Litigation also praised for its work
General Assembly Committee on Representation – New logo unveiled, important work
This concludes the report
Only these information items

The Moderator resumes the chair

Committee on Mid Council Issues – Committee 5
Consent Agenda – All transfers of churches – Approved on voice vote

Mid Council Commission business items in 05-12
Recommendations 1-4 (Synods) Committee puts forward an alternate motion (The task force to reorganize synods)
Motion from the floor to refer items 1-4 to a task force to look at these proposals further
YAAD from the committee argues for the importance of the synods but that they need to be reorganized and redrawn
Commissioner asks for Stated Clerk’s opinion on Mid Councils Commission – Stated Clerk responds that it would be inappropriate
Request from a TEC on the Committee to hear from the Commission Chair Tod Bolsinger
Tod emphasizes the Flat, Flexible and Faithful. Would like to see their work continue
Need to do something different – we a losing 175 members, one church worth, every day

Chair of the ACC explains their recommendation – not to throw out the MCC recommendations, not to stall it, but to refer it and take time to refine it.

Committee moderator explains that the committee’s decision reflects their opinion that this was the best way to address synods. Can be done in constitutional order and still allow the vital synods to flourish

Commissioner comments that “Synods are the invisible element of our system.”
Question is called – move to electronic voting
TSADs – No, YAAD slightly yes, EAD – all yes, MADs strong yes
Commissioners – 55% yes, 44% no – Motion to refer is approved, the MCC recommendations 1-4 on repurposing synods will live on

Recommendation 5 – Committee recommends approval with amendment
No discussion – approved on voice vote

Recommendation 6 – non-geographic presbyteries – Committee recommends disapproval
Motion to refer to a task force to refine the proposal similar to the referral and task force approved in the earlier action. Commissioner was a member of the MCC and explains how her mind was changed from no to yes on the proposal for non-geographic presbyteries

Commissioner with PJC experience argues that small presbyteries of a non-geographic nature spread out across a wide are would not provide adequate discipline safe guards. “A statement that non-geographic presbyteries are a bad idea is appropriate.” [Comment: could this be extended to language non-geographic presbyteries?]

Commissioner asks for comment from Tod Bolsinger. Tod emphasizes that this is optional, experimental and up to the presbyteries.
Commissioner [Sporting a GA Junkie button ] argues that this idea is “not yet cooked” and we should let it cook and not throw it away
Commissioner, who grew up in a non-geographic language presbytery, argues there is no need for non-geographic presbyteries (by implication even the language presbyteries). We should not be separated out but be in diverse relationships. [Very well received – that may seal the deal against non-geographic presbyteries]
“Move the previous question” Approved on voice vote
TSADs and YAADs strongly no, EADs and MADs slightly yes
Commissioners – 39% yes, 60% no, 1% abstain – referral to further develop non-geographic presbyteries not approved

Return to the main motion on Recommendation 6
Debate continues
Call the question – approved on voice vote
TSADs and YAADs strongly yes, EADs no MADs yes
Commissioners – 73% yes, 26% no, 2% abstain – provisional non-geographic presbyteries are disapproved

Recommendation 7 – Review task force
Amendment commending the MCC report to the church
Parliamentary question – does this fit with item? Answer – sort of and actually I didn’t get it written in time for Recommendation 5
Stated Clerk does weigh in that it can be viewed as germain to this recommendation
Question about financial implications – Stated Clerk says it will be published digitally [but I did not hear a number]
Amendment agreed to by voice vote
Main motion – Recommendation 7 – agreed to by voice vote

Recommendation 8 – Racial Ethnic Ministries Task Force
Question about is this all one task force or multiple task forces?
No discussion
Agreed to on voice vote [note that on voice votes the advisory delegates are not asked]

Commissioner points out that they have been going for two hours – can we take a break
Five minute break

[Note that there is an order of the day at 11:15 for worship. I suspect that Polity is in danger of having their report arrested.]

1001 Worshiping Communities video for Bridge at Union Church in downtown LA

10:39 We return to business – commissioners slow to return to their seats
Item 05-13 Function of Synods from OGA
Commissioner points out that there has not been an advisory voice vote – Moderator will remember to do that
What about relationship to 05-05? That will come later
Approved on voice vote

Item 05-14 Interpretation request from OGA
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Motion from the floor to combine all the task forces created in 05-12 (the MCC recommendations) into one – This is in the interest of stewardship
Stated Clerk points out that one is a commission and one has specific composition
Comment from Jill Hudson – Points out the unique nature, make up and focus of the Racial Ethnic Ministries task force relative to the others.
“This is where these cards will become quite helpful- maybe” laughter – quote from the Moderator
Lots of questions – complicated answers
Question – “I wonder if the clerk has advice for us as to how to go on this matter.” Answer “Prayerfully” applause
Moderator asks about whether this could be perfected, maker of the motion just wanted to make sure the motion was made and has no objection. Moderator calls it “finessed amendment”
Motion to postpone for a definite period – until tomorrow’s 8:30 AM plenary
Postponed on a voice vote


Committee 5 report in the home stretch [will we make it by 11:15?]
Overtures – 05-03 Recommend to disapprove
No discussion
A reminder that “a yes is a no”
Approved on a voice vote

05-04 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-05 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-06 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

[Note: approved on voice vote but not unanimous]

05-07 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-01 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-08 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-09 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote (but notable no votes)

05-02 Be answered by action on 05-12 Rec 1-4 (MCC report)
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-10 Be answered by action on 05-12 Rec 6
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

Information items – Minutes of
the synods were approved by committee
Expresses appreciation to the Mid Councils Commission for their involvement

What is a speak-out? An opportunity to speak about items important to them outside the regular business. A moment to share your feelings

We have reached the order of the day – in preparation for worship the Moderator offers prayer

We continue in worship
I will resume live blogging at the beginning of the afternoon session

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Wednesday Evening

Live blogging the Wednesday evening session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.)

The proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly was approved by the Assembly this afternoon.

This evening’s agenda is simple — besides the usual boilerplate of Bills and Overtures and ecumenical greetings there is the election of a new Vice-Moderator and the Report of the Committee on Theological Issues, Institutions, and Christian Education (Committee 17).

The house band is providing music for singing before the gavel

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM and opened with scripture, prayer circles and a concluding prayer from a TSAD.

The opportunity for a speak-out was put to the commissioners and while they were divided they did affirm by cards and then voice vote that they did not want a speak-out tonight.

We move on to ecumenical greetings from Latin America, a representative from Honduras as the spokesman.

The Committee on the Office of the General Assembly makes a statement regarding the Vice-Moderator’s resignation. Will review the situation and the standing rules. Invite all to be in prayer during the Assembly.

The Moderator introduces the Vice-Moderator nominee TE Tom Trinidad.

Mr. Trinidad makes comments about the situation back at his home with the fires around Colorado Springs and the present “exigencies” in the church.

There is a motion from the floor to suspend the rules to have a discussion about the circumstances that led to the resignation of the Vice-Moderator. The Stated Clerk points out that it is actually a motion to adjust the docket.

Question to the Moderator about his and Mr. Trinidad’s views. Moderator points out it is not what we are talking about but does confirm they have different views on currently key points.

The debate then turns to whether to adjust the docket.
Moderator calls for the sense of the house and gets a sea of orange
The question is called
Shall the Assembly adjust the docket for 20 minutes? 322 yes, 323 no! 17 abstain (votes)

Return to the Vice-Moderator question

Commissioner at microphone “I just ask that we don’t use the doggone cards!”

Return to the Vice-Moderator question (again)
Advisory delegates – more abstain than vote “No”
Commissioners – Vice-Moderator Trinidad elected 80% yes, 12% no, 8% abstain

The new Vice-Moderator is installed

Long-term missionaries are recognized by Hunter Farrell. Michael Kruse and Linda Valentine introduce Young Adult Volunteers and Mission Partners. There is a service of commissioning.

8:00 PM

Committee on Theological Issues, Institutions and Christian Education – Committee 17
Total of 8 action items – thee (4, 5 and 7) on the consent agenda

Item 17-01 – Parenting initiative
Committee recommends disapproval with comment
Commissioner moves to limit all further statements to 2 minutes – with 85% yes gets the >2/3 it needs.
Item approved on voice vote

Item 17-02 – Amending the “setting of the service” of ordination and installation of teaching elders
Committee brings an alternative recommendation that they believe “meets the intent of the original overture” Mostly cleaning up language
Approved on voice vote

Item 17-08 – Approval of list of seminaries and covenant partner schools
Approve with comment – consider developing language about what exactly it means to be Presbyterian
Approved on voice vote

Item 17-03 – Renewal of Covenant Relationship of Auburn Seminary with the PC(USA)
Previous term was five years, this is for ten years. Uses the new language of “Council”
Approved on voice vote

Item 17-06 – Request to approve Presidents of Theological Seminary
Comments by the new presidents:
Rev. Yamada of McCormick Theological Seminary
Rev. McDonald of San Francisco Theological Seminary
Approved on voice vote

Information items – Reviewed COTE minutes and concurs with celebrating the bicentennials of Union Presbyterian Seminary and Princeton Theological Seminary
Heard from the president of Union and the Chair of the Board of Princeton. (Robert Bohl first spoke of the importance of all PC(USA) seminaries.)
Video about the new digitization project at Princeton
Video promoting Union Presbyterian
Concludes the report of the committee

Adjourned with prayer about 8:50 PM

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Wednesday Afternoon

Live blogging the Wednesday afternoon session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.)

The commissioners now return from their days in committee to begin working as a plenary. The proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly has been posted by Bills and Overtures.

There are three committee reports on the docket for this afternoon: Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, General Assembly Procedures and Confessions. While the report for Confessions is not posted yet there is intimation that there will be a minority report.

The house band is providing music for singing before the gavel

2:01 PM
The Assembly is called to order, and invited into prayer by a military chaplain. They break into their small groups for prayer. Then return to the whole group.

The Moderator calls on the Vice-Moderator to make a statement. Vice-Moderator McCabe talks about her confirmation and takes a moment to respond. “I am a pastor – that is what God calls me to be.” Talks about being a pastor and the difficulty of being a pastor in places where same-gender marriages are legal. Does not want situation to get in the way and is resigning as Vice-Moderator. Comes from the same pastoral concern that led her to officiate at the controversial ceremony.
“I care too much about this church and this Assembly to let this situation continue.”

[Thanks to Bruce Reyes Chow for posting Tara’s full statement]

Standing ovation

Moderator Presa makes his statement: Critical of the comments, attacks and rumors of polity maneuvers that swirled around the church. Talks about “living in the tension” whenever and where ever we are divided. “Will you join me in prayer.”

Moderator Pres put forward Teaching Elder Tom Trinidad as the new Vice-Moderator nominee. Will hear from him and vote tonight.

1001 Worshiping Communities Video – Coffee shop in Georgia

Ecumenical Partner Bishop McCoid bring greetings from the ELCA
“How do you assess the health of mainline churches today?” By member, money or faith?

Bills and Overtures Report – Approved 16 of 18 Commissioner Resolutions
Revised Docket approved
Minutes of first sessions posted

General Assembly Procedures
Giving an introduction to the Per Capita Budget
If all the committee recomendations are approved it would increase per capita by $0.18 in 2013 and $0.13 in 2014

Committee on Mission Coordination
Committee recommendations would add almost $1 million dollars to 2013 budget and $855K to the 2014 budget.

From the Stated Clerk – One nominee to the ACC has been challenged by a floor nomination. Nominations are still open for some committees.

Moderator describes consensus tool of colored cards – blue for agreement, orange for disagree, black for don’t know
First practice is on the Moderator’s choice of coconut water – sea of orange cards are raised

Report of the Committee on Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations – Committee 9

[Editor’s note – I keep checking for the report on Committee 18 – Confessions and it as yet not posted. This will be tight]

Consent agenda presented – four items presenting delegates to ecumenical bodies and discussions

Item 09-01 – Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba
Approved on voice vote
Representatives from Cuba and Guatemala

Item 09-03 – Review of the World Council of Churches
Approved on voice vote
Stated Clerk of WCC addresses the Assembly

Item 09-07 – Recommendation Regarding Covenant to Adopt the Lund Principle
Approved on voice vote

Item 09-08 – Commissioners’ Resolution: On a Green Church Ecumenical Network
Approved on voice vote

Information Items
That concludes the report

Asked if they would like a 3 minute break there is a sea of blue cards…

Report of the Committee on General Assembly Procedures – Committee 3
Consent Agenda – Most apply to making Book of Order and Standing Rules consistent with the new Form of Government. Also the site of the 2018 GA and a Commissioners’ Resolution on a Code of Ethics
Consent Agenda passed on voice vote

Item 03-01 Regarding nominations from the floor
Passed on a Voice Vote

Item 03-02 – Allow presbyteries to forward only per capita received
Committee refers to COGA
Substitute motion to make it an option to have a per capita cap tied to presbytery budget
No amendments proposed to main motion or substitute motion
Some debate. ACC offers three arguments against including that it goes against the spirit of nFOG by specifying a number for the cap
Shall the substitute motion become the main motion? 33% yes – 67% no – 1% abstain
Voting on the main motion – 80% yes, 20% no, 1% abstain

Item 03-12 – Joint COGA/GAMC Budget Proposals
Recommendation 1 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote
Recommendation 2 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote
Recommendation 3 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote
Recommendation 4 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote
Recommendation 5 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote

Information items
That concluded the report

Three minute break, well, OK 2.5 minute break

4:03 Committee on Confessions of the Church – Committee 18
No consent agenda

Item 18-02 – Overture urging the church to set aside time to study the Book of Confessions
Overture advocate is also a commissioner and spoke to it.
Approved on voice vote

Item 18-03 – Report of the Special Committee on the Heidelberg Catechism
A member of the Special Committee speaks to their work, use of an existing translation and then the difficulties compiling the scriptural citations
Commissioner discussion – 1. Noted that the text is readable but not gender neutral (answer – faithfulness to the original German but new translation is better than current)
Approved on voice vote

Item 18-01 – Amend the Book of Confessions to include the Confession of Belhar
Committee moderator presents the item which the committee amended to include asking for additional funds to educate the church about the confession
The minority report is presented – Belhar is a wonderful and important document but they voted no. In the last cycle the presbyteries did not pass Belhar so instead of trying again send a pastoral letter urging its study along with all the confessions in the Book of Confessions.
No amendments to the main motion – declared perfected
No amendments to the substitute motion – declared perfected
Debate on the motions
“If there is anything in the Presbyterian church that is more ignored than the Book of Confessions it is pastoral letters.”
It is pretty much a debate about whether we do education before or after the committee works.
In financial terms – $50K is about $0.025 of per capita funds (but would that be over two years so $0.0125 per year?)
Commissioners asking questions and asking for experts’ input
The question is called and approved
Will the substitute motion become the main motion? Advisory delegates strongly no except ecumenical advisory delegates 75% yes
Commissioners – 38% yes – 61% no – 1% abstain
Main motion debate
Final vote – 59% yes, 40% no, 1% abstain

That concludes the report

Committee 17 – Theological Issues
Item 17-A – Award for Excellence in Theological Education
Recognition of the Rev. Dr. John B. Trotti for his lifetime achievement

Closing Prayer
Assembly recessed until the evening session