32nd General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church

As if there was not enough GA action for one week another GA kicks off tomorrow. The 32nd General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church will be meeting at First Presbyterian Church of Baton Rouge, Louisiana through Saturday morning. The first day is devoted to the Assembly Workshop and the business of Worship. The regular business sessions begin on Thursday.

If you want to say up-to-date with this meeting here are some resources:

The church does have their official Twitter account (@EPchurch) and the Stated Clerk, Jeff Jeremiah, is on Twitter (@Jeff_Jeremiah) but he has not previously tweeted. The announced hashtag is #epc32.

At the present time the hashtag is pretty quiet but for more on the meeting you might want to keep an eye on TE David Fischler with his blog The Reformed Pastor and on Twitter at @dfischler. (UPDATE: And per his comment below also blogging at Stand Firm.) I will update with others as I spot them or if you want to point them out to me.

There are several interesting items of business to watch out for. You can find the official preview from EPNews and let me highlight a couple of those.

First, there is a proposed revision of the Book of Government section of the Book of Order. No action this year as this is effectively a first reading with the request that the Assembly distribute it to the wider church for comment.

There are a number of interesting item of business regarding presbyteries. One of these is the completion of the authorized term for the National Transitional Presbytery and the New Wineskins Transitional Presbytery. These groups will report to the Assembly and then be dissolved at the end of the meeting with their member churches either joining geographic presbyteries or finding another direction. There is also a Presbytery Boundaries Review Interim Committee to study those issues. They will present both a recommendation that the Committee on Administration study forming a Great Plains Presbytery as well as a revised “Position Statement on Presbytery Development,” which can be found in the Appendix to their report.

Finally, there are eleven overtures to this Assembly from presbyteries and one of the more interesting ones is 12-C from Central South Presbytery that would provide some confidentiality for clergy salaries. There is some interest in this overture as indicated by one concurring overture (12-E) and two communications with a church and a presbytery expressing their support for the overture. This overture would change the reporting process for ministers’ salaries so that the full terms of call only need to appear publicly in the presbytery records the first time and all further records need only list the change in the terms of call.

I look forward to hearing more about these issues and the other before the Assembly and contribute my own prayers for the leading of the Holy Spirit in their deliberations and fellowship.

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