We have reached Wednesday morning and the 219th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) takes a short break to catch its breath and get some reading done. The last two-ish days have been committee work and the next three-ish the full Assembly will act on the recommendations of each committee. Looking at what the nineteen committees have done over the last couple of days there are not too many recommendations that I find surprising, although a number are disappointing to some in the church. I’ll return to comment on the ones coming up today in a moment, but I’ll just highlight a few and probably the best place to get a better compilation is over at the GAhelp site. And of course, full results are on PC-Biz.
I did want to highlight some of the twists and turns committees took and not being there in person here are a few of the tweets I found most interesting and informative from those who were in the committee rooms.
cvpotweet Very proud of the YAADs and TSAD on #cmte09 who were the main force behind the creative solution for the 09-20 YAV overture! #ga219
gspcrobert #cmte04 guy just quoted yoda in debate – love it #nerdfest on so many levels #ga219
brc_live Wowza. Motion to reconsider 04-06, MGB Commission. Oh good golly. #cmte4 #ga219
brc_live This #cmte4 is struggling around parliamentary procedures; not sure it is a helpful tension. #ga219
brc_live The word-smithing during committee meetings may be frustrating for those of us that “know better” but it builds ownership. #ga219 #cmte4
gspcrobert ACC guy in #cmte05 trying to quote the BOO – “I’m more familiar with the nFOG than the current one… how embarssing is that!” #ga219
lauraviau Seeing the desire to do rightby people in #cmte6 but also the frustration of not seeing how to do that #ga219
pasta_amy Wondering why there are folks who believe that our book of confessions is all about sex – seems like it #ga219 #cmte6
rugger_lav@HeySonnie What? Presby’s making amendments that are too long for 140 characters! Unheardof! #cmte12 #ga219
HeySonnie CONFUSION REIGNS! Moderator andparliamentarian consulting. #cmte12 #ga219
gspcrobert #cmte12 – commish trying to move neither report, and only approve covenant – how does that work with 2 other motions on floor? #ga219
Thanks to all these folks and the many in the Twitterverse helping me, and others, feel connected with the process.
So what happens now. In a little bit (probably before I actually finish this post) the plenary will begin. Robert has the docket posted on GAhelp so we know that after all the updates (Bills and Overtures and Financial Implications — we will now see those every plenary session) we will have Committee 15: Church Growth, Christian Education and PILP. There is then an order of the day for the report of Committee 16: Theological Issues and Institutions at 4:30 pm.
In the evening session we can look forward to Committee 7: Form of Government Revision and Committee 17: Review of Permanent GA Committees.
Committee 15: Church Growth, Christian Education and PILP has one high-profile item and that is the Report of the Youth Task Force. The committee unanimously recommends the Assembly approve this report. Other business includes the transfer of churches between presbyteries, approval of union churches, and a commissioner resolution to help plant churches in Triana, Albania. The committee recommends that the latter be referred to the GAMC. If you want an indication of the routine nature of this committee’s work, with all due respect to the Youth Task Force report, according to the official tracking twitter this was the first committee to finish, completing all of their work Monday leaving Tuesday for a field trip.
Committee 16: Theological Issues and Institutions warrants our first order of the day (i.e. Drop whatever you are doing to now do this) because they will bring the recommendations regarding changes to the Book of Confessions. Regarding the Heidelberg Catechism the committee is recommending approval of the Special Committee’s recommendations, including the renewal of the Special Committee to participate in a complete new translation of the Catechism, as opposed to new translations of specific questions as approved by the 218th GA. Also part of the committee report is the recommendation that the church continue in the process of adopting the Belhar Confession, that is, send the Confession out to the presbyteries for their concurrence. On this the committee vote was 43-11-1 and in response to an overture that requested only commending the Belhar the vote was the same to recommend answering that overture with the approval of the Confession. There are also a couple of other Book of Order changes from the committee, one to add “prayer” to three questions in the ordination/installation service recommending approval, and two others recommending disapproval.
Committee 7 will be recommending the approval of the revised Form of Government with amendments. This is coming out of committee on a 37-5-0 vote and I would think additional wordsmithing will happen this evening.
Committee 17 is pretty routine stuff and all that they have is the recommendation to approve the minutes of three GA permanent committees that they reviewed.
So there is the line up for today. Get your live streaming ready to follow along. Much of this will probably be coming to the presbyteries so you will likely see this again — now is your chance for the “first reading.”