Monthly Archives: July 2012

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Thursday Afternoon

Live blogging the Thursday afternoon session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.)

The proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly is posted at Bills and Overtures.

This afternoon’s scheduled committees are Social Justice Issues (Committee 11), Board of Pensions, Foundation and Presbyterian Publishing Corp. (Committee 20) and Middle East Peacemaking Issues (Committee 15).

I returned from my lunch during the Speak-out. Almost all respectful and few political.

1001 Worshiping Communities video

Bills and Overtures – Recommend to begin with Church Polity (not reporting in the morning)

Committee on Church Polity – Committee 6

First group – modification to F-1.0403
Recommendation to disapprove 06-08
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Recommendation to answer 06-13 and 06-17 with the action on 06-08
Motion to create a consent agenda for unopposed items in committee
[Doesn’t this require a suspension of the Standing Rules so 2/3 vote]

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Thursday Morning

Live blogging the Thursday morning session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.)

The proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly is posted at Bills and Overtures.

This morning’s committees are Review of GA Permanent Committees (Committee 19), Mid Council Issues (Committee 5) and Church Polity (Committee 6).

The house band is providing music for singing before the gavel

[Band cut out right at 8:30 but there has been a bit of conversation on stage to be sure everything is ready.]

Gaveled to order by the Vice-Moderator and opened with the prayer cycle by a YAAD.

1001 Worshiping Communities video – Vietnamese fellowship in New Covenant Presbytery

Bills and Overtures – Asks for a 15 minute speak-out after lunch
Question at 7 – Can we do speak-out differently? Can we do it as committees as a safer place?
Sea of orange cards [Editorial comment: I think that commissioner is right and I think a lot of commissioners are looking for a safe place to vent and process]
Approved on voice vote

Ecumenical greetings from the National Council of Synagogues
The representative uses the opportunity to speak against the divestment proposal but to argue for engagement: “People who do not speak to each other do unspeakable things to each other.”

Ecumenical greetings from the Hindu representative from the Sri Venkateswara Temple

General Assembly Procedures – Yesterday’s actions added $0.02 to 2013 per capita and $0.01 to 2014 per capita

Mission Coordination – Yesterday’s actions have added nothing to the mission budget

Memorial Moment for Silas Kessler, Moderator of the 175th General Assembly (1963) of the UPCUSA

Committee on the Review of General Assembly Permanent Committees – Committee 19
Assembly Committee on the Constitution commended for their good work
Assembly Committee on Litigation also praised for its work
General Assembly Committee on Representation – New logo unveiled, important work
This concludes the report
Only these information items

The Moderator resumes the chair

Committee on Mid Council Issues – Committee 5
Consent Agenda – All transfers of churches – Approved on voice vote

Mid Council Commission business items in 05-12
Recommendations 1-4 (Synods) Committee puts forward an alternate motion (The task force to reorganize synods)
Motion from the floor to refer items 1-4 to a task force to look at these proposals further
YAAD from the committee argues for the importance of the synods but that they need to be reorganized and redrawn
Commissioner asks for Stated Clerk’s opinion on Mid Councils Commission – Stated Clerk responds that it would be inappropriate
Request from a TEC on the Committee to hear from the Commission Chair Tod Bolsinger
Tod emphasizes the Flat, Flexible and Faithful. Would like to see their work continue
Need to do something different – we a losing 175 members, one church worth, every day

Chair of the ACC explains their recommendation – not to throw out the MCC recommendations, not to stall it, but to refer it and take time to refine it.

Committee moderator explains that the committee’s decision reflects their opinion that this was the best way to address synods. Can be done in constitutional order and still allow the vital synods to flourish

Commissioner comments that “Synods are the invisible element of our system.”
Question is called – move to electronic voting
TSADs – No, YAAD slightly yes, EAD – all yes, MADs strong yes
Commissioners – 55% yes, 44% no – Motion to refer is approved, the MCC recommendations 1-4 on repurposing synods will live on

Recommendation 5 – Committee recommends approval with amendment
No discussion – approved on voice vote

Recommendation 6 – non-geographic presbyteries – Committee recommends disapproval
Motion to refer to a task force to refine the proposal similar to the referral and task force approved in the earlier action. Commissioner was a member of the MCC and explains how her mind was changed from no to yes on the proposal for non-geographic presbyteries

Commissioner with PJC experience argues that small presbyteries of a non-geographic nature spread out across a wide are would not provide adequate discipline safe guards. “A statement that non-geographic presbyteries are a bad idea is appropriate.” [Comment: could this be extended to language non-geographic presbyteries?]

Commissioner asks for comment from Tod Bolsinger. Tod emphasizes that this is optional, experimental and up to the presbyteries.
Commissioner [Sporting a GA Junkie button ] argues that this idea is “not yet cooked” and we should let it cook and not throw it away
Commissioner, who grew up in a non-geographic language presbytery, argues there is no need for non-geographic presbyteries (by implication even the language presbyteries). We should not be separated out but be in diverse relationships. [Very well received – that may seal the deal against non-geographic presbyteries]
“Move the previous question” Approved on voice vote
TSADs and YAADs strongly no, EADs and MADs slightly yes
Commissioners – 39% yes, 60% no, 1% abstain – referral to further develop non-geographic presbyteries not approved

Return to the main motion on Recommendation 6
Debate continues
Call the question – approved on voice vote
TSADs and YAADs strongly yes, EADs no MADs yes
Commissioners – 73% yes, 26% no, 2% abstain – provisional non-geographic presbyteries are disapproved

Recommendation 7 – Review task force
Amendment commending the MCC report to the church
Parliamentary question – does this fit with item? Answer – sort of and actually I didn’t get it written in time for Recommendation 5
Stated Clerk does weigh in that it can be viewed as germain to this recommendation
Question about financial implications – Stated Clerk says it will be published digitally [but I did not hear a number]
Amendment agreed to by voice vote
Main motion – Recommendation 7 – agreed to by voice vote

Recommendation 8 – Racial Ethnic Ministries Task Force
Question about is this all one task force or multiple task forces?
No discussion
Agreed to on voice vote [note that on voice votes the advisory delegates are not asked]

Commissioner points out that they have been going for two hours – can we take a break
Five minute break

[Note that there is an order of the day at 11:15 for worship. I suspect that Polity is in danger of having their report arrested.]

1001 Worshiping Communities video for Bridge at Union Church in downtown LA

10:39 We return to business – commissioners slow to return to their seats
Item 05-13 Function of Synods from OGA
Commissioner points out that there has not been an advisory voice vote – Moderator will remember to do that
What about relationship to 05-05? That will come later
Approved on voice vote

Item 05-14 Interpretation request from OGA
No discussion
Approved on voice vote

Motion from the floor to combine all the task forces created in 05-12 (the MCC recommendations) into one – This is in the interest of stewardship
Stated Clerk points out that one is a commission and one has specific composition
Comment from Jill Hudson – Points out the unique nature, make up and focus of the Racial Ethnic Ministries task force relative to the others.
“This is where these cards will become quite helpful- maybe” laughter – quote from the Moderator
Lots of questions – complicated answers
Question – “I wonder if the clerk has advice for us as to how to go on this matter.” Answer “Prayerfully” applause
Moderator asks about whether this could be perfected, maker of the motion just wanted to make sure the motion was made and has no objection. Moderator calls it “finessed amendment”
Motion to postpone for a definite period – until tomorrow’s 8:30 AM plenary
Postponed on a voice vote


Committee 5 report in the home stretch [will we make it by 11:15?]
Overtures – 05-03 Recommend to disapprove
No discussion
A reminder that “a yes is a no”
Approved on a voice vote

05-04 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-05 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-06 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

[Note: approved on voice vote but not unanimous]

05-07 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-01 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-08 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-09 Recommends to disapprove
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote (but notable no votes)

05-02 Be answered by action on 05-12 Rec 1-4 (MCC report)
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

05-10 Be answered by action on 05-12 Rec 6
No discussion
Approved on a voice vote

Information items – Minutes of
the synods were approved by committee
Expresses appreciation to the Mid Councils Commission for their involvement

What is a speak-out? An opportunity to speak about items important to them outside the regular business. A moment to share your feelings

We have reached the order of the day – in preparation for worship the Moderator offers prayer

We continue in worship
I will resume live blogging at the beginning of the afternoon session

[UPDATE] 220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Continuing Conversation Over Election of the Vice-Moderator

[To cover the related events of today I thought it most appropriate to update this previous post and to place the new information here at the beginning. For the original article please jump down to the break.]

No dramatic build-up tonight — I will just jump straight to the unexpected news of the day:

Tara Spuhler McCabe, with all the controversy swirling around her, has resigned as the Vice-Moderator of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

At the beginning of the first post-committee plenary session the Moderator called upon Ms McCabe to make a statement. Thanks to Bruce Reyes-Chow for posting her complete statement. At the end of that statement she announced her resignation which was greeted by a chorus of “No” from many of the commissioners.

In her statement she says:

I am a pastor. That is who God has called me to be. As I reflect on
what’s happening now, I think I am embodying the reality of a growing
number of pastors who find ourselves caught. We are caught between being
pastors – being with couples in those sacred moments when they make
their vows to one another . . . and having a polity that restricts us
from living out our pastoral calling – especially in states where it is
legal for everyone to be married.

She continues

The tension over all of this is real, and clearly the energy and passion
about this issue runs deep – and isn’t going away. I am surprised and
saddened by the pervasive poisonous activity that has increased toward
the overall tenor of our General Assembly and toward the Office of the
Moderator. Individuals and groups with no personal relationship with me
and have made no attempt to have one-on-one conversations with me or the
Moderator are blogging and tweeting unhelpful and, frankly, divisive

In conclusion she said

So, bottom line: I care too much about this church and about this
assembly to let this situation continue. We have important work to do
here, and so let us get to what it is God called us here to do.

In response Moderator Presa said

It was with deep sadness that the stated clerk and I received this news. But as I listened to her, I was struck by her pastoral heart and her deep love for this church and General Assembly. It is clear that there are parties within the church
who would not let her split confirmation vote rest, who questioned her integrity and even the authenticity and veracity of our eleven-and-a-half year friendship. I absorbed those attacks and still stand by her while this pernicious poison reared its ugly head. And I have an even more steely determination to seek unity in the bonds of peace. I will deeply miss what could have been but am even more determined to seek the peace and unity of our Presbyterian family.

Then Moderator Presa announced that his selection for the new Vice-Moderator would be Teaching Elder Tom Trinidad from Colorado Springs.

Mr. Trinidad was elected in the evening session of the Assembly. But in the middle of his election process a commissioner made a motion to adjust the docket to add 20 minutes to talk about what had been going on that caused Ms McCabe to step down. (Technically, that is not what the commissioner moved but the ever-helpful Stated Clerk recast the motion into an appropriate form.)
When it came to a vote the proposed 20 minute discussion was defeated by a vote of 322 to 323.
Tom Trinidad was elected the Vice-Moderator with the support of 80% of the commissioners with 12% voting no and 8% abstaining.

To use Ms McCabe’s phrase – Clearly this has touched a nerve.

There is a pretty straight-forward story form the Presbyterian News Service. The story from the Presbyterian Outlook has a bit more context. And More Light Presbyterians has also issued a statement including a quote from their Executive Director Michael Adee:

We grieve that these personal attacks did not stop with that first
article. Rather, they escalated in person and online. It is a sad day
for the Presbyterian Church (USA) when some within it resort to nothing
less than ad hominem attacks and cyber-bullying. This is a sad day for
Christianity. This is a sad day for civility.

There has been a flood of supportive statements for Tara on Twitter and on Facebook.

I am expecting at least two things – First that there will be more reaction in the social media to these developments (Bruce has promised us something more and the StayPCUSA blog which published the open letter that was cited in the resignation comments has not published an update.) Second, I would not be surprised to see this raised in various references, direct and indirect, from the floor of the Assembly much like it was this afternoon.

But this also raises questions about how to best have a discussion about items legitimately related to a call while not letting them degrade into personal attacks or talking past each other in the public sphere.

We will see what develops and I will update here.

[Original post]

After the election of Tara Spuhler McCabe as Vice-Moderator of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on Sunday afternoon I though that it would go down as a footnote for this Assembly and it would be remembered as a sore point. However when I got back to the Assembly today I found out that was not the case and it has become a bit of a lightning rod.

First the recap: As you may remember TE McCabe officiated at a same-gender marriage back in April. If you want more on that check out my summary from last week. In my writing yesterday about the Moderator election I added an update on this item.

Let me first add some detail to the election of the Vice-Moderator. When the item came up there was first a commissioner who asked if they could vote “No” on the nominee. The answer was that they could vote no and that if disapproved Moderator Presa would have to propose a new nominee.  Another commissioner then asked whether the Assembly could discuss the nominee. The answer was no, the Standing Rules do not provide for debate on this nomination but it could happen by suspending the Standing Rules. The commissioner then moved to suspend the rules and that motion, requiring a 2/3 supermajority, failed with 55% voting yes. That it even garnered that much support is an interesting sign. The Assembly then proceeded to a vote and TE McCabe was approved 60% yes, 37% no and 3% abstain.  She was then installed as Vice-Moderator.

Well, there were a few questioning comments on Twitter at the time but when I got to the convention center today and started talking with people I found that in some circles it was a non-event while in other circles it was still a very hot topic. A check on the web indicated the same thing.

So, if you want the news reports you can check out the official news story or the Presbyterian Outlook story.

One reaction was from a new group of evangelicals in the PC(USA) that have formed a group called StayPCUSA. They have issued an open letter requesting dialogue on this issue. One of the interesting lines in the letter is near the end where they say “See, most of us are pastors, and we would feel ill-at-ease accepting a call where 40% of the congregation voted “no”.” There is another commentary on the StayPCUSA blog from Jodi Craiglow, writing after the Moderator election but before the Vice-Moderator election. [UPDATE: There is a Twitter conversation suggesting that that the StayPCUSA folks have now sought out Tara in another communication channel, privately, and that they have apologized for jumping straight to the open letter.]

There are additional comments and commentary from

There are a bunch more that mentioned this, with or without commentary, as part of their recap of the day.

As the Assembly committees got to work today a number of hot-button topics were discussed probably leaving this as just the opening controversy of this Assembly.

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Wednesday Evening

Live blogging the Wednesday evening session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.)

The proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly was approved by the Assembly this afternoon.

This evening’s agenda is simple — besides the usual boilerplate of Bills and Overtures and ecumenical greetings there is the election of a new Vice-Moderator and the Report of the Committee on Theological Issues, Institutions, and Christian Education (Committee 17).

The house band is providing music for singing before the gavel

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM and opened with scripture, prayer circles and a concluding prayer from a TSAD.

The opportunity for a speak-out was put to the commissioners and while they were divided they did affirm by cards and then voice vote that they did not want a speak-out tonight.

We move on to ecumenical greetings from Latin America, a representative from Honduras as the spokesman.

The Committee on the Office of the General Assembly makes a statement regarding the Vice-Moderator’s resignation. Will review the situation and the standing rules. Invite all to be in prayer during the Assembly.

The Moderator introduces the Vice-Moderator nominee TE Tom Trinidad.

Mr. Trinidad makes comments about the situation back at his home with the fires around Colorado Springs and the present “exigencies” in the church.

There is a motion from the floor to suspend the rules to have a discussion about the circumstances that led to the resignation of the Vice-Moderator. The Stated Clerk points out that it is actually a motion to adjust the docket.

Question to the Moderator about his and Mr. Trinidad’s views. Moderator points out it is not what we are talking about but does confirm they have different views on currently key points.

The debate then turns to whether to adjust the docket.
Moderator calls for the sense of the house and gets a sea of orange
The question is called
Shall the Assembly adjust the docket for 20 minutes? 322 yes, 323 no! 17 abstain (votes)

Return to the Vice-Moderator question

Commissioner at microphone “I just ask that we don’t use the doggone cards!”

Return to the Vice-Moderator question (again)
Advisory delegates – more abstain than vote “No”
Commissioners – Vice-Moderator Trinidad elected 80% yes, 12% no, 8% abstain

The new Vice-Moderator is installed

Long-term missionaries are recognized by Hunter Farrell. Michael Kruse and Linda Valentine introduce Young Adult Volunteers and Mission Partners. There is a service of commissioning.

8:00 PM

Committee on Theological Issues, Institutions and Christian Education – Committee 17
Total of 8 action items – thee (4, 5 and 7) on the consent agenda

Item 17-01 – Parenting initiative
Committee recommends disapproval with comment
Commissioner moves to limit all further statements to 2 minutes – with 85% yes gets the >2/3 it needs.
Item approved on voice vote

Item 17-02 – Amending the “setting of the service” of ordination and installation of teaching elders
Committee brings an alternative recommendation that they believe “meets the intent of the original overture” Mostly cleaning up language
Approved on voice vote

Item 17-08 – Approval of list of seminaries and covenant partner schools
Approve with comment – consider developing language about what exactly it means to be Presbyterian
Approved on voice vote

Item 17-03 – Renewal of Covenant Relationship of Auburn Seminary with the PC(USA)
Previous term was five years, this is for ten years. Uses the new language of “Council”
Approved on voice vote

Item 17-06 – Request to approve Presidents of Theological Seminary
Comments by the new presidents:
Rev. Yamada of McCormick Theological Seminary
Rev. McDonald of San Francisco Theological Seminary
Approved on voice vote

Information items – Reviewed COTE minutes and concurs with celebrating the bicentennials of Union Presbyterian Seminary and Princeton Theological Seminary
Heard from the president of Union and the Chair of the Board of Princeton. (Robert Bohl first spoke of the importance of all PC(USA) seminaries.)
Video about the new digitization project at Princeton
Video promoting Union Presbyterian
Concludes the report of the committee

Adjourned with prayer about 8:50 PM

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Wednesday Afternoon

Live blogging the Wednesday afternoon session…
If you are following along live you will want to hit refresh periodically to reload the post. (And please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.)

The commissioners now return from their days in committee to begin working as a plenary. The proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly has been posted by Bills and Overtures.

There are three committee reports on the docket for this afternoon: Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, General Assembly Procedures and Confessions. While the report for Confessions is not posted yet there is intimation that there will be a minority report.

The house band is providing music for singing before the gavel

2:01 PM
The Assembly is called to order, and invited into prayer by a military chaplain. They break into their small groups for prayer. Then return to the whole group.

The Moderator calls on the Vice-Moderator to make a statement. Vice-Moderator McCabe talks about her confirmation and takes a moment to respond. “I am a pastor – that is what God calls me to be.” Talks about being a pastor and the difficulty of being a pastor in places where same-gender marriages are legal. Does not want situation to get in the way and is resigning as Vice-Moderator. Comes from the same pastoral concern that led her to officiate at the controversial ceremony.
“I care too much about this church and this Assembly to let this situation continue.”

[Thanks to Bruce Reyes Chow for posting Tara’s full statement]

Standing ovation

Moderator Presa makes his statement: Critical of the comments, attacks and rumors of polity maneuvers that swirled around the church. Talks about “living in the tension” whenever and where ever we are divided. “Will you join me in prayer.”

Moderator Pres put forward Teaching Elder Tom Trinidad as the new Vice-Moderator nominee. Will hear from him and vote tonight.

1001 Worshiping Communities Video – Coffee shop in Georgia

Ecumenical Partner Bishop McCoid bring greetings from the ELCA
“How do you assess the health of mainline churches today?” By member, money or faith?

Bills and Overtures Report – Approved 16 of 18 Commissioner Resolutions
Revised Docket approved
Minutes of first sessions posted

General Assembly Procedures
Giving an introduction to the Per Capita Budget
If all the committee recomendations are approved it would increase per capita by $0.18 in 2013 and $0.13 in 2014

Committee on Mission Coordination
Committee recommendations would add almost $1 million dollars to 2013 budget and $855K to the 2014 budget.

From the Stated Clerk – One nominee to the ACC has been challenged by a floor nomination. Nominations are still open for some committees.

Moderator describes consensus tool of colored cards – blue for agreement, orange for disagree, black for don’t know
First practice is on the Moderator’s choice of coconut water – sea of orange cards are raised

Report of the Committee on Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations – Committee 9

[Editor’s note – I keep checking for the report on Committee 18 – Confessions and it as yet not posted. This will be tight]

Consent agenda presented – four items presenting delegates to ecumenical bodies and discussions

Item 09-01 – Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba
Approved on voice vote
Representatives from Cuba and Guatemala

Item 09-03 – Review of the World Council of Churches
Approved on voice vote
Stated Clerk of WCC addresses the Assembly

Item 09-07 – Recommendation Regarding Covenant to Adopt the Lund Principle
Approved on voice vote

Item 09-08 – Commissioners’ Resolution: On a Green Church Ecumenical Network
Approved on voice vote

Information Items
That concludes the report

Asked if they would like a 3 minute break there is a sea of blue cards…

Report of the Committee on General Assembly Procedures – Committee 3
Consent Agenda – Most apply to making Book of Order and Standing Rules consistent with the new Form of Government. Also the site of the 2018 GA and a Commissioners’ Resolution on a Code of Ethics
Consent Agenda passed on voice vote

Item 03-01 Regarding nominations from the floor
Passed on a Voice Vote

Item 03-02 – Allow presbyteries to forward only per capita received
Committee refers to COGA
Substitute motion to make it an option to have a per capita cap tied to presbytery budget
No amendments proposed to main motion or substitute motion
Some debate. ACC offers three arguments against including that it goes against the spirit of nFOG by specifying a number for the cap
Shall the substitute motion become the main motion? 33% yes – 67% no – 1% abstain
Voting on the main motion – 80% yes, 20% no, 1% abstain

Item 03-12 – Joint COGA/GAMC Budget Proposals
Recommendation 1 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote
Recommendation 2 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote
Recommendation 3 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote
Recommendation 4 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote
Recommendation 5 – No discussion – Approved on voice vote

Information items
That concluded the report

Three minute break, well, OK 2.5 minute break

4:03 Committee on Confessions of the Church – Committee 18
No consent agenda

Item 18-02 – Overture urging the church to set aside time to study the Book of Confessions
Overture advocate is also a commissioner and spoke to it.
Approved on voice vote

Item 18-03 – Report of the Special Committee on the Heidelberg Catechism
A member of the Special Committee speaks to their work, use of an existing translation and then the difficulties compiling the scriptural citations
Commissioner discussion – 1. Noted that the text is readable but not gender neutral (answer – faithfulness to the original German but new translation is better than current)
Approved on voice vote

Item 18-01 – Amend the Book of Confessions to include the Confession of Belhar
Committee moderator presents the item which the committee amended to include asking for additional funds to educate the church about the confession
The minority report is presented – Belhar is a wonderful and important document but they voted no. In the last cycle the presbyteries did not pass Belhar so instead of trying again send a pastoral letter urging its study along with all the confessions in the Book of Confessions.
No amendments to the main motion – declared perfected
No amendments to the substitute motion – declared perfected
Debate on the motions
“If there is anything in the Presbyterian church that is more ignored than the Book of Confessions it is pastoral letters.”
It is pretty much a debate about whether we do education before or after the committee works.
In financial terms – $50K is about $0.025 of per capita funds (but would that be over two years so $0.0125 per year?)
Commissioners asking questions and asking for experts’ input
The question is called and approved
Will the substitute motion become the main motion? Advisory delegates strongly no except ecumenical advisory delegates 75% yes
Commissioners – 38% yes – 61% no – 1% abstain
Main motion debate
Final vote – 59% yes, 40% no, 1% abstain

That concludes the report

Committee 17 – Theological Issues
Item 17-A – Award for Excellence in Theological Education
Recognition of the Rev. Dr. John B. Trotti for his lifetime achievement

Closing Prayer
Assembly recessed until the evening session

A Different Sort Of July 4th

It is part of our American cultural heritage to know what happened on July 4th, 1776 in Philadelphia. But we should also remember what happened on another July 4th, 87 years later nearby.

The short
answer is – not much…

It is more a matter of what had just happened.

From July 1st to July 3rd, 1863, the bloodiest battle of the American Civil War was fought at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. On July 4th both sides held their defensive positions and waited in the rain to see if the other side would mount an attack. Neither did. That evening Confederate commander Gen. Robert E. Lee would begin his retreat back to Virginia.

This three day battle was strategically very important for both sides – it was the “high-water mark” of the Confederacy and a turning point in the war that was celebrated by the Union.

But it was at great cost. The casualties from the previous three days of fighting were staggering. The Union probably had over 3,000 killed, about 14,500 wounded and over 5,000 missing or captured. The Confederate losses were similar with almost 5,000 killed, about 12,700 wounded and almost 6,000 missing or captured. This represents a loss of about one-quarter of the Union troops and close to one-third of the Confederate army. It is said that the wagon train carrying the wounded back to the south was 27 miles long.

Is it any wonder that when President Lincoln dedicated the cemetery four and a half months later he made no specific mention in his Gettysburg Address of Union victory at that place but only the broader objectives of the Civil War.

And from the other side we have one of my favorite quotes, although it may be apocryphal. Six months earlier at another battle Robert E. Lee is remembered as saying

It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it.

So, as we appropriately celebrate this Independence Day, which is good and right, let us also remember the broad sweep of all that has gone into our American history. There are two July 4th’s, separated by “four score and seven years” that carry different reflections of our independence.

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — At The Mid-Point

This morning marks the mid-point of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) both chronologically and structurally. It is the point where commissioners must “recalibrate.” They have been working on their committees and their focused issues for the last couple of days and now will take this morning to be briefed on what the other committees have done in preparation for the resumption of plenary this afternoon.

As usual, the committees had a variety of completion times over the last couple of days with a couple finishing on Monday and Committee 13 on Marriage and Civil Unions getting their work finished just before the shuttle buses stopped running last night.

I have decided not to make many detailed comments about the committee work right now. I need time to digest what I saw and heard regarding what the committees did. I spent most of yesterday with Committee 5 on Mid Councils Review as they worked through the Mid Councils Commission recommendations. I think the opening line of the Outlook article captures it best, “One by one, a General Assembly committee shot down key proposals from
the General Assembly Commission on Mid Councils – including one to allow
provisional non-geographic presbyteries during a “designated season of
experimentation” for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).”

This was a painful thing for me to watch as the committee approved only two of the eight recommendations the Commission brought, and those for review task forces. All the structural recommendations were defeated. I admit to having my own issues with some of their recommendations, but from my seat there really seemed to be a sense for many that “we have never done it that way before.” Or as Commission member John Vest put it in a tweet “I hope no one is surprised that ACC & COGA have raised concerns
about the MCC report. Our system is set up to protect itself.”

The other reason that it was painful is that I have real empathy for them. I have been in their place with a report from a Special Committee that I was on being debated by GA. When our Special Committee completed the report and got ready to adjourn for the final time we were reminded by the OGA folks “this report now belongs to the General Assembly.” We had done the work but we no longer owned the report and now it was up to someone else to do something with it. I will write a more formal thank you letter latter, but for now, I want to thank the members of the Commission on Middle Governing Bodies Mid Councils for their work.

But it was not just this committee. From Twitter messages and conversations I had throughout the day there were stories about issues with other committees as well, many that reflected John’s comment above that “Our system is set up to protect itself.”

The last committee to finish, just as they were trying to turn out the lights in the convention center, was the Committee on Marriage and Civil Unions. No surprise that this committee was in the biggest room and worked the longest. It was also the closest watched and all day yesterday there were tweets about what the committee was doing, sometimes suggesting that it was a parliamentary quagmire or accomplishing a whole lot of nothing. I don’t know what it was like at that time but I attended the meeting after dinner yesterday and I found that during the time I was there it was being run in a slow but deliberate manner by the moderator. Considering the sensitivity and importance of the topic it appeared that the moderator was being sure everything was respectful and clear and that everyone was heard. Yes, it was slow going but the real indicator was that when the business finished the members of the committee rose and gave the moderator a standing ovation. She must have done something right.

Now what is going to plenary? Here are a few major items that were recommended by the committees. I am waiting to hear if any of these will have minority reports as well.

Marriage – The request for an AI was not recommended but the overture asking that the Directory for Worship be changed to read that marriage is between “two people” is recommended

Mid Councils – Recommendations to form a task force to reduce the number of synods, no provisional experimental/non-geographic presbyteries, a task force to review GAMC and OGA and a Racial Ethnic Ministries Task Force (Outlook article)

Middle East – MRTI’s divestment recommendations recommended (Outlook article)

Special Offerings – Recommendation that most are preserved in their current form with the Communion Offering to be restructured (Outlook article)

Church Orders – Most asked-for changes to the Book of Order were not recommended, but on a split decision (28-20) they are recommending adding to G-2.0104a (previously G-6.0106a) the phrase “This includes repentance of sin and diligent use of the means of grace.” (Outlook article)

Confessions – The revised version of the Heidelberg Catechism was recommended as well as a recommendation for a redo of the process to add the Belhar Confession (Outlook article)

Plenary sessions resume at 2 PM this afternoon. Bills and Overtures has posted a proposed docket for the rest of the Assembly. Live streaming will resume and Bills and Overtures has done a pretty good job of spreading out the reports generally giving us one high-profile issue per session:

  • Confessions – Wednesday afternoon
  • Mid Council Issues – about 10 AM Thursday morning
  • Middle East – about 3 PM Thursday afternoon
  • Mission Coordination (Special Offerings) – Thursday evening
  • Election of Standing Committee Members – Friday Morning
  • Review of Biennial Assemblies – Friday Morning
  • Immigration Issues – about 10 AM Friday morning (this is the hot-button item of the session)
  • Civil Union and Marriage – about 1:50 on Friday afternoon
  • Church Orders – about 3:30 on Friday afternoon
  • Peacemaking and International Issues – Friday evening

So there is the line-up. I plan to be present and live blogging all these sessions. See you there.

Finally, to all my U.S. readers – a happy Independence Day. I don’t know if I will actually get my traditional July 4th reflection done on time, but I will try.

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Special Offerings Open Hearing

I have typically not done live blogging of committee sessions but this issue is a pretty lively one at this GA and one that I have to admit was not on my radar. So, with 40 speakers signed up to speak I thought I will watch and blog and hope to have a better understanding of the issues involved. As with all my live blogging you will want to refresh your browser every now and again to get the latest updates. Please excuse the typos as my fingers fly.

And it is a paradox that there is an open hearing on Special Offerings the same night Special Offerings is sponsoring a fundraiser at the Pirates baseball game…

If you want to follow along with the business items this is Committee 10 – Mission Coordination and the business items on the floor for comment at 10-01 (Not special offerings), 10-02, 10-05, 10-06, 10-14, 10-19. Each speaker has two minutes.

Most of the top people for GAMC are here.

And the committee reconvenes with prayer.

Beginning with item 10-02 requesting a new special offering for Native American Ministries
Speaker 1: It is important to keep this ministry going. The Native American Consulting Committee is different than the Office of Native American Ministry. The consulting committee helps get youth involved in the PC(USA).
Next speaker on this topic not present

Moving on to item 10-14 the recommendation from the GAMC on Special Offerings
Speaker 1: Likes the recommendations regarding technology. Has some concerns about the OGHS no longer directed from the congregations but directed by GAMC. Also, no recommendation about increasing the number of churches that give to all four offerings.

Speaker 2: (Presbytery Stated Clerk) Supports the report because it addresses all four offerings. The proposed change provides the opportunity to focus resources more strategically. Has heard that GAMC can not be trusted with the money so if that is your concern request a full accounting to the whole church.

Speaker 3: (Ruling elder) Passionate about this report. The technology and social media recommendations are good. So why can’t we just use the new technology with the program as it is today? Also, without knowing how the funds are going to be distributed how do Mid Councils plan? Give this some real thought about approving something that is not completely spelled out.

Speaker 4: (Presbytery Stated Clerk) OGHS has done tremendous work. Respect the time and efforts of the Task Force, but the recommendations in the report are flawed. They call out for amendments that will retain percentage allocations. “If it ain’t broke that don’t fix it.” There are many things in the denomination that can stand for fixing but this is not one of them.

Speaker 5: (Presbytery Executive) He has done research on funding mission and Presbyterians are consistently behind the curve. 1) Need to update technology 2) World Communion Sunday offering should be a witness to the world community 3) Continuing to do what we are doing now will lead to continued decline in giving 4) Mission funding needs more funding and this is a way to increase it.

Speaker 6: (HR Teaching Elder) “I hate mendacity.” The king has no clothes. There are issues before you that maybe you don’t want to see. This proposal impacts African American ministries. We don’t need to have change for the sake of change. Can lead to a split. Vehemently opposed

Speaker 7: (Teaching Elder) Understand the need to have particular attention to racial ethnic minorities. There are times to do things differently and creatively and this is one of those time. Let GAMC coordinate the work and not be a pass-through.

Speaker 8: (Ruling elder and clerk of session) Need to start thinking abundantly. But mission interpretation is very difficult and if you remove the names it will become even murkier. This proposal could also distract us form some less-glamorous and smaller ministries.

Speaker 9: (Presbytery executive) Mixed feelings about the report. These offerings are the primary for many to connect with the national church. In particular the OGHS proposals could undermine the offering by diffusing the giving. One more effort by GAMC to go directly to congregational members to get the money for their budget. Weakens the role of Presbyteries by GA going directly to congregations. Goes around congregations by GAMC going directly to donors. No place on web site for donors to identify their church.

Speaker 10: (Presbytery executive) Disapprove recommendation 10-14b and keep current language of OGHS. New things and improving good things are not a problem. But the recommendation will in all likelihood will result in decreased dollars.

Speaker 11: (Presbytery executive) The world is unraveling around us. In this new space how do we function as leaders? Do we take the time to let the Spirit work in this new world.

Speaker 12: (Ruling elder) Won’t repeat what others have said. But keep in mind the spirit of OGHS that has passed over six decades. Its history and trust call on us to retain the recipients and distribution system. If asked by home church members how OGHS will be dispersed will have to answer “I don’t know.”

Speaker 13: (?) Need to closely look at the OGHS system and be careful in making changes that would impact distribution both for interpretation and preserving smaller ministries.

Speaker 14: (Teaching elder) Urge you to adopt overture 10-05 as written. SOATF says people give to causes and not programs. To leave it up to Louisville will harm the program. Keep the names and the percentages in so people know where it is going. Try out the new fundraising ideas but keep stability in OGHS.

Speaker 15: (Teaching elder) Urge you to approve recommendation 1 but not recommendations 2-6. Task Force chair says we need accountability but there is already accountability. Concerned there is no transparency as to why changes are being made. Hope we can find a way to give to the cause and build on the efforts of the Task Force.

[Calling names and a couple well known ones not here – Marj Carpenter and Ron Stone]

Speaker 16: (Teaching elder) Please hold on to the special offerings as they are existing now. If there are ways we can find to encourage more or better giving we would all like that. The special offerings did not result from staff decisions in HQ but arose from the cries of needs form the people and overtures from the presbyteries. Also, these offerings are guided by people like us in this room – who work on advisory committees who do site visits.

Item 10-06
Speaker 1: (HR Teaching elder) This item is the first time in 54 years of ministry that members of her church asked her to check this out at GA. There is concern among those in her church because their involvement may not be associated with their giving.

Speaker 2: (Ruling elder) No program is perfect but if you travel in ecumenical circles OGHS and the Peacemaking Offering are very well respected. Now, if we want to support both OGHS and Peacemaking are we going to give twice as much for the OGHS and then turn around for the Communion offering. It seems like smoke and mirrors that we will make these changes and suddenly have more money

Speaker 3: (Teaching elder) Support 10-6 – the Peacemaking Offering is very important and now is not the time to be making changes. This will gut the program. Peacemaking is a program that attracts many young adults to our church.

Speaker 4: (Presbyterian Peace Fellowship) I do not envy this committee. You have a hard decision. Yes we need to have changes – new ways to raise money. But we should not tamper with these offerings that are working and people want to give to programs that they know. There can be a both/and – people will give to other causes as well. Don’t change loved and respected programs.

That concludes the open hearings. Ten minute break.
Nobody signed up to speak to 10-01 and no one directly referenced 10-19. Most of the last group addressed both 10-05 and 10-06.

Moving to unfinished business from earlier in the day – item 10-16
Approved with comment.

No longer exciting live blogging so I will sign off now

220th General Assembly of the PC(USA) — Election of the Moderator

I begin with a word of thanks to the four candidates for Moderator of the General Assembly – Robert Austell, Randy Branson, Susan Krummel and Neal Presa. Last night’s election session was thoughtful, entertaining, enlightening and thought provoking. In the end only one Moderator can be selected but this field of candidates has given us lots to think about for the time ahead.

  With that said I also offer congratulations and prayers for TE Neal Presa who was elected Moderator of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on the fourth ballot, although he led the other candidates by a significant margin throughout the voting.

And in case it was ever in doubt, it should be noted that the YAADs once again successfully predicted the outcome on their first ballot giving Mr. Presa over 50% of the vote.

Now, if you want a recap of the session you should check out my live blog/stream of consciousness/data dump from last night.  My intent today is to go back and highlight and discuss a few points from last night.

First, you have to give the commissioners credit and the elephant in the room was asked right away – What about the tension in our polity between the prohibition on same-gender marriages and the need to be pastoral in jurisdictions where same-gender marriage is recognized by the civil authorities. (My wording of the question.) Randy Branson talked about trusting each other and building trust among colleagues in ministry. Neal Presa talked about it not being an “issue” but being about persons. It also gave him an opening to proactively discuss the fact that his Vice-Moderator selection had preformed a same-sex marriage (see my previous post for more on that) and how we have to listen to each other and disagree in unity. Susan Krummel shifted the focus and asked if this was about answering that question or how we go about making decisions. And Robert Austell talked about how it was not just people but about friends and parishioners. He went on to talk about how even though he supports marriage as between one man and one woman, the recent constitutional amendment in his home state of North Carolina went too far in banning civil unions and how as a pastor he had to oppose it.

A lot of good questions including “What is the Gospel?”, fostering relationships at GA and what about all our small churches.  The question about dealing with conflict got most of the candidates a nickname in the group around me, and from looking at Twitter similar monikers elsewhere in the hall as well. Randy talked about golf so he was the golf guy. Neal talked about herding cats – literally – so he was the cat guy. And Susan talked about the spice cabinet in the church kitchen (the place that is a hot-bed of church controversy if there ever was one) so she was… yes, wait for it… Spice girl. (Tweets indicate that elsewhere in the hall it was being called spicegate ) Sorry Robert, nothing stuck for you.

And in case you missed it, golf was a recurring theme for Randy Branson (maybe to his detriment because it was not an answer and metaphor that was appealing to several demographics around me and on Twitter). But I will give him credit for a great turn-around on us as he was talking about fostering a relationship with another pastor with different views and in the end where we were expecting him to say that it was all due to golf he pulled the surprise and said basketball instead. Well played!

Another interesting question asked each candidate to define “missional” and to give an example of how they had done something missional. (Or as a great tweet from the Presbyterian Outlook put it “TEC asks what is missional? show your work.”)  Great examples ranging from Susan Krummel’s presbytery’s challenge grants of $100 per church to Robert Austell’s church fostering a relationship by helping at a local school so when they needed a space for a Christmas program not only were they able to use the school but their involvement in that community drew in attendees and participants who might never go near the church building.

One of the interesting points, and a current topic, is about churches leaving the PC(USA). While this was not a specific question the speakers mentioned it in various other responses throughout the evening. None of the candidates expressed sentiments about aggressively keeping congregations or the property in the denomination. For the most part they emphasized the need for relationship and discussion even long before a church may talk about leaving – but if the church ultimately wanted to leave they should be graciously dismissed. But Susan Krummal may have made the most interesting comment when she talked about the PC(USA) being a church with particular beliefs and understandings at a particular place and time and if a church no longer feels they fit it is best for both to part ways.

Only one question was a bit off-topic. A commissioner talked about how a pro-Israel group was offering free orientation trips to Israel to commissioners related to the divestment business that is coming to this GA. While it gave the candidates a chance to talk about transparency, integrity and avoiding politics, they also said that related to policy violations as an enforcement matter it would be best referred to the office of the Stated Clerk.

A total of eight questions were asked  which were enough to give a good feel for the candidates. I do feel sorry for the two or three commissioners and delegates standing at each microphone when time was called.

The results of the YAAD vote and the first vote made it clear that at some point Neal Presa would probably be elected Moderator. He was preferred by every group except the Ecumenical Advisory Delegates who generally preferred Randy Branson all evening. The YAADs and the Mission Advisory Delegates overwhelming preferred Mr. Presa right from the start.

Even among commissioners Mr. Presa always held a double-digit lead that grew by about 4-5% with each round of voting.  (If you had known that in advance you could have extrapolated out and known it would take four ballots.)  Here is how the voting went (And yes, the reported percentages on the first vote don’t add up to 100% – I don’t know if it is a calculation error, rounding error or reporting error):

  Vote 1  Vote 2 Vote 3  Vote 4
 Robert Austell  26%  27%  25%  22%
 Randy Branson  9%  4%  2%  2%
 Susan Krummel  25%  27%  26%  24%
 Neal Presa  38%  42%  47%  52%

Interesting voting pattern. Frequently there are two candidates who have a lead on the first ballot and then there is a migration from the other candidates to those two leaders. In this case the single strong candidate first drew away supporters from the trailing candidate (with small changes in the numbers for the two middle candidates) and then the two middle candidates lost incremental support on the last vote, but it was enough to put TE Presa into the majority.

Does this indicate anything for the voting patterns in the rest of the Assembly? I don’t think so. Seldom do I see strong indicators for the rest of the Assembly in the Moderator vote and with these candidates only distinguishing between themselves in minor to moderate ways the potential for drawing theological conclusions is limited.

So we wish Neal Presa well and offer our prayers for his two-year term as Moderator. Best wishes.

UPDATE: While proofing this I had the Sunday afternoon live stream on and the election of the Vice-Moderator. This is usually a formality but concerns were raised about her officiating at the same-gender marriage. There was a motion to suspend the rules to allow for discussion of this candidate but needing a super-majority of 2/3 is failed only getting 55% yes votes. On the election itself 60% supported Ms McCabe, 37% voted no and 3% abstained. If you are looking for an indicator of theological leanings you might find one in those numbers.