Category Archives: Live Blogging

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Saturday Evening: Election of the Moderator

Live blogging the Saturday evening session whose primary business is the election of the Moderator. As with all my live blogging you will want to refresh your browser every now and again to get the latest updates. Please excuse the typos as my fingers fly

We were welcomed by the house band from Hudson River Presbytery with a collection of acoustic instruments and with a nice selection of pieces – jazzy, folk, world and several selections from the new hymnal.

After opening in prayer and an appearance by the Sweaty Sheep bicycle team a video of the New Hope Church NCD in SoCal was shown.

Each plenary session will begin with a video about one of the 1001 new worshiping communities and a question.

Introduction of Ecumenical guests – African delegates

Gifts from COLA to the Moderator and Vice-Moderator of the 219th General Assembly

7:20 – First Nomination – Robert Austell
Second Nomination – Susan Davis Krummel
Third Nomination – Randy Branson
Fourth Nomination – Neal Presa

No speeches with the nominations but a couple of pretty elaborate nominations

Candidate Speeches:

Randy Branson – What excites you about your presbytery? In Palo Duro we now sit around facing each other, talking to each other and not the back of people’s heads.
Our fighting has weakened our witness to the world.
Need to change relationships – need stop fighting so we are not adversarial, need to create hope
Need to change dynamic of GA – Communicate to congregations that they are number one and need to consider congregations as we make decisions this week

Neal Presa – “The Lord Be With You” “And Also With You” Many anxious about what will happen next. How can we call on the Lord but use our faith as a weapon of mass destruction
We are fearful about what change means. We fight yesterday’s battles when today presents new opportunities
God holds us together with Grace. As a GA need to trust in grace to bring us through

Sue Krummel – “What were we thinking”  Look at what we have ahead of us and why would we want to be commissioners to the GA with all the topics coming up.
Important topics and churches watching what we do. Some will be trying to decide whether to leave the PC(USA).
We have hard work ahead of us – Jesus said you had to count the cost of discipleship
Let us soar into the future on the wings of hope

[Editorial note: Speeches are well practiced and the candidates are hitting the 5 minute limit very close]

Robert Austell – Work is at the local church. Being with the church’s neighbors in Christian love.
Brought this to his Presbytery Council and they recognize that Presbytery’s role is to support churches.
Charlotte Presbytery is divided – Many issues and close votes. But they were unanimous in endorsing me
I stand as a pastor whose calling is to this church. I am a good news pastor and I love this church.
God is at work – what is God doing in and around us? [Hit the 5 minute mark to the second]

The Stated Clerk gives the process for the Q and A session. Start your watches – 60 minutes

Question 1: Hearing a lot about the struggle of the last 2 years and not wanting to do hear about taking it easy the next two years. What advice do you offer those of us who are in a place legally and pastorally where we might do same-gender marriages

Branson: That is the question isn’t it – the elephant in the room. As an aside it has been a pleasure to get to know the other three candidates.
It is an issue of trust – if I do this my ordination is as stake.
Can we find a third way – One side not push the issue and the other side not press charges.
In some places would same-gender marriage grow the church? Where is the loss if it helps God’s body?

Presa: LGBT persons are not an “issue,” they are persons.
As you know my Vice-Mod candidate has preformed a same-gender marriage in DC. This question is not a hypothetical but a real question. We disagree on this issue and it is an opportunity to discuss it.

Krummel: Is this about answering the question or about how the GA makes decisions. Even on hard topics we are called together to listen and pray together and then discern together.

Austell: This is what is at the center of what weights on our hearts as a church. This is not just an issue, not just with people, but with friends and members of my church. As a pastor while I believe marriage is designed for a man and a woman, the pastoral response is to talk with them and cry with them. The NC amendment not only fixed the definition but took away other unions and blessings and that did not show love for my neighbor. Want to bring to the church answering these questions with both truth and justice.

Question 2: What is the Gospel? [Yup that is it]

Presa: God’s good news that he loves us and we have to take that those that have not heard it
Krummel: It is not about you – it is what God has done for us
Austell: [Sorry – missed this typing]
Branson: The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God has come near. And the good news is that God loves you unconditionally

Question 3: Concerned that commissioners may have taken a trip to Israel to promote the Israeli side in the current discussion

Krummel: Always surprised that Presbyterians are surprised when someone does something that is wrong. Need to address that through what is already in place but still need to seek God’s will
Austell: Not sure Moderator Candidates are the best route to address that concern but through the Stated Clerk
Branson: How long has this issue been around? Need to be peacemakers – create occasions for dialogue where people can share. We have a responsibility to be peacemakers in the world
Presa: Need to find ways to be engaged in these discussions without letting politics get in the way

Question 4: What will be your personal initiative to bring people to Jesus Christ?

Austell: [A moment of thought to formulate the answer] Have a big heart that goes out to those who feel they need to leave the Presbyterian Church. Wrote the commissioners resolution that challenged presbyteries to do what it took to stay out of litigation when a church wants to leave. Also travel to churches to tell them why his church feels called to stay
Branson: Big part of ministry – creating relationships based in Christ. Being colleagues in ministry with other pastors. One case of caring about a pastor completely changed the relationship between the church and the presbytery.
Presa: Together we stand, divided we freak out…  This past Tuesday Elizabeth Presbytery dismissed its first churches to ECO. In discussion they all came to understand it was not that the PC(USA) was apostate but the broadness of theological perspective. We need the freedom to give churches the space to discern their calling
Krummel: History in Illinois was a shattering over slavery. Presbyterian history is a history of defining who we are at a particular time and then letting churches decide if they fit. It is very sad but
 we also need to be able to say who we are and we are leaving a light on for them.

Landon assumes the chair

Question 5: Dealing with Conflict

Branson: Each church I have served has been in conflict with I arrived. Worked to get them to deal with each other on a human level. Marriage councilors start with other issues to show how they got into conflict and that at one time they did really like each other. [ Comment from next to me that Branson is big on golf and golf stories]
Presa: How to herd cats… Church has a history of sheltering cats and when zoning had a problem a defense fund was set up. When Neal got hate mail the cat people became his allies.  Bring a pastor’s heart and be a non-anxious
Krummel: Nobody calls the Presbytery office to say they love their pastor. [OK, let’s all go call our presbytery offices and tell them we love our pastor] The conflict in one of her churches was not cats but spices in the church kitchen. Someone decided to throw old spices away. Need to get those that know the most about the situation to address the situation.
Austell: I’m not going to describe a church situation since most of his congregation is watching.  But from Presbytery: Planning for vote on 10-A. Even discussed whether they should have police come. Looking ahead it had all the earmarks of a Presbytery fight. Instead proposed to have him and a friend be presenters and to introduce each other.

Question 6: Ex
plain what you think Missional means and something you have done

Presa: To be present where God is doing things. At his church it is now not about sending money but about seeing eye-to-eye and face-to-face.
Krummel: What he said about the definition. Encouraged churches in presbytery to be missional by giving each church a $100 check to do something unusual. One church planed a community garden that is still going years later and giving food to food pantries. Gives several other nice examples.
Austell: What is God doing in and around us and how can we be part of that. Our church started doing that 7 or 8 years ago. Went to principal of local elementary school asking what the church can do. After years of working with school asked to use it for Advent program and many families from school came.
Branson: Suggested to churches in presbytery to figure out ways to invite people to places Christians hang out. Quotes Marj Carpenter – In some places in the world Christianity is the only hope there is.

Question 7: What are ideas for fostering relationships here at GA?

Krummel: One way we will discern here at GA is to know what each other’s needs are, to pray together, and talk together.
Austell: This is not the best setting to build relationships but we are getting better. But the only way we are going to grow in relationship is to hear each other’s stories. In discussing where we differ in the context of our friendship we learn so much more. It is not just about warm fuzzies
Branson: “The simple answer is golf.” Telling a story about a political relationship that was fostered over basketball. The legislated solution has got to stop. It is relational.
Presa: Social media. Let’s continue the discussion. Beyond our thoughts of right and wrong there is a feel.

Last question:
Question 8: What about small churches?

Austell: Doing music workshops on choirs in small churches at Wee Kirk conferences. Healthy church is not size or budget or appearance. It is the understanding that God has called you together to send you out. This shift does not cost money and does not require a church of a certain size.
Branson: Would want to know context – healthy churches are different in different contexts. Cites the three marks of the true church. Transformation in churches because the members became excited about ministry and started reaching out.
Presa: Moved his church from pastor-centered to more involvement of members [Editorial note: he is using “lay leadership” to refer to ruling elders]
Krummel: Where members are invited to use their gifts for the gospel.

Stated Clerk describes voting procedure and Moderator Bolbach assumes the chair.

First Vote

YAAD (votes not percentages)
Austell – 22
Branson –  21
Krummel – 28
Presa – 74

Most other advisory delegates prefer Presa but Ecumenical like Branson at 43%

Austell – 26%
Branson – 9%
Krummel – 25%
Presa 38%

Vote 2

Austell – 13%
Branson – 9%
Krummel – 18%
Presa – 60%

Austell – 27%
Branson – 4%
Krummel – 27%
Presa – 42%

Vote 3

Austell – 12%
Branson – 7%
Krummel – 18%
Presa – 63%

Austell – 25%
Branson – 2%
Krummel – 26%
Presa – 47%

Stretch break before ballot #4

Back from break. Vice-Moderator offers a prayer

Vote 4

Austell – 13%
Branson – 8%
Krummel – 19%
Presa – 60%

Austell – 22%
Branson – 2%
Krummel – 24%
Presa – 52%

Neal Presa is the Moderator of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

9:35 Neal Presa and his family have been escorted into the Assembly Hall and we are going through the service of installation including a prayer for his service lead by his two young sons

Neal is declared the Moderator and the Moderator’s cross and stole are passed.

Comments from Moderator Presa and thanks to many including his family.

Gifts from the COLA – Gavel and strike plate

The Moderator of the 219th General Assembly is presented a set of communion ware from the service this afternoon and a replica of the Moderator’s cross.

Moderator Presa calls for announcements

9:47 PM – The meeting is adjourned with prayer
Programming note – I may be spending tomorrow with family and there might not be live blogging of the Sunday Afternoon session which is usually mostly pro forma work and orientation

220th GA of the PC(USA) — Saturday Afternoon

And so it begins…

  Live blogging the Saturday afternoon session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to refresh the post. (And please excuse the typos as mhy fingers fly.

The GA opened with worship including the Lord’s Supper and I’ll make a few comments about that later.

From worship we processed to the business hall, Moderator Bolbach called the meeting to order and Clerk Parsons announced that there was a quorum and welcomed the Advisory Delegates.

The Assembly is now being welcomed to Pittsburgh by the Committee on Local Arrangements including an appearance by Mr. McFeely (if you know you care)
At end COLA brings out an owl as a token of wisdom for GA. Grady Parsons acknowledges that in the past there have been “many strange birds” on the platform, but he does not remember an owl.

3:35 – COLA concludes and GA shows its appreciation
Now an introduction to the nomination process for PC(USA) committees, boards and agencies

3:42 – An introduction to financial implications
Members of the finance team have over 99 years of combined experience
If all items on the docket pass the financial implication will add about 40 cents to per capita

3:55 – An introduction to plenary procedures. Much the same as previous years but commissioners can now be ID’d by QR codes on their badges
An introduction to the voting devices – Batteries will outlast the longest debate (can we test that?) and the first “set your phasers to stun” reference by Landon Whitsitt
And we take a test vote. First vote is to test key pad. All supposed to just vote “Yes” – one Mission Advisory Delegate votes “No”

4:13 – Moving on to practice using the key pads by collecting demographic info through the GACOR
(Note: there seems to be a long delay getting results with this voting system – may have implications for tonight)

4:32 – Now talking about wireless networks and PC-Biz. And yes, it took that long to survey Advisory Delegates and Commissioners on seven questions each question asked twice
Business also through handouts

Introduction of Chaplains who will be serving through the Assembly

4:42 – First business item 00-03: Ratify the committee structure for the Assembly. Using the keypads to get more practice –
First try – “No” was not an option

Setting the proposed docket – passes on hand vote
Item 01-02 – Reports on status of referrals – consent item of all referrals
Two items requested to be removed from consent motion

Item 01-03 – Referral of items to Commissioner Committees
Approved on hand vote

Committee on Review of Biennial Assemblies will propose eliminating nominating speeches for future Moderator elections. This years candidates are suggesting that it be implemented this evening as a demonstration.

Introduction video to GA Six Agencies

5:08 – Video concludes
First few prayer requests

TSAD recognized to give closing prayer
Assembly adjourned until 7PM for dinner.
This live blogging concludes to return for the evening session

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland — Live Blogging The Lochcarron-Skye Overture Debate

Greetings — I am semi-live blogging this session of the
General Assembly (2009) of the Church of Scotland.  I apologize to those with e-mail feeds or a feed
reader since you will probably only get the first section of the post
since I’ll be adding updates throughout the session.  Also, if you are
reading this on a browser live you will also need to refresh the screen
since I don’t have push technology on my blog.  It’s tough being Web
1.99999 in a Web 2.0 world.  Thanks for your patience.

blogging is semi-live since I am not there but only following on the webcast.  This session is to deal with the overture from the Presbytery of Lochcarron-Skye proposing specific standards for these cases.  It is being continued from Saturday evening from whence it was postponed because the judicial case ran until almost 11:00 PM.

4:00 PM local time – Right on schedule the Assembly turns to the order of the day, the Overture from Lochcarron-Skye.  There is a proposed motion to reverse the order of the motions in this section.  The Moderator asks for advice and when the Deputy Clerk begins a longer answer the Moderator reminds her “I was looking for advice, not a conversation.”  Based on the advice then given the Moderator says not to reverse the motion.

4:03 – The opening presentation by Rev Dr John L McPake moves the following:

For the sake of the peace and unity of the Church the General Assembly:
1. Appoint a Special Commission composed of nine
persons, representative of the breadth and unity of
the Church, to consult with all Presbyteries and to
prepare a study on Ordination and Induction to the
Ministry of the Church of Scotland in the light of the
issues (a) addressed in the report welcomed by the
General Assembly of 2007: “A challenge to unity:
same-sex relationships as an issue in theology and
human sexuality”, and (b) raised by the case of
Aitken et al v the Presbytery of Aberdeen, and to
report to the General Assembly of 2011;

2. Instruct all Courts, Councils and Committees of the
Church to observe a moratorium on issuing public
comment, whether in publications or otherwise,
and decision-making in relation to contentious
matters of human sexuality, in particular with
respect to Ordination and Induction to the Ministry
of the Church of Scotland, until 31 May 2011; and

3. Urge all members who are subject to the discipline
of the Courts of the Church of Scotland to act in
accordance with the process outlined in 1 and 2.

4:14 – Rev Dr Angus Morrison seconds

4:19 – The Assembly turns to Addendum.  There are three that are being read by the Deputy Clerk so commissioners know what is ahead.  In addition, the Deputy Clerk notes that the three addendum’s are no inconsistent with the main motion or the other addendum’s.

4:24 – Motion to amend so the Special Commission reports back to GA from 2011 to 2010.  Wants to minimize the time this process will take since it could be followed by an act sent to the presbyteries under the Barrier Act.  Another commissioner argues that this has been going on too long as it is.  Moderator asks him to speak to the amendment alone.  He says he will but continues on speaking to the whole motion saying that it should be denied and just adopt the presbytery overture and get a vote over with.  Give the presbyteries a vote not just a consultation.  Moderator stops him to commissioner applause.

4:30 – Other speakers on both sides of dates.  One speaker reasonably arguing for 2011 to take the time for real discussion and “cooling off.”  Commissioner in background can be seen rolling his eyes.

4:40 – Moderator calls for one more speaker on each side.  Speaker for 2010 speaks of media perception and “people in the pews” think the GA made a decision Saturday night on the whole subject not just that case.  Speaker against 2010 is convener of Special Committee on the Third Article — Committee was given two years and he wishes they were given three.

4:48 – Now there is an interesting polity question from the floor: Can this motion be taken outside the Barrier Act because it stops presbyteries from sending overtures to next year’s GA on this subject.  Deputy Clerk responds that this is a narrower focus (single issue) than the Lochcarron-Skye Overture so some reconciliation might be needed.

Motion to change to 2010 rejected overwhelmingly.

New addendum to include kirk sessions as part of the consultation, not just presbyteries.

5:03 – “and kirk sessions” agreed to
Section 1, as amended, is agreed to

Debate on Section 2
Active debate on exactly what the moratorium means:  no sermons?  no public comment at all?  how broadly is the topic of human sexuality to be avoided? what about discussion groups?  What about blogs?

The discussion tries to focus on “press statements” but there is concern about other statements which might be picked up by the press.  In deciding on the current amendment to the amendment the Deputy Clerk reminds commissioners that they are only voting on which version they prefer even if they dislike them both.

5:52 – This discussion continues, and there are still other motions and the overture to deal with this evening.  OK, I now see why the business from Saturday night was continued to today. 

Deputy Clerk weighs in that having made the decision on Saturday night it would not be advisable now to make a decision that would reverse that particular case.  [Editorial comment:  Then why was the specific dealt with before the general standard?]

The vote on Section 2 as amended by standing is ruled against, there is a challenge so they are now voting electronically.
Section 2 as amended is agreed to 314 to 285.  The Moderator apologizes for his previous incorrect call.

Section 3 – Motions for new Section 3’s

Motion to “instruct Presbyteries
to observe a moratorium on ordination and inductions which might appear
to prejudice the Special Commission before it reports.”  Moderator states that it is probably already agreed to based on the vote for Section 2.  Allows seconder to speak about how the Kirk now needs time and how the liberal side, which he is on, needs time to wait and maybe be uncomfortable.

While the Moderator acknowledged that this was already agreed to, he did call for a vote on this as a sign of support.  It was agreed to overwhelmingly.

New motion: For the avoidance of doubt, affirm that the provision of this whole
motion shall in no way be interpreted as offering grounds for
challenging the decision in the referred case Aitken and others against
the decision of the Presbytery of Aberdeen.

6:38 – The motion is approved

New motion to clarify other Assembly committees that may work during the discussion period.  Agreed to.

The Moderator declares the motion agreed to.  A commissioner protests that there was no vote on the whole motion.  The Moderator say that all the sections were agreed to but “for the avoidance of doubt” he calls for the Assembly vote.

6:46 – The Assembly turns to the Overture.  There is a request for the Presbytery to withdraw their overture.  One of the presbytery commissioners asks for time to consult with all the presbytery commissioners.  The Moderator suspends the meeting for 5 minutes.

6:55 – The Presbytery of Lochcarron-Skye agrees to withdraw the overture to a great round of applause.

6:58 – The Assembly adjourns with prayer.

So the Church of Scotland has a Special Commission to work on this for the next two years.  Blessings upon all those on the Commission.

General Assembly of the Church of Scotland — Saturday Night Session

Greetings — I am semi-live blogging this session of the
General Assembly (2009) of the Church of Scotland.  I apologize to those with e-mail feeds or a feed
reader since you will probably only get the first section of the post
since I’ll be adding updates throughout the session.  Also, if you are
reading this on a browser live you will also need to refresh the screen
since I don’t have push technology on my blog.  It’s tough being Web
1.99999 in a Web 2.0 world.  Thanks for your patience.

This blogging is semi-live since I am not there and since only part of the session will be webcast.  This evening session is to deal with two related items of business.  The first is the protest of the call of the Rev. Scott Rennie to Queen’s Cross Church in Aberdeen.  This is the business titled “Dissent and Complaint Against A Decision of the Presbytery of Aberdeen.”  Since this is a judicial case the tradition of British judicial cases will be honored and there will be no webcast.  There will be no official twitter comments either but there may be some from inside the Assembly Hall on the Twitter subject #ga2009.  The second business item is a related overture from the Presbytery of Lochcarron-Skye proposing specific standards for these cases.  Webcasting is announced to resume for that portion.

10:45 PDT (6:45 PM local)-  At this point the business should have been going for about 15 minutes.  An earlier Twitter comment indicated that the gallery was full and that the overflow room was going to be used.

10:55 – There are some Twitters (or is that tweets) from the Assembly Hall including Stewart Cutler.  With Stewart in attendance I know of two bloggers, Stewart and Chris Hoskins at GA.  Watch their blogs after the session for thoughts.  UPDATE: My mistake, those tweets, including Stewart’s, are not coming from the Hall.  Still, Stewart has good connections so read what he has to say when this is over.

11:05 – With nothing else to talk about there is a Twitter discussion going on about the session not being webcast but having observers and the media in attendance in the gallery.  It seems to me the point is tradition, precedence, and the freedom for commissioners to speak freely in their debate as they try to discern the will of God on this matter.  There is  some question about impartiality of commissioners if they have already spoken out, but in the Presbyterian tradition they are now working together to discern the will of God.  In fact, their opinions can come into play in the debate.  They are not asked to be impartial.  They are asked to be open to the Spirit’s leading as they discern the will of God.

11:45 – The Assembly Hall continues to maintain “radio silence” with no updates yet.

12:33 PDT (8:33 local) – Stewart reports on Twitter that there is a break and the “motions are about to be called for.”

12:51 – Then again, another on Tweet implies a decision is not close.
12:53 – Update from Stewart that the parties have presented their cases and now discussion/debate begins

2:35 PM PDT – Twitter has come alive to report that the Assembly has voted to refuse the complaint and dissent regarding the Presbytery of Aberdeen’ approval of the Rev. Scott Rennie’s call to Queen’s Cross Church.

Conclusion:  The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland passed the following motion (from the Update page, but that will disappear at the next business session.)

The following motion is agreed by the Assembly:

refuse the dissent and complaint of Aitken and others and sustain the
decision of the Presbytery of Aberdeen on the basis that the Presbytery
followed the vacancy procedure correctly in Act VIII 2003.

b) affirm for the avoidance of doubt that this decision does not alter the Church’s standards of ministerial conduct.

The business regarding the overture has been remaindered (postponed) until 4:00 PM Monday.

UPDATE:  A couple more thoughts
1)  In good Presbyterian manner the motion that was passed is really about the process not the candidate.  While I have not yet gotten info on the debate it appears that the GA, correctly in my opinion, separated the individual from the issue and at least acted only on the issue.  And the issue here appears to be the process.  The debate on the overture will deal with the issue of standards.

2)  According to an early article in The Herald the vote was 326 to 267.  It will be interesting to see how Monday’s vote compares.

It will be interesting to see both the reaction to this decision and the debate on Monday.  I will follow up on both.

Presbyterians Amid Web 2.0 — The Institution And The Web

As I put the list of resources together earlier today and then followed the progress of the Church of Scotland GA on the webcast and on twitter (#ga2009) it struck me that different Presbyterian branches seem to follow very different paths in putting together their web presence.

While the Church of Scotland has been delivering the GA materials over the web for a number of years, has had their audio updates available on-line, and was an early adopter of webcasting the assembly, the official presence is still very much web 1.0.  There is one web site, and although they have a great extranet area with a lot of publicly available documents, everything is in a fairly typical web format.  And while the Moderator’s “blog” is nice, from a technical standpoint it is still one-dimensional being just a web page without RSS feed or comments.  Got to give them credit for the new twitter feed this year though, but at last fall’s National Youth Assembly the twitter feed was one of the top trending feeds.

The Presbyterian branch that really thought this through is the Presbyterian Church in Canada.  They have “branded” the denomination with PCConnect which contains various blogs, podcast, and PCConnect-TV weekly segment, all with a unified look and feel.

You have to give the PC(USA) credit for trying Web 2.0 out.  There are multiple official blogs from various leaders in the denomination, great on-line video segments about important issues, and Facebook pages.  But while all of this is great I have trouble finding a unified strategy, message, or feel in it.

Having said that it is only fair to say that the Church of Scotland and the PC(USA) are revising their web sites.  It will be interesting to see how much they integrate, unify, or at least brand the content, and introduce new Web 2.0 content.

(I probably should define Web 2.0.  There is not a completely agreed upon definition that I am aware of, but it is a web presence that is interactive in the sense that there are RSS feeds, comment sections, and individual publishing like blogs, twitter or Facebook.  The traditional static, or at least slowly changing, web pages are thought of as Web 1.0.)

But while following the CofS GA today I was reading an older post by Chris Hoskins on his blog “What is Freedom?”  In that post, Church of Scotland and Social Media, he muses about what more the CofS could be doing on-line.  There is a nice comment on the post from CofS leader and techie Stewart Cutler who says:

At present the CofS doesn’t allow Councils to have their own sites. No
‘brands’ allowed. NYA isn’t allowed its own site. COSY isn’t allowed
it’s own site. That limits the ways in which people can interact
because the CofS doesn’t understand that people don’t want to interact
with static, out of date websites. They want to discuss, share, link,
download, upload and all that web2.0 stuff.

So how do you solve the tension between central oversight to maintain uniformity in appearance, presentation and message, versus a more independent approach where lots of stuff gets out there and you need to figure out what is official and what is individual.  The PC Canada does the former well, the PC(USA) does the latter well.  It seems the CofS is trying to figure it out.

The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Saturday 2 Morning

Greetings — I will be live blogging most plenary sessions of the PC(USA)
General Assembly.  I apologize to those with e-mail feeds or a feed
reader since you will probably only get the first section of the post
since I’ll be adding updates throughout the session.  Also, if you are
reading this on a browser live you will also need to refresh the screen
since I don’t have push technology on my blog.  It’s tough being Web
1.99999 in a Web 2.0 world.  Thanks for your patience.

This is not the only source on the web for this event.
The PC(USA) official webcast can be found at
There is also a live blogging site at
I have gotten feedback that this second link may cause trouble on some systems and it is being looked into.  Sorry about that

[My commentary will be in brackets]

From this morning’s worship:  The preacher, the Rev. Dan Chun, talked about walking humbly with God.  One of the things he said was the strongest thing his elders could say was “I’m probably right, but I might be wrong.”

Friday Evening, June 27, 2008
The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Following worship

Today is mostly formalities.  They don’t want any unpredictable business to hold up adjournment

9:32 AM — Meeting reconvened with song and prayer by a YAAD
[Well done, she has gifts and great future.]

9:36 — Bills and Overtures
Minutes for Wednesday approved.  Other minutes and protests will be reviewed later by Committee members.

9:38 — General Assembly Procedures
Final financial implications – New spending 2008 $53,330, 2009 $341,385, 2010 $118,595.
Motion to set per capita at $6.15 for 2009 and 2010 approved on voice vote

9:42 — Mission Coordination and Budget
Final financial implications – Have GAMC make the necessary adjustments in the budget.  Approved on voice vote

9:47 — COLA for the 219th (2010) General Assembly brings greetings and invitation
Entertaining video about the Twin Cities Area.  [Twin Cities are warmer in July than San Jose.  No surprise.  Mark Twain said “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.”]

10:00 — Introduction of General Assembly Council and the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly
Introductions being done

10:05 — Thank you to the Local Arrangements Committee
From a commissioner and a YAAD
From the Office of the General Assembly
Thanks from the COLA Moderator and Vice-moderator and recognition of several individuals and artists

10:15 — Co-Moderators of the YAAD Caucus
Gifts presented to the Moderator of the General Assembly:  A stole signed by all the YAADs, cards to read during travels, and a step-stool signed and saying “To support you and help lift you up.”  Watch and cards for the Vice-moderator, and a pen for the new Stated Clerk.

10:19 — Recognition by Cliff of the platform staff who handle the logistics and behind the scenes stuff.
Recognition of the GA staff including resource people and committee staff.

10:24 — Announcements from the State Clerk

10:25 — Personal word from Cliff.  “Its been a good run.”  Gratitude to all for the experience

10:26 — Final word from Gradye Parsons “The only way that any of us are in the church is because of God’s action.”
And, to Cliff, “Thank you mister Stated Clerk.”  One last standing ovation for Cliff

10:28 — From Bruce “Final words as desired” — Thanks for your support and I look forward to working with all of you the next two years.

10:29 — Closing service of worship

10:45 — The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is adjourned and is dissolved upon the convening of the 219th General Assembly on July 3, 2010

Thanks for the privilege of sharing this.  I have a bunch of comments I’ll try to get shaped in the next couple of weeks.

 Go in peace.  Amen.

The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Friday Evening

Greetings — I will be live blogging most plenary sessions of the PC(USA)
General Assembly.  I apologize to those with e-mail feeds or a feed
reader since you will probably only get the first section of the post
since I’ll be adding updates throughout the session.  Also, if you are
reading this on a browser live you will also need to refresh the screen
since I don’t have push technology on my blog.  It’s tough being Web
1.99999 in a Web 2.0 world.  Thanks for your patience.

This is not the only source on the web for this event.
The PC(USA) official webcast can be found at
There is also a live blogging site at
I have gotten feedback that this second link may cause trouble on some systems and it is being looked into.  Sorry about that

[My commentary will be in brackets]

Observations from the day:
There appears to be significant confusion and skepticism over the $2 million allocated for legal expenses.  I have talked to several people through out the day who read my comments and correction who thought the same thing, that GA had left it to come out of per capita.  When I’m confused I’m glad to know that I am not alone.  But the second thing people immediately say is “If it is coming out of extra opportunity giving they will never get the money for that.”  We will see.

Regarding the action to send G-6.0106b back to the congregations:  There is an under current of opinion from several individuals on all sides of the issue who are active in the church that I have talked to throughout the afternoon that this really is not a good time to open up this debate.  While they respect the faithfulness of the GA in discerning God’s will, from the point of view of where presbyteries are with the “conversation” following the PUP report, this is too early to reopen this question.  I hope that in my presbytery the groundwork that has been laid will support us as we have this conversation and that we will do it respectfully.

Finally, my own opinion on where we sit with business.  The report of Committee 4 was arrested in the middle of debate on the definition of marriage.  It was recessed ten minutes early.  While many were ready for a break, I think that in that remaining ten, maybe fifteen minutes, the business item could have been wrapped up.

Friday Evening, June 27, 2008
The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

7:32 PM — Meeting reconvened with prayer by a TSAD

7:36 — Return to the debate on item 04-08

For reference, here is the earlier work on 04-08:

Item 04-08 with comment: The definition of marriage
(Committee Moderator begins reading and then says that she has the wrong script)
Substitute motion from the floor: Assembly approve the original overture 04-08

No amendments to the main motion: the main motion is perfected

No amendments to the substitute motion:  The substitute motion is perfected

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
(lines forming at the microphones)
The committee worked hard and this is not the time for another controversy
Need to recognize loving relationships
Jesus taught against it
Homosexuality is a natural construct

Motion to recess for dinner (in the middle of debate: Advisory yes, except MAD no; Commissioners yes 89%

Debate continues
Enough damage done to the church today, we don’t need more
Love your neighbor as yourself
The committee worked hard, accept the work of the committee
Carl Mazza speaks for the substitute motion on principle
“If you want to completely shatter this denomination vote for that amendment” – Marj Carpenter [not one of the people I spoke to earlier but the same sentiment]
In light of what we have done earlier today we should make the polity consistent
Don’t push churches beyond tipping point, “love mercy”
Church should not let this issue get ahead of it, don’t be late to recognize it again
[YAAD mentions Constitutional right to pursuit of happiness.  Besides being sketchy theology, that is not a Constitutional right but is in the Declaration of Independence.]
Do we want this denomination to have the appearance of being hateful and attacking a minority? [Our gallery looked at each other saying that comment was harsh and unfair.  I did not quote in full or verbatim.]

Motion to call the question:  Approved on voice vote

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
Advisory all vote no, most by a small margin;  Commissioners no 80%

More debate
Move the question:  Electronic: Advisory yes by a wide margin; Commissioners yes 94%
Main motion: slightly yes; Commissioners yes 77%
A YAAD took Bruce to task for not calling on an equal number of YAADs for and against.  According to the YAAD he called on a highly different number of YAADs.

Item 04-13: Equal rights for Families of Same-gender partners
Amendment that I think tries to incorporate parts of similar item 04-12.
Amendment passes by electronic vote
Amendment to include “theological balance” on the task force
Amendment passes on voice vote, but close and not challenged
Voice vote appears to pass but division of the house
Point of order:  That there is a confusion of language and the amendments appear to have a problem
The back room is fixing it up.
Gradye – “Sometimes the best way to go forward is to go backwards.”  Redo the amendment
Vote again on “Theological Balance” – Passes on voice vote.
Main motion, again: Electronic: Advisory yes, most by a wide margin; Commissioners yes 76%

Item 04-12 answer with 04-13 approved on voice vote

Item 04-16:
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 04-17:
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 04-28: Commissioner Resolution:  On urging a gracious, pastoral response to churches requesting dismissal from the PC(USA)
Robert Austell, the commissioner who signed it, spoke in favor of being gracious
Already addressed in 07-13? ACC says that was procedural, this is pastoral
Note that legal issues are complicated and this item is difficult when the church initiates the civil legal action.
Some are saying the churches initiated 33 or the 39 cases, another says 37 times the churches initiated it.
Amendment to strike “Believing that… litigation is deadly to the cause of Christ”
Amendment fails on voice vote; Division of the house: Advisory split, slightly yes; Commissioners no 56%
Debate continues
leave the PC(USA) but leave the keys with those who want to stay
Call the question: passed on voice vote
Electronic:  Advisory yes by a strong margin; Commissioners yes 76%

Information item votes of the presbyteries.

This concludes the report of the Church Polity Committee

Point of order:  From Roberts Rules of Order page 1062: A motion can be divided even after the motion to call the question has been moved.
Cliff – I may not have been clear but at that particular point we were in the middle of the vote and it was not in order

Motion to reconsider 05-09:
Strong debate about fairness, the hour, and people having left.
Call the question: Advisory strong yes; Commissioners yes 97%
Vote to reconsider: Advisory strong no; Commissioners no 52%

Point of Order:  We are calling each other names and questioning integrity

Committee 9 — Social Justice Issues
Consent agenda approved with one item pulled

Item 09-06 as amended:
Committee added homeschooling as an education option
Approved on voice vote

Item 09-07:
Amendment to add a request to forgo a meal a week to donate to a food program
Amendment to the amendment to add “if one is able” to forgoing a meal
Call the question: Passed on voice vote
Amendment to the amendment passed on voice vote
Amendment passed on voice vote

Main motion: Passed on voice vote

Item 09-04:
Presentation on the PDA response to Katrina
Amendment to recognize PDA working with local congregations
Amendment passed on voice vote
No more discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 09-15:
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 09-05 as amended:  On Addressing the Tragedy of America’s Gun Violence
Amendment to substitute “magazines” for “clips” – Use correct terminology; strike section 5 since it is already is the law of the land
Discussion on amendment that section 5 address local not federal law
Voice vote too close to call; Electronic: Advisory generally yes; Commissioners yes 72%
Main motion: Advisory strong yes; Commissioners yes 84%

Item 09-14 as amended: Lift every voice — Voting rights
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 09-09: Social Creed for the 21st Century
Minority report – study it and bring it back to the 219th

No amendments: the main motion is perfected

No amendments: the minority report is perfected
[And the commissioners, like me, are getting too tired to work well]

Question about financial implications for the minority report?  No implications since much initial work is already done.

Shall the minority report become the main motion?
Debate about stalling and the fact that most in the church are not familiar with this yet.
Motion to call the question passes on voice vote
Vote on the substitute motion becoming the main motion.
Electronic: Advisory mostly no; Commissioners no 60%
One speaker for that Bruce has to silence forcefully running over time with other commissioners supporting Bruce
No speakers against so the question is called and approved by voice vote
Main motion: Advisory generally yes; Commissioners yes 83%

Item 09-11:
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 09-21: Immigration laws
A couple of speakers in favor
Passed on voice vote

10:00 [If you can’t tell my blogging is getting slower and less informative with the second late evening in a row]
Item 09-20
Question about effectiveness and evaluation
No more discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 09-10 as amended:
Chemical engineer says that report is technically solid
Item passes on voice vote

Item 09-08: Pay equity
Amendment to extend this to Presbyterian Colleges, Universities, and Schools
Comment from the clerk that we can encourage but have no way to enforce since they are independent entities
Call the question passed by voice vote
Amendment passes on voice vote
No discussion
Main motion as amended passes on voice vote

Item 09-13:  Singing new songs to God
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 09-16:
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 09-12: Study the status of women at all levels in the PC(USA)
Question – look at financial implications
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Minutes review was in order

We have a two minute video and it will take you at least that long to debate it.
Approved to watch the video

This concludes the report of the committee

We are in the home stretch of the evening.  One committee left.
Three minute break

[Report that at one point the Scribble blog for GA218 was 4% of the whole Scribble activity.  Who else would be on Scribble late on a Friday night.]

Committee 10 – Health Issues

Item 10-02:
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 10-01 be answered by 10-02 approved on a voice vote

Item 10-03: Advocating both sides of the abortion issue
Minority report has been withdrawn
Amendment – To clarify wording that this applies to problem pregnancies and not reproductive options more broadly
Motion to divide the amendment:  Advisory vote split; Commissioners no 313 to 315
Amendment fails on voice vote
Division of the house: Advisory no; Commissioners no 67%
Debate includes reference to current abortion policy
Can this be combined with human sexuality material? No, different topics
Why does this take $100,000 to print four pamphlets?  It needs to be fair and balanced
Amendment to include these resources with the previously approved Human Sexuality Resources
Saves money but very different material and target audience
11:00 [You are getting sleepy…Very sleepy]
Call the question and all previous questions: Approved by voice vote
Vote on amendment: Fails on voice vote
Main motion: Voice vote too close to call; Electronic: Advisory yes, except for EADs; Commissioners yes 72%

Item 10-04 be answered by 10-03 approved on voice vote

Item 10-05: A policy statement on serious mental illness
Amendment to strike commissioned lay pastors from CPE training, not all presbyteries have CPE easily accessible
Amendment fails on voice vote; Division of the house: Advisory no; Commissioners no 69%
Do you expect me to do my job as a pastor if I have to do all these things.  Can it pared down to 50 recommendations
These are not requirements, these are “urge” and “encourage” items
How does administering ordination exams relate to serious mental illness?  Individuals with serious mental illness may be candidates – have reasonable accommodation
Amendment – Encourage CLP’s to complete CPE
Motion to call the question and all previous questions:  Passed on voice vote
Vote on the amendment: Fails on voice vote
Main motion:  Passed on voice vote

11:19 [About 80 stalwarts in the observer section with me]

Item 10-06: Supporting single payer health care reform
Minority report – Right to health care, eliminate single payer

No amendments for main motion:  Declared perfected
No amendments for substitute motion:  Declared perfected

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
Single payer not a good system, talk to Canadians
The committee worked hard, the minority report has very little committee support
My wife is a physician, Medicare is broken
Move to call the question and all previous questions: Passed by voice vote

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
Electronic: Advisory strongly no;  Commissioners no 60%
(There is one Ecumenical delegate sticking this out.  They get a round of applause.)

Main motion: Advisory yes; Commissioners yes 59%

Thanks to everyone for sticking this out
This concludes the report of the committee

Bruce “Apologies to any of you who had midnight in the pool”
[I was well past midnight in my prediction. Wrong again]

Two committee meetings now: General Assembly Procedures and Mission Coordination and Budgets to finish up the budgets.

11:34  The General Assembly recesses with prayer by the Rev. Robert Austell

See you in the morning

The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Friday Afternoon

Greetings — I will be live blogging most plenary sessions of the PC(USA)
General Assembly.  I apologize to those with e-mail feeds or a feed
reader since you will probably only get the first section of the post
since I’ll be adding updates throughout the session.  Also, if you are
reading this on a browser live you will also need to refresh the screen
since I don’t have push technology on my blog.  It’s tough being Web
1.99999 in a Web 2.0 world.  Thanks for your patience.

This is not the only source on the web for this event.
The PC(USA) official webcast can be found at
There is also a live blogging site at
I have gotten feedback that this second link may cause trouble on some systems and it is being looked into.  Sorry about that

[My commentary will be in brackets]

Friday Afternoon, June 27, 2008
The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

The afternoon opened with worship including a gospel choir from the area

2:35 PM — The meeting is gaveled to order and opened with prayer by an ecumenical delegate from the Philippines

2:37 — Greetings from the ecumenical delegates from Latin America

Committee 11 – Peacemaking and International Issues
Consent Agenda Approved

Item 11-32: Commissioner Resolution on Emergency Food Aid to North Korea
Ask to show a 5 minute video, Vice-moderator tells them to make it 3 minutes
Some discussion, especially will food aid make it and that this is a political problem
Passed on voice vote

Item 11-15 as amended: Support the Presbyterian Church in Zimbabwe
Prayer from a church representative of the church, especially considering the elections there today
Some discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 11-18 as amended: Report on Human Rights in Columbia
Prayer from a church representative of the church
Amendment from the floor.  The clerk suggests that it would be better as two amendments.  The mover agrees since it will give him two chances to speak.
First amendment to strike section on “withholding military support”
Debate on the amendment: Progress of government versus desire for development instead of military aid
Voice vote no clear, Electronic: Advisory no; Commissioners no 75%

Second amendment that tries to emphasize the Columbia Free Trade Agreement and the negative role of the FARC
Debate on amendment
Leadership comment that it was their intention to have balanced comment
Voice vote fails, division of the house
Electronic: Advisory clearly no, including 100% ecumenical; Commissioners no 73%

Vote on the main motion:  Advisory strongly yes; Commissioners yes 77%

Item 11-21 be answered by 11-18
Electronic:  Advisory strongly yes; Commissioners yes 88%

Item 11-22:
No discussion
Vote by hand passes

Item 11-01: On Peace and Justice in Palestine and Israel
For – We can not be neutral in the face of injustice

Amendment – Delete Item 2 – Endorsing the Amman Call
This puts us in the position of endorsing one side in the conflict.
Staff points out that the Amman Call came out of the Christian churches in the region
Debate on bias versus prophetic voice
Move to call the question: Approved by voice vote
Electronic on the amendment: Advisory no; Commissioners no 61%

[Lunch is taking it toll and I’m ready for a nap]

Vote on the main motion: Advisory strongly yes; Commissioners yes 74%

Items 11-03 and 11-04 be answered by 11-01
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 11-06: Voices for victims of violence in Israel and Palestine
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 11-25: Be answered by 11-06
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 11-28:
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 11-26: On Middle East Peacemaking
Minority report
Item 11-26 is at odds with 11-01.  Minority report would put 11-26 in accord with 11-01, in fact it would just have 11-26 answered by 11-01

Commissioner points out that on 11-01 they moved quickly from the vote on the amendment to the vote on the main motion [they did]

Perfecting the main motion
Commissioner confusion about what is going on
Make that lots of commissioner confusion
Amendment to strike last paragraph because it is out of the purview of the GAC
[I missed what happened here to take care of some other business]
The main motion is declared perfected

The minority report is declared perfected

Shall the substitute motion be substituted for the main motion?
Vigorous debate
Move the question on this and all pending items
Cliff reminds them that there will be no more debate on this item
Debate closed on voice vote
Vote on substitute:  Advisory vote yes; Commissioners yes 60%
The minority report becomes the main motion

Vote on the main motion: Advisory vote yes by a wide margin; Commissioners vote yes 72%

Item 11-02:
Committee recommends disapproval
No discussion
Committee recommendation passes on hand vote

Item 11-07:
Committee recommends disapproval
No discussion
Committee recommendation passes on hand vote

Item 11-09
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 11-11:
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 11-17:
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 11-10:  On building peace in Iraq
Minority report

Perfecting the main motion
Amendment to restore recommendation 5 – Original intent of overture was to make a statement about getting out of Iraq.  The majority report rewrote it and watered it down.  The minority report would water it down even further.
Debate: Member of committee expressed that the committee rewrote it because they felt the section was very one-sided and they wanted to restore balance.
Vote on amendment – electronic:  Advisory split, YAADs strongly no; Commissioners no 67%

Amendment – Change this from a spirit of “sorrow and confession” and replace with “humility”
Statement from mover but no other discussion
Voice vote too close, Electronic:  Advisory yes, most by only a little; Commissioners yes 69%

Amendment – Restoring to the majority report sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 that were struck by the committee
Motion to move all the previous questions.  Can not move that, only the current question because of nature of the substitute motion.
Debate closed on voice vote
Question asking to clarify the amendment
Electronic:  Advisory very close and split; Commissioners yes 61%

The main motion is perfected as amended

There is a motion to amend.  “It is out of order” “But I’ve been here a long time” “A motion to reconsider would be in order” “I move to reconsider”
Vote to reconsider:  Electronic: Advisory strongly no; Commissioners no 80%

The main motion is still perfected

Perfect the substitute motion
No amendments
The minority report is perfected

Shall the minority report become the main motion?
Most Americans want out, don’t pull out and leave a power vacuum like Vietnam
Move the previous question?
Vote to substitute the minority report for the main motion:  Electronic: Advisory generally no; Commissioners no 58%

Final vote on main motion:  Advisory yes; Commissioners yes 76%

Motion to arrest the report of the committee.  Get some of the controversial stuff earlier
Committee moderator says that we are very close to the end of the committee report.
Motion to arrest fails on a vote by hand

Item 11-10 answer 11-08, 11-20, 11-24 passes on voice vote

Item 11-27: Report on MRTI
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 11-29:  Answered by 11-27
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 11-23: On divestment from Caterpill
ar and Motorola
Committee moves disapproval
Motion to call the question, passes on voice vote
Committee report passes on voice vote

Item 11-33 as amended: Commissioner Resolution on Peace with Iran
Amendment from the floor: Need to have the report communicated if it is to have impact so send it to the President
Amendment passes on voice vote
Another amendment made and withdrawn that would just do editorial work
Amendment passes on voice vote

The Peacemaking Program gives each commissioner and delegate a Liberian Cross.

This concludes the report of the Peacemaking Committee

Bruce resumes moderating.  One minute to stretch as you feel called
Twelve committees down, Three to go.

Committee 4 – Church Polity
Consent Agenda approved, including new status for several congregations to keep in your prayers

Item 04-01 as amended: Replacing “sympathy” with “empathy” for the deacons
Committee recommends “concern”
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 04-02 as amended: Membership vows
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 04-03: Accounting practices
Committee recommends disapproval with comment
No discussion
The committee recommendation passes on voice vote

Item 04-04: On meetings of the congregation and absentee voting
Committee recommends disapproval with comment
One speaker speaks in favor emphasizes “active” member
Committee recommendation passes on voice vote

Item 04-06 as amended:  Writing PJC decisions
A GAPJC member urges disapproval
No further discussion
Committee recommendation fails on voice vote
Motion to disapprove 04-06 made and passes on voice vote

Item 04-07:
No discussion
Passes on voice vote

Item 04-08 with comment: The definition of marrage
(Committee Moderator begins reading and then says that she has the wrong script)
Substitute motion from the floor: Assembly approve the original overture 04-08

No amendments to the main motion: the main motion is perfected

No amendments to the substitute motion:  The substitute motion is perfected

Shall the substitute motion become the main motion?
(lines forming at the microphones)
The committee worked hard and this is not the time for another controversy
Need to recognize loving relationships
Jesus taught against it
Homosexuality is a natural construct

Motion to recess for dinner (in the middle of debate: Advisory yes, except MAD no; Commissioners yes 89%

Prayer for dinner
Back at 7:30 PST

The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Friday Morning

Greetings — I will be live blogging most plenary sessions of the PC(USA)
General Assembly.  I apologize to those with e-mail feeds or a feed
reader since you will probably only get the first section of the post
since I’ll be adding updates throughout the session.  Also, if you are
reading this on a browser live you will also need to refresh the screen
since I don’t have push technology on my blog.  It’s tough being Web
1.99999 in a Web 2.0 world.  Thanks for your patience.

This is not the only source on the web for this event.
The PC(USA) official webcast can be found at
There is also a live blogging site at

[My commentary will be in brackets]

Friday Morning, June 27, 2008
The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

8:20 AM
The activity in the whole conference center is significantly slower than other mornings.  It was a night long on business and short on sleep and it shows.  The tables for corresponding members are almost empty.  There are still a lot of empty seats at the commissioner area.  And the observer gallery is pretty sparse.

8:33 — We are gaveled to order and opened with prayer by the ecumenical delegate from Canada

8:35 — Bills and Overtures reports and proposes the docket for the day.  They also move to make commissioner speeches one minute.  Commissioners rise to ask that if they have to have shorter time that platform presentations also be limited.

Motion from the floor to reconsider the docket.  (That is a first for me.)
Voice vote close; Fails electronically, not really that close

8:42 — Still lots of commissioners filing in.  They are missing this excitement

Advisory delegate suggests 90 seconds for speeches since that is the only substantial input they have since they have no vote.

Move the previous question

Suggestion to limit speakouts to 5 minutes, Bruce thinks the will of the body is no speakouts.  A voice vote confirms that.

Motion to approve minutes.

Concludes the report of the committee

Per capita budget implications:  [The legal reimbursement money does not seem to be in there.  I’m not sure what is up with it then.  I misunderstood the results from last night.  The extra commitment opportunity fund was approved.]
Mission budget implications:

8:53 — Election of the Stated Clerk

Speak in order of nomination
Gradye Parsons:  It is about gifts given to and by people.  People who have used their gifts to serve the church.  Stories about faithful Presbyterians who used their gifts in the service of the church and the world.
The future of the church matters to him.  That is why he is standing for stated clerk. (Finished with almost a minute and a half of his time left.) [Nicely delivered.  Story telling style. Familiar but not lively.]

Ed Koster:  For the last two years has been discerning his call.  Has heard the church say they want a stated clerk where connectionalism is about relationship.  Who is even handed.  Who has everyone at the table of discernment.  Who will advocate for the poor and oppressed and fight racism.
Comes with experience and a grassroots view of the church.  A theological background. Boldness.
Conflict is not necessarily bad.  It indicates we are diverse and hold strong views.  Can lead to beneficial change.
Time for new eyes and new perspective.  Time to set a new course to do mission and ministry rather than fight over it.  Jesus Christ is alive and well in the PC(USA).
[Good speech.  Lively and engaging.]

William Tarbell:  Four dimensions of the stated clerk’s office.  Operational duties.  Uses a systems analysis approach to address issues.  [I think he just turned a lot of people off with “systems analysis”]  Promotion and education to speak to the church:  Experienced and even handed.  Ecumenical tasks:  Experienced, has done mission work around the world.  Pastoral: Heard a story about John Knox — Two teenagers who asked John Knox what to do with their lives?  “Turn your lives to the church.”  In our lives together we need to “love one another.”

Charles “Casey” Jones:  Have a funny name.  We Presbyterians have a funny name too.  As a child he thought all the other churches had funny names.  Stated Clerk needs to be a spiritual leader.  Permeate OGA with prayer.  Will do what the Book of Order says in an even handed manner.  Seek to narrow distance between local churches and Louisville.  Bring the OGA a heart and mind that will always ask how does what we do affect people at the local level.  Need to be connected and rooted in Jesus Christ.  It is the name of Jesus Christ who unites us.
[Good speech, well delivered, engaging. On topic and understandable.  That will help him greatly.  It may now be between Jones and Parsons.  We will see.]

1)  How will you keep faith with a GA to communicate decisions with which you may disagree
Parsons: It is the duty of the Stated Clerk.  Will be diligent and faithful to what GA asks him to say
Koster:  As Presbytery Stated Clerk has had to do it and has done it faithfully.  Will continue to do
Tarbell:  The stated clerk is your servant.  Communications should be with care, accuracy and objectivity
Jones:  Stated clerk supports the GA whether you agree or not.  Agree with Bill that the clerk is your servant.

2)  Area most needed in international outreach
Koster:  Expand outreach to wider circle of churches and other interfaith groups
Tarbell: Develop extensive contacts with international brothers and sisters.  OGA not the only international presence in the PC(USA)
Jones:  Try to speak their language. They will do more for us than we will do for them.  Cross-pollinate.
Parsons:  There are over 700 reformed body on this planet.  We have a lot to learn from them.  Not just maintain ecumenical relationships but transform them.

3)  Last year the PC(USA) lost over 57,000 members, but most Hispanics know nothing of the Presbyterian Church.
Tarbell: Need to relate and generate enthusiasm (no specifics given)
Jones: Local presbytery encourages churches to have Christian groups meet there even if not Presbyterian.  Need appropriate flexibility like commissioned lay pastors.
Parsons:  Need to develop welcoming spirit to all visiting our churches.  Hispanics facing issues we can help address.
Koster:  There are plenty of connections with other groups we could develop.  Become a member of Christian Churches Together.
[Jones has been great about addressing back to the questioner.  Tarbell picked that up this question.]

4) Where do the candidates stand on the authority of Scripture and its applicability to today?
Jones:  It is an ordination vow.  Need to be congruent with the Jesus of scripture.  But our confessions form a big tent.  Need to recognize Jesus in our world today.
Parsons:  God’s great gift to us and should be our starting place.  The Book reads us as we read it.  Wrestling and struggling with God.
Koster: “I believe in Scripture.  All of it.”  What we tend to do is pick our favorite Scriptures and quote it all the time.  Rarely seen someone who rejects authority of Scripture.  It is the interpretation where we differ.
Tarbell:  “Scripture is God’s song.”  It is Holy and God’s Word and we will all have different points of view.  But taking the ordination vow we have all taken God’s song.

5)  Reflect on somewhere you might of failed and how it helped prepare you for this office.
Parsons:  “My mother is watching so I need to be careful.”  A number of years ago he had to “clerk” the call for a called GA
.  Hauled to the GAPJC because of it.  Learned to be transparent in what we do.
Koster:  Relationships with African Americans not as good as it could be in his presbytery.  Not as good as it could be.  Regrets that.  [Did not answer the application part of the question]
Tarbell: As a brand new pastor he got a call from a staff member that described symptoms that were red flags.  He was not proactive but referred her to counseling.  A couple of weeks later she ended her life.  Learned about the necessity of being proactive and pastoral.
Jones:  Sometimes God only gets your attention through pain.  He had an agenda for one of his churches and he pushed it too hard. Has developed two parts to his congregation over worship style.  Wait for the leading of the Holy Spirit

6)  How would you direct the nFOG to the next GA?
Koster:  This will require a great amount of study.  It could use testing but that overture rejected.  Will require a great deal of work.
Tarbell:  Has concerns.  Also not sure that two years will be enough.  Stated clerk can not stop it from coming back in two years, that is decided.  But a chance to find out who we are as Presbyterians.
Jones:  Shows a desire for a “breath of fresh air” to blow through the church. [Nice subtle push for new leadership]  I believe that if something is truly of God it keeps coming back.  Time is our friend not our enemy.
Parsons:  Need to read the current one and then engage the nFOG.  Like the “before and after” diet picture about what we would ideally like to be.  Need to let the Spirit work with us.  That can be scary.  Need to nail down “missional” theology.

7)  Our internal struggles has led to blind spots.  How would you address and change that?
Tarbell:  Could not agree more.  “When elephants fight the grass gets hurt.”  We have blind spots to mission and our spirituality.  The OGA needs to encourage due process to allow us to share together.
Jones: What are our children and grandchildren going to say about our blind spots.  Spoiling environment and global poverty.  OGA – Communion of the Saints include both the rest of the world as well as those before us.  Need to connect in confessions.
Parsons:  Those who disagree do agree on some things, and they fight because they have a hope for the church and what it can be.  Can not see the Christ in each other.  Need to come at these disagreements in different, fresh ways.
Koster:  Need a full view of what is around us.  Blind spots blind us from mission at our door.  We focus on who we are not the world around us.

8) There is fear about what is going to happen in the future of the church.
Jones:  “Fear not.”  As Christians we should not be afraid.  But there are things that should concern us.  Need to get into the love of Jesus.  [Didn’t really answer the question]
Parsons:  Every church has fear of not succeeding or driving people away.  But we are called to be the church and focus on Jesus because it is His church.  Where is our faith?  Get in the boat, go across the lake, there will be a storm, you will not die.
Koster:  Fear because it feels like we are coming unglued.  We have a great tradition and traditions and a great polity.  Sometimes these things don’t bring us together when they should.  Not getting along is also part of our tradition.
Tarbell:  Fear is our most destructive enemy.  Can rob us of faith.  The clerk needs to instill trust and confidence in those around us.  No thief can be successful in the face of Jesus Christ.

9)  In the midst of our divided and polarized church will you create an environment where they are respected and valued.
Parsons:  With 2.3 million people one person can not do it.  That is a people job for all of us.  Example of working together is the FOG Task Force who were people chosen that they can fight.  Need to remember that Jesus brings us together.
Koster:  We are not called to win, we are called to discern.  Need an orderly debate that gives respect to every individual.  It is the quality of the discussion and debate that we have.  Need to talk to each other.  Can begin it right now.
Tarbell:  Contact every interest group in the church and have them designate a contact person for the OGA. Need to be moments among us when we rise up and shake the hand of the persons around us and say “God bless you.”
Jones:  Like a kairos moment.  Talks about his experience of relationship with other congregations around them, one more conservative, one more liberal.

The Q&A time is over.
[I will have to back off my earlier assessment.  Based on the Q&A I think this is too close to call between Gradye and Casey.]

First Ballot
All advisory strongly for Parsons

Gradye Parsons is elected on the first ballot
Parsons: 405 votes, 57%
Jones: 176 votes, 25%
Koster: 110 votes, 15%
Tarbell: 21 votes, 3%

[I should not have made that comment above and I would have looked like a genius.]

With the usual light-show Gradye reenter the hall to applause

Service of installation.

Comments by Gradye including thanks to the other three.

10:36 — Two minute stretch

10:42 — Committee 5 – Church Orders and Ministry
Item 05-03:  Models of examination procedures

Item 05-18 answered by this passes

Prayer and singing before the controversial issues

Item 05-12: Authoritative Interpretation of G-6.0108 for proper application
The debate begins
This is a backdoor way to change the constitution
This allows us to keep together
Question about what this does to the Bush decision.  The clerk is only fielding process questions.  Defers to the ACC about constitutional questions.  ACC says that it should accomplish intent.  But will need to be tested
TSAD raises question about “partitioning the church” where his ordination may not be recognized by every presbytery.
Restores historic principle to disagree on non-essentials.  At the present time one standard raised above others
Imposes “red-state/blue-state mindset”
Call the question – Passes on voice vote
Vote on the main motion, Electronic: YAADs and MADs very close, TSADs strongly yes, EADs strongly no; Commissioners 53% yes
[I don’t have the numbers, but I think the YAADs were closer than that.]

Other items be answered by 05-12
05-01, 02, 04, 05, 07, 10
Passed on voice vote

Item 05-09 with comment:  Substituting a new paragraph for G-6.0106b
Minority Report
The church has not had time to live with the PUP report and the study guides.  Give the church more time to work with the process of discussion, understanding, and trust.  A new study guide was issued in early 2008.

Perfecting the main motion
Amendment to delete item 2 – The past AI’s are rendered moot
Debate on the amendment
Called the question on voice vote
Vote on the amendment: all no to varying degrees; Commissioners no 63%
Main motion is perfected

Perfecting the minority report
Can I ask a question about the main motion?  Bruce “You can start”
Question to the minority committee about their numbers.  They based some numbers on the number of Presbyteries that submitted overtures.  [False assumption in my opinion.  You can consider the issue without submitting an overture.]
Minority report is perfected

Shall the minority report become the main motion?
Yes – the people in the pews are not ready yet
No – We have discussed this too long already
Yes – The process of the discussion causes problems.  Unless we expect the outcome to be different this is not the
time to do it again.
No – It is time.  We have kept qualified people out for too long.
Yes – Need to engage presbyteries who have not engaged yet.
No – Need to be open to all
Yes – Need to better understand these issues
No – I know a GLBT person and they are real people with real calls from God
Yes – Need a strong witness to Biblical standards for sexuality.  We will send a shock wave through the church
No – The minority report is just a stalling tactic
Call the question and all previous questions.  YAADs didn’t quite make the 2/3.  Commissioners yes 74%
Debate is closed
Time of silence and Moderator’s prayer

Vote on substituting the minority report
YAADs 75% no, TSADs and MADs no; EADs Yes
Commissioners 54% no (319/375)

Motion to divide the motion ruled out of order
A bunch of parliamentary questions.  Several people feeling very disenfranchised because they missed their chance to do something thinking it would come later on.

Motion to reconsider
Clerk says it should be “Appeal the ruling of the chair” – Majority vote
Point of Order: The commissioner says the vote to call the question may be reconsidered
Clerk: Either way will accomplish the same thing
Sustain the ruling of the chair:  Advisory: Yes, Yes, Tie, No; Commissioners yes 56%

Question: the presbyteries still have to vote on it?  The change to the BOO goes to presbyteries.  The elimination of the AI’s would take place immediately

Vote on the main motion:  Advisory Yes, YAADs and TSADs 67%; Commissioners 54% yes.
(The hall is quiet, and then people start heading to the restrooms.)

this action answers 05-06, 08, 11, 13 passed on voice vote

(people headed for lunch as business continues)
Item 05-14:
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 05-15:
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Items 05-16, 17: (Identical in intent)
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Thanks to committee
This concludes the committee report


Announcement? None
Recess with prayer by a YAAD

Eleven of fifteen committees down, four more to go.

Worship after lunch.  Reports resume at 2:30. 
Back then

The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Live Blogging Thursday Evening

Greetings — I will be live blogging most plenary sessions of the PC(USA)
General Assembly.  I apologize to those with e-mail feeds or a feed
reader since you will probably only get the first section of the post
since I’ll be adding updates throughout the session.  Also, if you are
reading this on a browser live you will also need to refresh the screen
since I don’t have push technology on my blog.  It’s tough being Web
1.99999 in a Web 2.0 world.  Thanks for your patience.

This is not the only source on the web for this event.
The PC(USA) official webcast can be found at
There is also a live blogging site at

[My commentary will be in brackets]

FYI: Youth Advisory Delegates are now (or at the next GA) called Young Adult Advisory Delegates, YAADs.

Thursday Evening, June 26, 2008
The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

7:58 PM
[Yes, I know I’m late, but I was having a great time of fellowship at dinner and stayed a bit longer.  But I made it back for the committee business.]

We have had Speakout and greetings from the ecumenical delegates from Asia.

Resume Committee 8 – Mission Coordination and Budgets
Our story so far…
Just before the dinner recess the Assembly voted, by a narrow margin, to reconsider 08-15 because a staff member’s comments after an amendment passed gave some of the commissioners second thoughts about the amendment.
The commissioners are now debating and asking about the availability of funds for congregational transformation.
Debate is closed by voice vote
We now revote on the previously approved amendment
Advisory have a split vote but YAADs and TSADs  were slightly against.  Commissioner vote against amendment by 58%
There are a couple of blue paddles raised.  The Vice-moderator calls on one
We’ve got the words but I don’t know where it goes.  The intent is to protect money that is supposed to be used only for New Church Development.
Point of order about were we not only considering the amendment?  Why are we revoting on the main motion?
The minutes are being checked
[Comment on the day over on the Scribblelive blog from Stephanie:  “Lets do th Hokey Pokey”]

GAMC Moderator says that the previously approved GAMC manual says that the necessary wording is already in place so this amendment is irrelevant.

Call the question and all pending questions, passed overwhelmingly on voice vote
Electronic voting: Advisory split, commissioners no 67%

Vote on the main motion: Advisory strong yes, commissioners 92% yes

Item 8-24: Budgetary and Finance Review Concerns
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 8-25:  Group Wind and Hail Insurance
The committee recommends disapproval because the presbytery of origination has asked to do it instead in presbytery consultation and bring it to the 219th
Commissioners vote yes by 92%

Fourth Theme:  Mission Effectiveness

Item 08-22: Create a GAC Review Committee
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 08-23: Evaluating the Standards of Review
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 08-16: Review of GAC Advisory Committees
Questions about the current review processes
Amendment about composition of the review committee.
Apparently this exactly undoes the committee action and there is a question if this should have been done as a minority report.  A member of the committee says that she tried to file a minority report but was told to do it on the floor.
[The place is getting tired and punch-drunk.  This evening could get long]
The question is called, passed on voice vote
Electronic vote: Advisory mostly no; Commissioners vote no by 63%
Main Motion: Advisory vote yes except for ecumenical where yes and abstain tied; commissioners yes

Bills and overtures moves that all remaining commissioner speeches this evening be one minutes
Needs 2/3 to suspend the standing rules
Advisory yes, Commissioners passes with 81%

Item 08-21:  Trust relationships
This was the “shotgun wedding” of the GAMC and the Foundation over designation of funds.
Linda Valentine speaks and states this is acceptable to GAMC
Robert Leech agrees that the Foundation is on board
GAMC chair thanks committee for “being the church for them”
ACC representative in a long statement says that 08-21 is constitutionally sound

No discussion
Passed on a voice vote.

This concludes the committee report, the committee moderator thanks the committee and says they ran out of amendment forms twice.

General Assembly Nominating Committee
With 08-22 approval the Review Committee needs to be staffed
No challanges
Slate passed on voice vote

Committee 16 – Worship and Spiritual Renewal
Item 16-01: On reaffirming our common faith in Jesus Christ
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 16-02: A Call to Seek God for the Spiritual Renewal of the Church
A couple of questions
No debate
Approved on voice vote

Report on how the committee worked using a communal discernment process:  Experience was a mixed bag.  A learning experience.  Two committee members walked out and did not return.  A YAAD really appreciated it.  Prior orientation or training would have been helpful.  A third-time commissioner said this was the least frustrating committee experience he’d had.

This concludes the report

Committee on Theological Education  (That is not a commissioner committee)
Presentation of the Committee on Theological Education Award for Excellence

Committee 3 – General Assembly Procedures
Consent Agenda approved

Item 03-14: Approval of Associate Stated Clerks
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 03-07: Non-geographic presbyteries
Comments about the history of the proposal and the request for a non-geographic Korean language synod
TSAD speaks in favor of the item but urges the addition of a sunset clause.
No further debate
Passed on voice vote

Item 03-18: Continuation of Hanmi Presbytery
Comments by Committee Moderator
Same TSAD speaks in favor of a sunset clause
Committee member speaks about presbytery still having an influx of new immigrents.
Another speaker points out it is a temporary condition for congregations to transition.  A continuing need for it
Amendment to add a 10 year sunset clause
Commissioner from Hanmi argues that there should be no term limit and does not need to live as a “lame duck.”
Call the question, passed on voice vote
Voice vote: Advisory against, Commissioner against
Amendment to have a sunset clause on the congregations
[Got to be honest, I don’t understand this amendment.  Is it on the presbytery or the churches?  And the length of the sunset clause was not specified!]
Confusing wording does not matter, amendment fails on a voice vote
Vote on the main motion: Electronic: Advisory yes by a wide margin.  Commissioners yes 91%

Item 03-05: Flexible presbytery and synod membership
Committee recommends disapproval
No discussion
Committee recommendation passes on voice vote

Item 03-06: Evaluation of Synod Structure
Committee recommends disapproval
One speaker against, one clarification, One in favor because this will be part of the FOG review
Approved on voice vote

Item 03-20: Creating an office on healing from clergy sexual abuse.
View video
One commissioner who was a member of the San Francisco task force spoke about the need for healing
Another commissioner spoke about the need for resources for “alternative resolution” when a negotiated settlement is reached and there is no clear closure.
Passed on voice vote
One minute of silent prayer for the victims of abuse.

Item 03-21: Commissioner resolution about financial support for presbyteries’ legal fees on property issues
Allocate $50,000/presbytery for $2,000,000
This will increase the per capita by $0.92
ment – Add section 3 to create an extra commitment account
(people are lining up at the microphones)
Voice vote too close
Electronic: Advisory split; commissioners vote yes 60%
Debate on the main motion
One commissioner points out that they just could not spend $100,000 on healing abuse victims, has a moral problem now approving $2,000,000 on taking churches to court.
[This may be the quote of the day!]
Debate closed on a voice vote
Advisory vote is YAADs no, others yes; Commissioners 57% yes.

Item 03-09: Eliminate Mission funding in per capita by 2010
Committee recommends disapproval since no alternative plan was offered
One speaker against
Advisory delegates strongly yes, commissioners yes 82%

Item 03-08: On transferring items from the per capita to the mission budget
Committee recommends disapproval – Part of being Presbyterian is to be ecumenical
Debate about ecumenical activity
(Bruce is moving things along by suggesting calling the question)
Motion to call the question
Electronic: Advisory strongly yes; Commissioners yes 77%

Item 03-10 and 03-11:
Disapprove these items for the same reasons on 03-08
No discussion
Electronic vote:  Advisory delegates strongly yes; Commissioners yes 82%

Commissioner rises to criticize the Moderator for coercing debate by suggesting calling the question

Item 03-16 Recommendation 1: GA Per Capita Proposal
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 03-16 #2-6
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 03-16 #7
(rattling off line item amounts.  Any eyes that were not glazed over are now)
No discussion
Approve on voice vote
“The ayes are getting sleepier”

Item 03-03: Amending and suspending the standing rules
Committee recommends being approved as amended
[This is the amendment I missed so it is only amending but not suspending]
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Item 03-22:
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

Item 03-23: Publishing full audits
Committee recommends disapproval
Congregations need only publish that the audit has been done.  For PC(USA) the full audit would be substantial
Staff says that GAC/OGA publishes audits on web sites.  All others available if you want it
Amendment to publish electronically
Bruce points out that this motion is to disapprove, need to defeat this one first
Question called, passed on voice vote
Main motion passes on voice vote

Item 03-24: Amending standing rules
Committee recommends disapproval
No discussion
Committee recommendation passes on voice vote

Items for information on which the committee took final action

This concludes the committee report

(This concludes the afternoon docket.)

Bruce suggests one more committee.  Motion to plow on through.  Voice vote close

Committee 14 – Review of GA Permanent Committees.

Item 14-01 #1
Question about jumping around item numbers (this is a question that has been waiting a while and relates to the previous committee report)
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 14-01 #2
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 14 Recommendations 1 #1-4
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 14 Recommendation 2
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 14 Recommendation 3
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 14 Recommendation 4
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 14 Recommendation 5
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 14 Report #3 Recommendation #1
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

Item 14 Report #3 Recommendation #2
Question where to find it on PC-biz?
No discussion
Passed on voice vote

There was a lot of confusion if this can be found on PC-biz
None of us in the gallery could find it.

about 500 motions to recess.  About the same number of seconds
Closing prayer
Recessed – Back in the morning