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Live blogging the Saturday evening session whose primary business is the election of the Moderator. As with all my live blogging you will want to refresh your browser every now and again to get the latest updates. Please excuse the typos as my fingers fly
We were welcomed by the house band from Hudson River Presbytery with a collection of acoustic instruments and with a nice selection of pieces – jazzy, folk, world and several selections from the new hymnal. |
After opening in prayer and an appearance by the Sweaty Sheep bicycle team a video of the New Hope Church NCD in SoCal was shown.
Each plenary session will begin with a video about one of the 1001 new worshiping communities and a question.
Introduction of Ecumenical guests – African delegates
Gifts from COLA to the Moderator and Vice-Moderator of the 219th General Assembly
7:20 – First Nomination – Robert Austell
Second Nomination – Susan Davis Krummel
Third Nomination – Randy Branson
Fourth Nomination – Neal Presa
No speeches with the nominations but a couple of pretty elaborate nominations
Candidate Speeches:
Randy Branson – What excites you about your presbytery? In Palo Duro we now sit around facing each other, talking to each other and not the back of people’s heads.
Our fighting has weakened our witness to the world.
Need to change relationships – need stop fighting so we are not adversarial, need to create hope
Need to change dynamic of GA – Communicate to congregations that they are number one and need to consider congregations as we make decisions this week
Neal Presa – “The Lord Be With You” “And Also With You” Many anxious about what will happen next. How can we call on the Lord but use our faith as a weapon of mass destruction
We are fearful about what change means. We fight yesterday’s battles when today presents new opportunities
God holds us together with Grace. As a GA need to trust in grace to bring us through
Sue Krummel – “What were we thinking” Look at what we have ahead of us and why would we want to be commissioners to the GA with all the topics coming up.
Important topics and churches watching what we do. Some will be trying to decide whether to leave the PC(USA).
We have hard work ahead of us – Jesus said you had to count the cost of discipleship
Let us soar into the future on the wings of hope
[Editorial note: Speeches are well practiced and the candidates are hitting the 5 minute limit very close]
Robert Austell – Work is at the local church. Being with the church’s neighbors in Christian love.
Brought this to his Presbytery Council and they recognize that Presbytery’s role is to support churches.
Charlotte Presbytery is divided – Many issues and close votes. But they were unanimous in endorsing me
I stand as a pastor whose calling is to this church. I am a good news pastor and I love this church.
God is at work – what is God doing in and around us? [Hit the 5 minute mark to the second]
The Stated Clerk gives the process for the Q and A session. Start your watches – 60 minutes
Question 1: Hearing a lot about the struggle of the last 2 years and not wanting to do hear about taking it easy the next two years. What advice do you offer those of us who are in a place legally and pastorally where we might do same-gender marriages
Branson: That is the question isn’t it – the elephant in the room. As an aside it has been a pleasure to get to know the other three candidates.
It is an issue of trust – if I do this my ordination is as stake.
Can we find a third way – One side not push the issue and the other side not press charges.
In some places would same-gender marriage grow the church? Where is the loss if it helps God’s body?
Presa: LGBT persons are not an “issue,” they are persons.
As you know my Vice-Mod candidate has preformed a same-gender marriage in DC. This question is not a hypothetical but a real question. We disagree on this issue and it is an opportunity to discuss it.
Krummel: Is this about answering the question or about how the GA makes decisions. Even on hard topics we are called together to listen and pray together and then discern together.
Austell: This is what is at the center of what weights on our hearts as a church. This is not just an issue, not just with people, but with friends and members of my church. As a pastor while I believe marriage is designed for a man and a woman, the pastoral response is to talk with them and cry with them. The NC amendment not only fixed the definition but took away other unions and blessings and that did not show love for my neighbor. Want to bring to the church answering these questions with both truth and justice.
Question 2: What is the Gospel? [Yup that is it]
Presa: God’s good news that he loves us and we have to take that those that have not heard it
Krummel: It is not about you – it is what God has done for us
Austell: [Sorry – missed this typing]
Branson: The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God has come near. And the good news is that God loves you unconditionally
Question 3: Concerned that commissioners may have taken a trip to Israel to promote the Israeli side in the current discussion
Krummel: Always surprised that Presbyterians are surprised when someone does something that is wrong. Need to address that through what is already in place but still need to seek God’s will
Austell: Not sure Moderator Candidates are the best route to address that concern but through the Stated Clerk
Branson: How long has this issue been around? Need to be peacemakers – create occasions for dialogue where people can share. We have a responsibility to be peacemakers in the world
Presa: Need to find ways to be engaged in these discussions without letting politics get in the way
Question 4: What will be your personal initiative to bring people to Jesus Christ?
Austell: [A moment of thought to formulate the answer] Have a big heart that goes out to those who feel they need to leave the Presbyterian Church. Wrote the commissioners resolution that challenged presbyteries to do what it took to stay out of litigation when a church wants to leave. Also travel to churches to tell them why his church feels called to stay
Branson: Big part of ministry – creating relationships based in Christ. Being colleagues in ministry with other pastors. One case of caring about a pastor completely changed the relationship between the church and the presbytery.
Presa: Together we stand, divided we freak out… This past Tuesday Elizabeth Presbytery dismissed its first churches to ECO. In discussion they all came to understand it was not that the PC(USA) was apostate but the broadness of theological perspective. We need the freedom to give churches the space to discern their calling
Krummel: History in Illinois was a shattering over slavery. Presbyterian history is a history of defining who we are at a particular time and then letting churches decide if they fit. It is very sad but
we also need to be able to say who we are and we are leaving a light on for them.
Landon assumes the chair
Question 5: Dealing with Conflict
Branson: Each church I have served has been in conflict with I arrived. Worked to get them to deal with each other on a human level. Marriage councilors start with other issues to show how they got into conflict and that at one time they did really like each other. [ Comment from next to me that Branson is big on golf and golf stories]
Presa: How to herd cats… Church has a history of sheltering cats and when zoning had a problem a defense fund was set up. When Neal got hate mail the cat people became his allies. Bring a pastor’s heart and be a non-anxious
Krummel: Nobody calls the Presbytery office to say they love their pastor. [OK, let’s all go call our presbytery offices and tell them we love our pastor] The conflict in one of her churches was not cats but spices in the church kitchen. Someone decided to throw old spices away. Need to get those that know the most about the situation to address the situation.
Austell: I’m not going to describe a church situation since most of his congregation is watching. But from Presbytery: Planning for vote on 10-A. Even discussed whether they should have police come. Looking ahead it had all the earmarks of a Presbytery fight. Instead proposed to have him and a friend be presenters and to introduce each other.
Question 6: Ex
plain what you think Missional means and something you have done
Presa: To be present where God is doing things. At his church it is now not about sending money but about seeing eye-to-eye and face-to-face.
Krummel: What he said about the definition. Encouraged churches in presbytery to be missional by giving each church a $100 check to do something unusual. One church planed a community garden that is still going years later and giving food to food pantries. Gives several other nice examples.
Austell: What is God doing in and around us and how can we be part of that. Our church started doing that 7 or 8 years ago. Went to principal of local elementary school asking what the church can do. After years of working with school asked to use it for Advent program and many families from school came.
Branson: Suggested to churches in presbytery to figure out ways to invite people to places Christians hang out. Quotes Marj Carpenter – In some places in the world Christianity is the only hope there is.
Question 7: What are ideas for fostering relationships here at GA?
Krummel: One way we will discern here at GA is to know what each other’s needs are, to pray together, and talk together.
Austell: This is not the best setting to build relationships but we are getting better. But the only way we are going to grow in relationship is to hear each other’s stories. In discussing where we differ in the context of our friendship we learn so much more. It is not just about warm fuzzies
Branson: “The simple answer is golf.” Telling a story about a political relationship that was fostered over basketball. The legislated solution has got to stop. It is relational.
Presa: Social media. Let’s continue the discussion. Beyond our thoughts of right and wrong there is a feel.
Last question:
Question 8: What about small churches?
Austell: Doing music workshops on choirs in small churches at Wee Kirk conferences. Healthy church is not size or budget or appearance. It is the understanding that God has called you together to send you out. This shift does not cost money and does not require a church of a certain size.
Branson: Would want to know context – healthy churches are different in different contexts. Cites the three marks of the true church. Transformation in churches because the members became excited about ministry and started reaching out.
Presa: Moved his church from pastor-centered to more involvement of members [Editorial note: he is using “lay leadership” to refer to ruling elders]
Krummel: Where members are invited to use their gifts for the gospel.
Stated Clerk describes voting procedure and Moderator Bolbach assumes the chair.
First Vote
YAAD (votes not percentages)
Austell – 22
Branson – 21
Krummel – 28
Presa – 74
Most other advisory delegates prefer Presa but Ecumenical like Branson at 43%
Austell – 26%
Branson – 9%
Krummel – 25%
Presa 38%
Vote 2
Austell – 13%
Branson – 9%
Krummel – 18%
Presa – 60%
Austell – 27%
Branson – 4%
Krummel – 27%
Presa – 42%
Vote 3
Austell – 12%
Branson – 7%
Krummel – 18%
Presa – 63%
Austell – 25%
Branson – 2%
Krummel – 26%
Presa – 47%
Stretch break before ballot #4
Back from break. Vice-Moderator offers a prayer
Vote 4
Austell – 13%
Branson – 8%
Krummel – 19%
Presa – 60%
Austell – 22%
Branson – 2%
Krummel – 24%
Presa – 52%
Neal Presa is the Moderator of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
9:35 Neal Presa and his family have been escorted into the Assembly Hall and we are going through the service of installation including a prayer for his service lead by his two young sons
Neal is declared the Moderator and the Moderator’s cross and stole are passed.
Comments from Moderator Presa and thanks to many including his family.
Gifts from the COLA – Gavel and strike plate
The Moderator of the 219th General Assembly is presented a set of communion ware from the service this afternoon and a replica of the Moderator’s cross.
Moderator Presa calls for announcements
9:47 PM – The meeting is adjourned with prayer
Programming note – I may be spending tomorrow with family and there might not be live blogging of the Sunday Afternoon session which is usually mostly pro forma work and orientation